"Passengers, welcome to continue watching the unregulated battles in the battle ring"

"The two people in this battle, one is Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, who has just won nine consecutive victories, it seems that he wants to take advantage of this opportunity to win ten consecutive victories and get the prize of ten victories"

The referee's video voice was high, and under his words, the originally quiet audience suddenly erupted in cheers again.

Obviously, there are still a lot of people looking forward to Kaido's battle, because Kaido's performance of wielding a mace and defeating the enemy with a stick is really impressive.

"As for the other one, it was a passenger named Kenpachi Saragi who had just boarded the train, and after boarding the train, Kenpachi Kanpachi didn't even walk around the other carriages, and went straight to the battle ring in car No. 6, which shows the mania of Kenpachi Kanpachi in battle."

"The two battle maniacs gather in the same ring to fight, can Kaido of the Hundred Beasts protect his victory and win the prize of ten wins, or can Kenpachi start his own winning streak by defeating Kaido of the Hundred Beasts?"

"Let's wait and see!"

The voice fell, the image of the referee disappeared, and in the next second, the doors on both sides of the arena opened, and Kaido and Kenpachi walked out of the door.

"Is this my next opponent?"

Looking at Kenpachi in the distance, Kaido was vigilant.

Ever since he boarded the extradimensional train, wandered around car No. 6, and stumbled upon this battle ring, Kaido has loved it.

Although sometimes the opponents he encounters are not very powerful, as long as he is at the same level as himself, then even if he is the Four Emperors in the pirate world, it will take a lot of effort to win.

This feeling of going through a tough battle and finally winning made Kaido as obsessed with it as he was addicted.

However, infatuation is infatuation, and Kaido does not dare to underestimate the battle here.

After all, there was a fight before, and Kaido's opponent was a little girl who looked thin and weak.

But the opponent made a move, almost ending Kaido's winning streak, and fortunately, he used the ability of the Devil Fruit in time to turn into a green dragon, which dodged the opponent's attack.

Since that fight, Kaido has not dared to underestimate any passenger who dares to fight him.

On the opposite side of Kaido, after Kenpachi came to the battlefield, only the figure of Kaido of the Hundred Beasts was left in his eyes, and other things such as the audience, the winning streak or something, were completely left behind by him.

"Hahaha, I hope you can make me a little more excited"

As he spoke, Kenpachi pulled out his tattered sword and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, he has been turning on the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, and immediately noticed the movement of Kenpachi.

"Thundering gossip!"

Kaido roared, wielding a mag with an armed domineering aura attached to it in his hand, and slammed it down towards the place where Kenpachi came.


The sound of Bing Ge colliding sounded, and Kenpachi raised the slashing knife in his hand and parried Kaido's mace steadily.

"Hahaha, it's so interesting, that's it, that's it, people like you are more worthy of me to cut!"

Kenpachi pushed Kaido's mace away, and then laughed wildly while frantically attacking Kaido in front of him.


The blow was not successful, Kaido also knew the strength of the person in front of him, and when he saw that the wooden sword was coming towards him, Kaido also brandished his mace to constantly defend or attack.

The two of them just fought together.


"Judging from the expression of Kenpachi Warrior, there will be a battle maniac in our battle ring in the future!"

The referee laughed as he explained the fight.

However, the effect of his explanation was really good, and many viewers heard this, and the corners of their mouths immediately curled.

Because indeed, as the referee said, with Kenpachi's character, this battle ring may be his future permanent residence.

Above the stands, looking at Kaido, who was fighting back and forth with more wooden swords below, everyone in the Corpse Soul Realm of the Death World couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After all, they still know very well what the strength of Kenpachi is.

"It seems that we still underestimate the other passengers, too, although when I taught those passengers before, I felt that they were not very strong, but I think that the strong may not be interested in the slashing knife"

"What's more, relying on the cultivation increase of the Super Dimensional Exchange Company, even a person with a weaker talent will become very strong after a long time."

Jingle Chunshui said.

And Jingle Chunshui's words made everyone's hearts sink, things are indeed as Jingle Chunshui said, because they saw a group of passengers running to their corpse soul realm to learn the cultivation method of the slashing sword, so some of them underestimated the passengers of the superdimensional train.

While everyone in the Grim Reaper World made up their minds that they could not underestimate any passenger in the future, the battle between Kenpachi and Kaido also came to a fever pitch.

"Hahahaha, that's it, that's it, come on, come on, let me cut you"

Kenpachi said loudly while attacking frantically.

"Crazy, this guy is a madman"

Kaido, who was attacked again and again, roared in his heart, he didn't expect that he, who had always been known as a battle maniac in the pirate world, would also be suppressed one day.

"Also, this guy's knife is obviously tattered, but why can't I break it?"

Kaido was puzzled, right now, he had already used the overlord color entanglement, but Kenpachi was still able to kill him back and forth, which made Kaido puzzled.

It's as if as the strength you use increases, the opponent's strength also becomes stronger.

"What a strange guy, forget it"

Once again, Kaido uses his overlord-colored mace to collide with Kenpachi's slashing blade.

However, after the collision, Kaido immediately pulled back, and after a certain distance, his body began to change, and cyan scales slowly appeared.

Seeing Kaido's actions, the referee's voice was even louder.

"It's coming, Kaido's transformation that he only used once in the previous battle!"

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