[Kama Taj, the secret realm of the Supreme Mage Ancient One, who is responsible for protecting the Blue Star from being invaded by the Dimensional Demon God, is also the cultivation place of the mages, and its location is located in Kathmandu, but if you want to really find Kama Taj, you need the consent of the Supreme Mage Ancient One. 】

[At the same time, in the three metropolises of New York, Xiangjiang, and London, there are temples belonging to Kama Taj, and these temples together form a line of defense to protect the blue star. 】


A text was sprinkled with a text, and the basic situation of Kama Taj, a magical force on the blue star, was explained.

After reading this, Tony Stark understood.

If these superheroes are to protect the Blue Star from physical damage, then Kama Taj is responsible for protecting the Blue Star from magical damage.

"So, on the Blue Star, it's more complicated than I thought."

What dimensional demon god, supreme mage, these things Tony Stark felt big when he saw them, not to mention, one of the three major temples of Kama Taj was actually in New York, where he lived, but he had never found it.

"When I go back, I must visit Kama Taj in this so-called Kathmandu, no matter what, I have to learn two-handed magic, and using this to pick up girls is simply like a nuclear weapon"

After Tony Stark read Kama Taj's introduction, the first thing that came to his mind was to learn magic to use it to pick up girls, and he didn't know what those mages of Kama Taj would think of him if they knew his thoughts.

After reading Kama Taj's message, Tony Stark clicked on another list of forces again.


This organization has been looking for himself since he became Iron Man, although the boiled egg head said that he was the guardian of Blue Star, but he still wanted to know the actual situation.

[S.H.I.E.L.D., the full name of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, an organization co-founded by Howard Stark, Peggy Kat, and military representatives after the war]

[Take the safety of Blue Star as its own responsibility, collect intelligence, deal with alien incidents, deal with supercriminals, and be responsible for contacting and managing superheroes]


Looking at the information of S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark was a little surprised, because he accidentally found several names that he was familiar with in the information center of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Especially his father, Howard Stark.

Of course, his father was one of the members of the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he had known about it for a long time, but even if he knew, he still felt incredulous about it.

"I always feel that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s style doesn't match him very well"

After a scolding sentence, Tony Stark continued to flip down.

[After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. contained a group of scientists, but no one knew that it was this group of scientists that made the internal affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D. more complicated]

At this point in the content description, Tony Stark pulls down again, but the content is no longer displayed, only a line of words appears:

"The following information is secret, you need to pay Dimension Coins to watch"


Seeing this line of words, Tony Stark scolded secretly.

This kind of practice of letting people see the key places, but suddenly not showing them, makes Tony Stark hate.

If it were on the Blue Star, such a thing would be nothing to him Tony Stark, but this is a superdimensional train, and he doesn't even know what a dimensional coin is now.

"I'm going to get to this point"

Tony Stark shook his head and smiled, then closed the S.H.I.E.L.D. information page.

Of course, although he didn't see this secret information, he remembered it in his heart, and when he had the dimensional coin, he must read it all.

After that, Tony Stark looked at the information of many forces, such as Asgard, to which Thor, the god of thunder, who appeared on the blue star before.

Or the Time Mutation Authority, which maintains the sacred timeline.

Knowing what he wanted to know, Tony Stark wouldn't forget to check out some of the conditions in the parallel world.

And those parallel worlds are the ones that really opened Tony Stark's eyes.

For example, in some parallel universes, there is a special group of people called mutants, who used to be no different from ordinary people, but in the process of growing up, they will awaken their own superpowers.

Among the mutant races, there are three people that Tony Stark cares about the most.

Professor X, who has the psychic ability to control the minds of everyone in the world, and Magneto, who has the ability to manipulate magnetism, is even enough to change the magnetic field of the Blue Star.

and a piano with the power of a phoenix.

The shock that the abilities of these three people brought to Tony Stark was no less than he knew that there was a magical force like Kama Taj on the Blue Star.

Because in the face of these three people, Tony Stark will now have no ability to resist at all.

Needless to say, Professor X's psychic abilities are such abilities that Tony Stark can't think of how to defend against them.

And Magneto, good fellow, is his own absolute nemesis.

"It seems that in the future, I will have to study the equipment to prevent psychic abilities from penetrating into my brain, and also, the materials used to make mecha can't just be placed on metal, otherwise if you meet someone like Magneto, it will be scrapped directly."

Tony Stark thought to himself.

As for Jean, who finally has the power of the phoenix, although Tony Stark doesn't know what the power of the phoenix is, because if he wants to understand, he needs to pay dimensional coins.

But even Magneto's and Professor X's abilities don't need to pay for dimensional coins to check them, so this piano's ability is definitely extraordinary.

After that, Tony Stark rummaged through a whole bunch of parallel worlds.

Some parallel worlds, like now, have become Iron Man, fighting criminals and maintaining peace.

In some parallel worlds, when they were captured by that group of terrorists, they died directly.

In other parallel worlds, he turned out to be the villain who wanted to destroy the world.

Of course, this is not the most outrageous, the most outrageous thing is that there is a parallel world where she turned out to be a woman and married to the captain.

Seeing this parallel world, Tony Stark almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

"Good guy, even the plot of transgender marrying the captain has appeared, do you dare to be a little more outrageous?"

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