After confirming that he was going to board the train, Tony Stark dialed the phone and told Pepper that he was going to be out for half a month, and asked her to preside over Stark Industries' work for the next half month.

After that, regardless of Pepper's dissatisfaction on the other side, Tony Stark hung up the phone directly.

After arranging things, Tony Stark boarded the train and, led by the attendant, moved into box 1100.

However, he didn't stay in the box for long, because he was too curious about the extradimensional train.

"It is unimaginable to compress a vast space into a small compartment, or even to continue to place the compressed space in the compressed space."

Tony Stark's face flushed with excitement.

Although Tony Stark is a businessman, he is also a scientist, and it is strange for a scientist to calm down when he sees such advanced technology.

"Jarvis, how long do you think it will take for my intelligence to advance the technology of our world to a level comparable to that of the extradimensional train?"

"Sir, I don't want to discourage your confidence, but this kind of technique may not be able to be mastered in our lifetime."

“...... Well, I do have some whimsical"

Tony Stark laughed to himself.

Coming to the No. 4 car, looking at the magnificence of the starry sky above the car, Tony Stark was intoxicated.

"I can't achieve the situation inside the train, but I can at least make a spaceship that can travel in the universe like the extradimensional train."

"Congratulations sir, you have put yourself in the right position"

Jarvis's words made Tony Stark laugh.

Then, the super-dimensional train opened the shuttle channel, and the original starry sky quickly disappeared, and soon, the super-dimensional train came to the void space outside the universe.

One after another universe like soap bubbles, quietly staying in the void space, this shocking sight made Tony Stark's breathing a little short.

"This is the scenery outside the universe?"

Although the concept of the universe has always been well known, there has been speculation in the scientific community about how big the universe is and what the outside of the universe looks like, but no one has been able to come up with a correct answer.

And now, Tony Stark has personally obtained the answer to this question with his own eyes.

"I'm probably the first to know anything beyond the universe."

Tony Stark muttered to himself with some excitement.

Soon, though, Jarvis's voice shattered his illusion.

"Sir, you shouldn't be the first, after all, the previous Time Mutation Administration, since they knew about the existence of the multiverse, then maybe they also knew what it was like outside the universe"

Hearing this, the expression on Tony Stark's face froze.

Yes, the Time Mutation Authority can make their universe not connected to other parallel universes, so it is possible for them to know what the outside of the universe is like.

"By the way, I'm looking at other universes, I haven't seen what our own universe is like."

With that in mind, Tony Stark looked behind the extradimensional train.

In an instant, cold sweat spread all over Tony Stark's body.

"Hell, this is my world?"

I saw the back of the train, I don't know how many universes like soap bubbles were piled up, some were only a little touched, but some were directly merged in half, and there were even three merged together and four merged together.

Such a chaotic universe filled Tony Stark's sight, and the dense number was like a bunch of grapes, and his scalp was numb when he saw it.

"The universe I'm in is actually like this?"

At this moment, Tony Stark even agreed with the Time Mutation Authority's approach in his heart, he didn't dare to imagine what would happen if his universe and these chaotic parallel universes figured it out.

And at the same time, Tony Stark's heart gave birth to a sense of urgency for no reason.

"Although my own actions will not cause my universe to communicate with other parallel universes, what if someone else in my universe does this?"

With this in mind, Tony Stark was not even in the mood to continue walking around the train.

"Jarvis, what do you think I can do to improve Bluestar's self-protection?"

"Sir, because we don't even know what will happen in the parallel universe and what kind of enemies there are, so how to protect ourselves, I can't judge at all."

Hearing Jarvis's words, Tony Stark nodded a little disappointed.

"yes, I don't even have a reference object, I don't even know what I need to guard against."

To take the simplest example, if Tony Stark focuses his energy on improving the technical level of his mechs, if the enemy is the army, how much can he do alone?

And if he focuses on making mecha in large quantities, and when the time comes, there is a person whose own ability is outrageous, or someone who has all the mecha he made will be scrapped, then his efforts will be in vain.

As for the efforts in both aspects, even if Tony Stark has this energy, his financial resources are also a problem, because the mecha with a high level of technology also means that the cost is high.

Tony Stark is indeed rich, but Stark Industries is not his own.

Thinking of this, Tony Stark found a bench to sit on in a little frustration.

Just as Tony Stark was sitting on the bench at a loss, suddenly, a man sat next to him.

"Would you like a can of coffee? I don't think your expression is very good."

Bruce Wayne handed over a can of coffee, but his eyes were fixed on the Marvel multiverse outside the carriage.

"Thank you"

Tony Stark took the coffee and thanked him.

"Seeing that your universe is like this, does it bring up a sense of powerlessness in your heart?"

Looking at Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne asked.

"How do you know?"

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Bruce Wayne seriously, I don't know why, the stranger in front of him made Tony Stark have a very familiar feeling.

"Hehe, of course I know"

Bruce Wayne laughed.

"After all, when I first got on the extradimensional train and left my own universe, the scene I saw was no better than here."

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