While Tony Stark was doubting himself, the extradimensional train had slowly descended to the ground.

Then, a light curtain opened, and the flight attendant came out of the light curtain with a smile on his face.

"Welcome, guests from this world"

Looking at Tony Stark, the flight attendant greeted as usual.

"What are you?"

Tony Stark raised his arm, and the palm cannon condensed out, and it had a tendency to fire at any time.

"You should have read the letter with the ticket, what it says, but it's true, as long as you board the train, we will lead you out of this world and travel to other worlds."

The flight attendant took the trouble to explain.

"Do you know what the world is?"

Tony Stark pouted.

"Of course I know, it's ......"

Just as the flight attendant was about to answer Tony Stark's question, suddenly, another light curtain opened from the two of them.

As the light curtain opened, several armed men, armed with sticks, walked out of it.

"Another standard time series violation"

As he spoke, the male captain led by several people took out a device similar to a mobile phone, which displayed Tony Stark's message.

"The time offender has been determined"

With that, the man looked at Tony Stark.

"On behalf of the Time Mutation Authority, I arrest you for violating the sacred timeline"

"Now, raise your hands and follow us, unless you want to suffer something"

Hearing the words of the male captain, Tony Stark pointed to himself.

"You're talking about me?"

"That's right, so raise your hands!"

By this point, Tony Stark's brain was already a bit of a mess.

First a train that can walk in the sky, and then what time mutation authority is it, and it says that it is a criminal?

Good guy, is this still the world he knows?

"So Jarvis, isn't it still a dream this time?"

Tony Stark joked bitterly at Jarvis.

And the answer has not changed.

"Yes sir, what is happening in front of your eyes, it is reality"

"Well, although it is a reality, I don't want to be taken away as a criminal, especially since it is an organization that I don't know anything about"

With that, Tony Stark lifted the control mecha and was about to capture the people of the Time Authority by hand-to-hand combat.

And the reason for hand-to-hand combat is because he doesn't want to injure these people by mistake, after all, Tony Stark still wants to get some information from these people's mouths.

However, Tony Stark underestimated the other party.

When he came to the side of the men, the male captain shook his head and held the stick in his hand, which was a stick against Tony Stark's body.

For such an attack, Tony Stark can naturally intercept it easily.

He raised his arm and blocked the attack.

"This kind of attack won't work for me"

Tony Stark wanted to say this, but he found that his body had become different.

"You're at 1/16 now, but your actual feelings haven't changed"

In fact, without the male captain's explanation, Tony Stark has already understood his situation, everything in front of him is the same as before, but his body moves slowly like a snail.

"That stick can change my time?"

Tony Stark was horrified.

After subduing Tony Stark, the male captain will remove Tony Stark's helmet and put a "collar" around his neck.

At that moment, the flight attendant's voice rang out.

"Well, although I haven't spoken, isn't it a little bad that you ignore me so much?"

Hearing the flight attendant's words, everyone's attention was focused on him.

"So, you're the culprit responsible for this Tony Stark's violation of the sacred timeline?...... By the way, what kind of creature are you? What planet are you from?"

The male captain asked with some curiosity.

As an employee of the Time Mutation Administration, he has dealt with an unknown number of time criminals, and has seen many strange creatures, but this is the first time he has seen a flight attendant.

"It doesn't matter what I am, the important thing is that this Tony Stark is a prospective guest of our extradimensional communication company, and you have to take him with you until I'm sure he's not going to board the extradimensional train."

The flight attendant said.

"No way, the time offender is going to be brought back to the Time Authority for trial"

Anyway, their goal is Tony Stark, take him away, and then erase this mutated timeline, and everything will be back to the way it was.

"That's why I said it, if you want to take him away, you have to wait until he decides not to board the extradimensional train."

The flight attendant said, and as he spoke, he took out a pocket watch from his pocket, pressed the button on the pocket watch, and suddenly, the world stopped.

After doing this, the flight attendant came to Tony Stark's side and tapped his body with his pocket watch, and in an instant, Tony Stark was out of the state where time was stopped.


Finally returning to his original form, Tony Stark exclaimed, and then looked around.

"What's it this time again?"

Tony Stark's brain is almost a mess, and in just a few minutes, so much has happened that Tony Stark's brain is a little insufficient.

"Don't worry, guest, if you're going to board our extradimensional train, then you don't have to worry about them chasing you."

Hearing the flight attendant's words, Tony Stark did not relax.

"Worried about their pursuit? Until then, I want to know more about who they are and why they are chasing me, can you tell me these things?"

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