"Give me death!"

Kaido wielded his mace with a hideous face, and directly hit Kenpachi's body

Kenpachi, who was directly hit, spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew upside down, smashing into the walls around the battlefield.

"Oh oh oh, big reversal, it turns out that Kaido was showing weakness before!"

Seeing the sudden change in the situation on the battlefield, the referee immediately shouted loudly.

"Kaido made Kenpachi underestimate him by showing weakness, and when Kenpachi attacked, he dodged the attack and quickly transformed, and at the same time bombarded the attack that had been accumulated on Kenpachi's body."

"Oh my God, I didn't expect Kaido to look rough, but he is so brave and resourceful!"

The referee praised Kaido, naturally, as employees of the Super Dimensional Exchange Company, they are well-informed, so they know very well that in the middle of the battle, adding some stratagem is not something to be spurned for.

After all, here in the Super Dimensional Communication Company, there will be no such thing as decency and villain, and the initial identity of all passengers is the same.

The Company will not treat any passenger equally, nor will it have unfair intentions towards any passenger unless the passenger first violates the rules of Super Dimensional Exchange.

However, the referee will not think much about it, and it does not mean that the passengers watching are also like this.

"What a sinister guy, I really thought he was injured and hurt before, how can this person act like this"

Somewhere in the stands, Naruto Uzumaki of the Hokage World said with an angry face.

However, Naruto Uzumaki was angry, and the others didn't think so.

"Showing weakness is a common way in battle, by showing weakness, you can make the enemy careless, so as to find an opportunity to break the enemy with one blow"

"So Naruto, you still have a long way to go."

Bo Feng Shuimen said with a smile.

The profession of ninja is synonymous with insidiousness, because when people mention ninjas, they often think of traps, sneak attacks, assassinations, etc., which of these is more upright than showing weakness in frontal combat?

On the other side, Karp, Luffy and Dorag, who were also watching from the stands, Karp saw Kaido's actions and immediately used them to teach Luffy a lesson.

"Look, you see, this is a pirate, even the strongest pirates on the sea, they are still so despicable when they fight, so Luffy, you must not become a pirate in the future!"

Hearing Karp's words, Luffy looked dissatisfied.

"Someone else is someone else, I'm me, I'm just going to be a pirate and then venture out on the sea"

Luffy's words made Karp angry, so he directly lifted Luffy's collar and beat him violently.

However, Karp's violent beating, Luffy has already adapted to it after so many years, so no matter how Karp beats him, he can't change Luffy's mind.

Unless Cap is serious.

But could Karp be serious?

Return to combat.

Kaido didn't stop, he gritted his teeth, forcibly endured the pain of his soul being slashed, and then quickly rushed to the place where Kenpachi was.

Although he showed weakness to the enemy, it was also because of the strength of Kenpachi, the speed of his explosion before, and the slash that easily broke through his own defenses proved that Kenpachi was strong.

"It's coming, it's coming, Kaido players are taking advantage of the advantage to pursue, and although Kenpachi is not defeated by Kaido's attacks before, it's impossible for him not to be affected"

"So will he survive and come back from defeat?"

Under the referee's explanation, Kaido came to the wall, waved the mace in his hand again, and walked towards Kenpachi who was spread to the ground.

"Ah Jian, stand up quickly!"

Seeing this scene, the grass deer in the audience immediately called out loudly.

It seemed that the voice of the grass deer Yachiryu reached the ears of Kenpachi of Sagigi, and Kenpachi, who had been motionless by the wall, suddenly grabbed the sword of slashing beside him and lifted it in front of him.

And at the same time, a stronger spiritual pressure gushed out, so that Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, who had been sitting firmly in the audience, couldn't help but get up.

"It's too late, let me die!"

Seeing that Kenpachi got up again, Kaido roared.


A roar sounded, and Kaido's mace finally fell, and the powerful attack shattered the ground and shook up a cloud of dust.

At the same time, the referee also received the news that the battle had been decided.

However, this news made him never expect it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the battle between Kenpachi and Kaido has come to an end."

"I now declare that the final winner of this battle is"


As the referee's words fell, the smoke in the field dissipated, revealing Kaido, who had fallen to the ground, and behind him, Kenpachi was standing, but his eyes were looking around a little blankly.

"What happened?"

Kenpachi glanced at Kaido, who had fallen to the ground, with some confusion.

He remembered that he was knocked away by Kaido with a stick before, and then his brain was not very clear, and later, he seemed to hear the voice of his own vice-captain, and then it was the scene now.

"So how did I win?"

Gengmu Jian was puzzled.

In the audience, Jingle Chunshui's voice was a little shocked and asked Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku:

"Old man, Captain Gentle's spiritual pressure just now ......"

"I'm afraid it should be, hehe, it's worth it to come this train, although Kenpachi hasn't been able to complete the initial solution in the end, but even so, his power has awakened a lot."

Hearing Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku's words, Kyoraku Harusui gasped.

He looked at Kenpachi with a blank face in the center of the field, and couldn't help but say to himself:

"Just got on the train, Captain Watchwood has been so improved, I can't imagine how powerful Captain Watchwood will become if I stay for a long time"

"I'm afraid it's not just about regaining the strength of the year, it's even more terrifying."

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