As Kyojuro in Purgatory finished revealing his original solution, the other passengers began to sword again.

They also want to know what kind of abilities they really are like Kyojuro in Purgatory.

The captains, who had been watching, shook their heads at the passengers' efforts.

"Hmph, is it really a person who can grasp it casually? even if there is a genius in this group, but that's all."

The captain of the Twelfth Team, Nirvana, snorted coldly and said.

In his opinion, among the group of people in front of him, being able to produce a purgatory Xingjulang is already very powerful, and if others want to master the first solution, they will have to practice for at least a long time.

Even most of these people may not even be able to grasp the beginning of the solution in their lifetime, otherwise, the combat power of their Corpse Soul Realm Guardian Court Thirteenth Team is not the scale it is now.

"I think it's something to look forward to, after all, the other party has reached a deal with the people of Team Zero, if it is just for them to know how to master the first solution, there is no need to spend such a big price"

The captain of the fourth team, Uno Hanari, said.

Hearing this, the other captains nodded in agreement.

Seeing that no one had the same idea as himself, Nirvana's mood suddenly became a little unhappy.

He wanted to say something, but before he could say it, he was attracted by a sudden burst of fluctuations not far away.

I saw in the distance, the shallow fight in Bo Fengshuimen's hand quickly transformed into a dagger-sized knife.

Opening his eyes and looking at the slashing knife in his hand, Bo Fengshuimen was a little stunned, according to his thoughts, his slashing knife ability should be a space class, but in fact, his ability was not even thought of by himself.

"But this ability is actually quite good, at least it gives me more choices when fighting."

When the others saw that someone had successfully completed the initial solution, they immediately focused their attention again, wanting to immerse themselves in the state of sword meditation.

However, the heavens did not fulfill people's wishes, and before these people's eyes were closed, another wave attracted them.

And this time, it was Bruce Wayne who mastered the solution.

Subsequently, more and more passengers gradually mastered the beginning of their own slashing knife, and this speed of mastery made the people in the Death World who had been watching a little unacceptable.

"How is that possible!"

Nirvana's eyes widened in disbelief.

I just said that I am not optimistic about everyone mastering the first solution, and in the next second, one after another guests who have successfully mastered the first solution appeared, and this feeling of being slapped in the face made him angry in his heart.

But while he was annoyed, he was more shocked.

"How on earth did they get the hang of it?

Nirvana's doubts are also the doubts of other captains, including the chief captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku.

And if the passengers in the venue knew their doubts, they would definitely tell them about the cultivation acceleration benefits on the superdimensional train with a smile on their faces.

As the hours passed, more and more passengers had mastered the solution, and those who were ahead of the curve had already begun to explore the solution.

However, it is obviously much more difficult than the initial solution, and so until the end, no one has succeeded in mastering the swastika.

It was only at this time that the Grim Reapers, who were in the Corpse Soul Realm, breathed a sigh of relief, and they were really worried about the appearance of someone who directly controlled the Swastika, because in that case, it would seem that they were a bit of a waste.

"Okay, you must also know how to practice the slashing sword, those who haven't cultivated the swastika please don't worry, the swastika is not as simple as the beginning of the solution, but as long as you persevere, there will always be a day when you will master the swastika solution"

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni said to everyone.

After completing the teaching to the guests, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni was about to send everyone out of the corpse and soul realm, when the flight attendant came to his side.

"Hello, Mr. Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, thank you for teaching us passengers on the Super Dimension Train, and as a token of appreciation, here is a ticket for the Super Dimension Train, please accept it."

As he spoke, the attendant took out a ticket from his pocket and handed it to Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni.

The actions of the attendant made all the passengers look at Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku with envy, one ticket, representing the five places on the super dimensional train, this thank you gift is too rich.

As a party, looking at the ticket handed over by the flight attendant, a gleam flashed in Yamamoto Motoyanagi's eyes.

What is the super-dimensional train, when Team Zero came down before, he had already told him briefly.

In fact, at the beginning, the staff of the Super Dimensional Exchange Company found the Zero Team, and according to the company's plan, it was best to let the Zero Team create the sword god Ni Ya Wang Yue, who created the slashing sword, and the main department of the Hu monk soldier who could know the real name of all the slashing swords, Ichibei, to guide the passengers.

However, this request was rejected by a soldier of the main department.

According to him, to guide this kind of thing, it is enough to let the thirteenth team of the court below complete it, and the Spirit King Palace will not receive guests at will.

Because of this, it was Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni who ultimately guided the work.

But who would have thought that after the guidance, there would be such a thank-you gift, which made Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, who was originally forcibly arranged to live such a life, suddenly feel comfortable in his heart.

"Thank you very much, then"

Accepting the ticket for the super dimensional train, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni thanked him with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome, this is meant to thank you, by the way, the train can stay for up to two hours, please discuss who will board the train during this period, if the time is exceeded, the train will not stop"

Before leaving, the flight attendant opened his mouth to remind Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku.

Sending everyone away from the train, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku immediately called all the captains present for a meeting.

He needs to choose the right person as soon as possible.

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