Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 113 Give me a rua1 with your tail, and I can be resurrected.

Gassani looked at the old powered armor with strange eyes, running rampant in the courtyard of the sanatorium as if there was no one around.

A group of guards were driven around.

Why does he feel that the operator in this armor is not very strong?

At least not as strong as the description of yesterday's incident.

What about the other Guard personnel?

Why haven't you come yet?

Gassani looked into the distance.

Oh, they were all like him, hiding in the corner and watching from a distance.

From beginning to end, there were only a few honest people who rushed forward.

After all, these legionnaires who come to the sanatorium are not only elites, but most of them are also shrewd. No one wants to be cannon fodder. Before entering the third level, human beings are not steel after all, and cannot fight head-on with armor.

Gassani finally couldn't stand anymore.

Of course I can watch it as a leader, but you subordinates are just watching the show?

What's your position, what's my position?

Gassani raised his palm. As the ice blue inscription appeared, the wind and snow gathered in his hand. An ice crystal spear solidified out of the air, and then he threw it violently.

Get him!

In an instant, following the action of the guard captain, the rest of the guards finally started to move.

Luo Xi felt an icy feeling coming from his side. He swung his knife and slashed sideways. The knife with high-heat black-red flames and the ice crystal spear collided together. In an instant, a large amount of water mist and a roaring sound appeared. Crash.

Brother Luo, I feel like I can't run anymore! How long do I have to hold off? These people seem to be coming together. I really can't hold on.

Chu Tian was too tired to move. He gasped for air and shouted loudly to Luo Xi.

The agility gifted by his talent greatly enhanced his ability to dodge, but his physical strength did not improve much and he was unable to exercise at high intensity for too long.

Luo Xi took a brief look at the huge main body of the sanatorium.

I don’t know if Weier has found anyone yet.

The guards here seem to be experts. They don't seem to be planning to attack one by one now. If they come together, with his current ability, they may not be captured in a minute.

Starfire, activate the hearth load.

The elf sat on Luo Xi's shoulder, his face full of joy:

‘Then please master, please pour all your power into Starfire! Starfire has been looking forward to it! Hot, scalding master’s power! ’

Luo Xi's eyes twitched: Xinghuo, where did you learn this language template? Why does it get weirder the more I hear it?

'Um? What do the master's words mean? What Xinghuo said was Xinghuo's own will, right? It was the master who brought Xinghuo out of ignorance. Everything Xinghuo has now is a gift from the master. Woo, the master's power is so hot and delicious~'

[By the way, the best app for reading and listening to books is the source-changing app, huanyuanapp. Install the latest version. 】

Luo Xi: ...

What this armored elf says always makes people take the topic off topic.

If others knew about it, they would definitely think that he was a pervert who wouldn't even let go of his own 'airborne AI'.

[Note: Isn’t this a perverted lolita traveler? 】

Dog text should not interrupt at critical moments!

After the source element in the body was lost, the text was refreshed.

[Yuansu furnace heart—load start (duration 3 minutes)]

【Ding! Traveler, your Origin Power Armor has received a temporary bonus of +300% to all power. This bonus lasts for 3 minutes. After the bonus ends, the Origin Heart will temporarily enter a sleeping state, and the power armor will appear to have a certain effect. damaged]

As Yuan Su rotated and entered his body, Luo Xi suddenly felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and his whole body became trembling.


The armored arm cracked.

A small piece of black shell finally fell off under the burning black and red flames that penetrated.

Is this damage to the armor?

Several burly guards rushed up and held their large shields against his sword and fists, trying to block his position.

The next moment, they were all knocked away by the armor, wrapped in flames, and wailing and rolling in the snow.

Gassani's hole suddenly shrank, and he immediately saw the problem with the armor: Get everyone away from it! Just attack it from a distance. It has put the power furnace into overload, and it is now in a violent state. No matter how many people there are, It can’t be suppressed, and it will naturally wither as time passes!”

The intense heat began to evaporate the surrounding snow and ice, and large tracts of fog soon filled the entire courtyard.

All the soldiers did not dare to get close to the power armor that was fighting for their lives.

Brother Luo, are you in the second stage? Chu Tian shouted in shock: Why the hell do I think the games we play are a little different? Where did you get this guy...


Before Chu Tian could finish his words, an ice crystal spear accurately pierced Chu Tian's chest and pinned him to the ground. Then various ice spells and spears exploded towards the armored body, but They were all blocked by the black and red flames.

Luo Xi: ...

For some reason, even though he knew that Chu Tian could choose to be resurrected at any time even if he died, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

These soldiers are indeed more powerful than yesterday. They know the shortcomings of his power armor. It has no means of long-range attack. Even if the furnace is fully loaded, it can only burst at instantaneous speed and cannot pursue the enemy for a long time.

The flexibility of the armor is even worse.

But enough is enough.

What Luo Xi wants to do is not to kill the enemy, but to delay.

Cat, hurry up.

If I don't hurry up, the three-minute 'transformation' time will pass, and then I guess there's nothing I can do.

Gassani looked at the power armor trapped in the encirclement with great satisfaction.

Although he didn't know why the operator of this armor wanted to attack the Holy Sound Sanatorium, as long as he captured it, he would get a huge credit.

Soon, three minutes passed.

When the arrogance on the armor disappeared, Gassani waved his hand, and all the guards rushed forward impatiently.


The hatch suddenly opened.

In full view of everyone, a man wrapped in clothes jumped out of the cabin, stretched out his hand, and with a flash of white light, the armor disappeared out of thin air and fell to the ground.

This phenomenon made everyone stunned.

Gassani was shocked at first, then ecstatic.

It turns out that this is how the armor disappeared in this city.

If this extremely special alienation ability could be captured alive and presented to the Lord of the City, how much military merit would it be worth?

Capture him alive! I will personally reward the brother who is caught with 100 gold coins!

Capture me alive? That's impossible.

Luo Xi took a deep breath.

[Should the talent upgrade effect be used for talent: ‘Alien’? 】


Anyway, there is the existence of Hui Shuo, so there is no harm in giving it a try.

He wanted to see how this purple talent would be strengthened after upgrading.

【Ding! Talent effects are being upgraded...]

【update successed】

[Traveler, your talent: Alien species (purple\\/epic) has been enhanced]

【Ding! The alienation factor in your body has been purified to a certain extent, and the source of the factor has been analyzed, Red Dragon Attribute - Level 5 - Black Abyss Flame Dragon]

【Ding! Your strength +10, constitution +10, spirit +4, intelligence +4, your spell resistance +10%]

【Ding! Traveler, your alienation factor concentration has increased! 】


[You have obtained the skill: Molten]

[Description: Allows your body to produce flames with temperatures up to 1200 degrees (consumes source elements)]

Luo Xi looked at the words in front of him, and a ray of red appeared in his originally black eyes.

It seems to be working well?

However, my head seems to be itchy and numb. Isn’t it true that the horns on my head have grown longer again?

Speaking of which, is the talent of alien species really a completely negative talent?

Sublimation and alienation are two different extraordinary paths in this world. Since there is an extraordinary path of alienation, there must be a reason for its existence.

While Luo Xi was dazed, someone had already rushed up and tried to lock him up.

He swung his steel sword and slashed at the attacker.

Then, when the other party retreated, Luo Xi ran out of the nursing home.

This talent effect only adds some basic attributes and a skill, but does not have the ability to kill every second. If he faces so many people, if he doesn't want to die, he will have no choice but to take advantage of it.

But the entrance to the sanatorium was blocked by a group of soldiers.

Then force your way out!

Wei'er may still be inside now. No matter what he does, he is delaying the other party's time. At least it can attract many people to chase him.

Suddenly, Luo Xi felt a strong sense of danger.

【Ding! Talent: The sixth sense has been triggered]

A picture appeared out of thin air in his mind.

The moment he saw him going out, there was an old man with a gloomy face holding a blue crystal staff to him.

Can't open the door?

Luo Xi decisively stopped and ran towards the wall next to him.

Someone tried to hug him from behind, but was burned by the flames rising from his body, and immediately let go.

Luo Xi looked at the burned clothes on his body speechlessly.

This molten fire ability can also burn your own clothes?!

After finally reaching the wall, Luo Xigang was about to break out when a strong sense of crisis appeared again.

But this time he had no choice.

The guards behind and those elite soldiers with strong momentum have already caught up.

Luo Xi smashed the iron railing directly and landed on the snow on the outer wall of the nursing home.

Soul shattered.

Your Excellency, not allowed!

After an old voice and a hurried cry, Luo Xi suddenly felt a heavy pain on his back.

He reluctantly turned around and saw that it was still the old man holding the staff.

【Ding! You have been hit by a third-level spiritual spell - Life Shattering. Due to the resistance of your physique and spell characteristics, you will die in one minute]

Luo Xi: ...

It's outrageous, after delaying it for so long, an old cunt suddenly appeared and gave him a powerful blow.

But third level...are third level magicians so strong?

Wei'er also said that only source beasts of level three or above are the real disasters.

Suddenly, a wall of earth stretched out from the ground, separating the pursuers.

Idiot! You can just delay it, I'm not asking you to work hard!

A petite figure squatted down, picked up Luo Xi, and used many scrolls in a few seconds to hide the appearance of the two people, and fled quickly towards the distance. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Luo Xi felt the softness in the girl's arms and said in surprise: Maomao, have you found someone?

Wei'er immediately said: Well, let's not talk about it for now, how is your health?

Luo Xi looked at the sky sadly.

I'm probably going to die.

Weier paused and said: Liar, you are still fine now... Hey, what happened to you? Don't die!

The girl felt that the life breath of the young man in her arms was rapidly dissipating.

Luo Xi himself also felt that the life in this body was being withdrawn.

He tried hard to open his eyes and heard the sound of shattering in his body, as if ceramics were shattering there. It was a manifestation of the third-level spell destroying his vitality.

Pervert, you don't want to die...

Wei'er shouted almost pleadingly, Luo Xi, can you still hear me? Didn't you say you would be resurrected? Then resurrect quickly!

I'm not really dead yet, stupid cat, how do you want me to be resurrected?

Let me touch your tail a few times, and I...should be able to revive...

A warm, fluffy cat tail appeared on Luo Xi's hand.

Luo Xi: ...

He squeezed it gently and rubbed it a lot.

【Ding! Your happiness value +30]

[Note: Traveler, you are indeed a liar! 】

In the girl's extremely sad eyes, the life breath of the young man in her arms quickly disappeared completely, and then the body turned into countless fragments, which dissipated with a gust of cold wind.

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