Tennis: Start with unlimited physical strength

Chapter 101 The Tennis Association’S Decision

Sweat dripped into Atobe's eyes.

He snorted and stood up with one hand on his knees.

He had a look of pride on his face, but no regret or loss after failure.

Although I don't know if his heart is what he looks like on the surface.

"Tezuka, the future is long, there is no need to be so sure now."

With that said, after shaking hands with Tezuka briefly, he left the court.

If he failed, it was a failure. He could accept it calmly. To put it bluntly, it was because his skills were inferior to others.

"Uncle, I can afford to lose."

"Let's go back."

He and his teammates packed up and left the scene.

I came with the confidence to reach the semi-finals, but now I left with my entire army wiped out. This year's achievements have come to an end. I left with some reluctance.

While Fudomine was cheered by everyone, Tezuka also received the highest cheers.

"Fudomine! Fudomine!"

"Now we are not talking about a dark horse, this is simply a reform team in the tennis world!"

"Their skills are constantly evolving and improving. Every time I watch a game, I get burned!"

"Yeah, yeah, a gorgeous game... But then again, if it weren't for Fudomine, Hyotei wouldn't be so bad, right?"

"Of course, can it be easy to reach the top eight in the country? However, there is a strength gap between the strong and the strong. I can only say that they are unlucky to be in the same group as Fudomine."

Kamri didn't pay much attention to these discussions. When everyone was excitedly celebrating their promotion to the top four, he originally watched Atobe leave, but out of the corner of his eye he saw the man with black curly hair.

I saw that he glanced at me, then turned and left.

"I remembered."

God slapped his forehead.

He just said why he looked so familiar, and now he finally figured out who this man was.

"Kurobe Yukio!"

"The strategic coach of the U17 training camp!"

When he thought about it, his face was filled with shock.

"What is he doing here? There are still two years left before the plot. Could it be the butterfly effect and now U17 is recruiting people?"


He shook his head in denial again.

"God, what are you talking to yourself about?"

Fuji and Tezuka managed to get out of the crowd.

Kamisato shook his head: "Nothing, by the way, let's go see Rikkai's big competition?"

"Rikkai, the older one, finished the fight early, and Tezuka and Atobe were in a stalemate for so long, you see.

Fuji pointed in another direction.

Kamiri looked over and saw Sanada, whose arms seemed to be a little stiff, and the backs of Yanagi Renji leaving.

"Have they come to watch our games?"

"Well, yes, they have also entered the semi-finals, but this Sanada, as you said, he has no way to participate in the national competition now."

God said nothing.

Sanada looks like he is extremely aggrieved.

But this is no longer within his scope of concern.

"Let's go to the next semi-final and see who our opponent is."


They went to have barbecue together again.

But surprisingly, Akutsu said he would not go.

"Then what are you going to do?" Saeki asked.

What he only knew about Akutsu was when they trained together.

In his private time outside of training, he really doesn't know much about his teammates, and Akutsu doesn't give people a chance to know him.

Akujin snorted: "It's none of your business."

"But, eat some before you go, the barbecue is already done."

Saeki picked up a piece of undercooked barbecue.

Kamisato said to Akutsu: "Do you still want to go to the martial arts gym?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Akujin's eyes, but he chose not to answer.

"Don't go, the old man in the martial arts school said he doesn't want you anymore, you are too disobedient.

"how do you know?"

"Of course I've been there. Sit down and eat. Since you want to fight with someone so much, why not eat enough and have a fight with me after the game tomorrow."


When it comes to fighting Kamisato, Akutsu becomes interested.

"Well, really, let me practice my moves with you."

"Hmph, I'll practice my moves with you too!"

Shenli smiled and said nothing.

He knew that Akutsu City wanted to make money by accompanying the district martial arts school to fight.

His family only relies on his mother to support the family.

On the surface, Akutsu is a fierce and troubled boy, but he also wants to share a little bit of responsibility for his mother.

However, the people in the martial arts school really don't want him.

His appearance always brings a certain amount of losses to the martial arts gym, and if the gain outweighs the loss, it is natural not to let him go.

It would be better to stay and have a hearty meal.

And when they were celebrating happily.

Atobe and his teammates started their devil training at school.

Rikkai is still the same as always, no matter what the game is over, they will continue to train unshakably.

As long as they Fudomine eat and drink in broad daylight.

After Mamoru Inoue watched today's game, he originally wanted to interview the players. He went to Rikkai, Hyotei, Kansai and Osaka, and Shitenhouji.

But when he went to Fudomine, he found that Zheng was not present at all.

"Classmate, where are your president and the others?"

"Uncle reporter, it's already o'clock. Our regular team members have gone home early."

Inoue Mamoru: "

The corners of his mouth twitched...

Go home and sleep?

Can you sleep well at this age?

It's not dark now

Tomorrow is the semifinals.

Now reporters are scrambling to report on it and increase the popularity, and he also wants to let the Chinese people know that the tennis world is constantly undergoing optimistic changes through the professional expertise of each school.

As a result, the one who is most popular now still seems to be the laziest.

Everyone works so hard, they...but the results are there.

"It can only be said that they have a reasonable and very scientific plan. How much ability does this god have?"

Inoue Mamoru is now full of curiosity about Kamisato. In the previous interview, he found that he asked a lot, but it seemed that he did not get any important and key information. Now he still seems to know nothing about him.

"Then, I look forward to your performance, but don't get lost in your temporary success.

After Inoue Mamoru left, the other two people also returned to the U17 training camp.

"Kurobe, you seem to have gained something from this. I heard that Hyotei was defeated miserably by Fudomine. How about this Fudomine?"

Saito and Kurobe entered the gate and started chatting as they walked.

"Well, Tezuka Kunimitsu's current playing level is already on the threshold of world-class, and his skills have even reached world-class."


Saito looked at Kurobe in disbelief, "So scary? He's only in the first grade? However, Kurobe, you won't be random in your evaluation. It seems that this Tezuka Kunimitsu is really powerful. Last time I saw him, he was without..."

"Yes, the scary thing is that I don't know if it was because he didn't hit the world-class level last time in 5.6, or maybe he was hiding... No, he was clearly getting more stable today in the tug-of-war with Atobe. own domain.”

Kurobe was very excited.

This is the most frighteningly talented player he has ever seen, and he is only in his first year. He is destined to go further and further in the future of tennis.

Players with this kind of talent are simply being chased and fed by God.

Saito asked: "It seems that Atobe lost really badly, what about Kamisikawa?"

"He didn't play, how about Rikkai's side?"

"They were all pretty good, but the opponent was not very good. They finished the match quite well. Genichiro Sanada, who was injured by Kamisikawa, is still injured in his arm, and Seiichi Yukimura did not play."

The two exchanged the information they had obtained and smiled at each other:

"Our Japanese tennis world is going to rise based on their generation."

"Hmm, so, has the decision from the Tennis Association been finalized? The biennial U17 World Cup is about to be held."

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