And so began the conquest.

Candle Dragon did not hesitate.

The long river of dragon civilization manifests one by one.

All the reflections are all the dragon powerhouses throughout the ages.

Countless dragons collude.

"You see, it seems to be a dragon, a dragon that has been dormant on the ground and has not ascended to heaven, there are so many. Xiao Huo was taken aback.

The familiar figures, one by one, emerged.

"In fact, it's not just the dragon, the cloud dragon and the rain dragon have also come out. "

"Brother Xiao, look, that's the Cloud Dragon and the Rain Dragon. "

Yunlong and Yulong called it, and there was a poem: "Yunlong can afford to get along, and wind power will come for a while." "Yi Qian": Yun Conglong. Hence the name. The poem "Memories of the Rooftop Sending Dao Flow": The wind of the cloud dragon out of the water is sounding, and the sea crane is singing and the sun is clear. "

"Cloud Dragon, Rain Dragon, the legendary dragon of clouds and rain. "

"However, this is not a cloud dragon and a rain dragon, but an innumerable cloud and rain dragon, the responsibility of the ten thousand worlds to travel clouds and rain. "

The more I looked, the more surprised I became.

After 25 came, they also saw.

The mythical black dragon, the black dragon.

In the myth, Nuwa chained five-colored stones to make up for the sky, broken enough to set up four poles, kill the black dragon to help Jizhou, and accumulate ashes to stop lewd water. "

and fire dragons.

In Lanxing's "Qing History Manuscript", it contains: "There is a dragon flying into the folk building in Fushan, and the smoke will rise in a moment, and the building will be burned", "On May 27, 26 years, the red dragon of Jiazhou was seen in the siege of Zhangti and Liangchuan.

On the seventh day of the first month of June, the Gaoping fire dragon was seen in Shimo Village", "In June of the fifty-sixth year, the red dragon of Juzhou was seen in Longwangyu, first big and then small, several zhang long, and the grass and trees passed were like burning".

Follow-up: The Dragon, the Green Dragon, and even the Ancestral Dragon have all appeared.

I won't talk about it.

Qinglong This is a spirit animal in ancient myths and legends, and it belongs to one of the four elephants.

The four elephants are the four holy beasts of the green dragon, the white tiger, the vermilion bird, and the Xuanwu.

It is a divine beast that represents Taihao and the Seven Houses of the East, and now it has also appeared.

"It seems that I only know these dragons, and I don't recognize the others. "

"I also know Ying Long, Huang Long and the like, as well as some Western dragons. "

The dragon abyss is connected, reflecting many dragons throughout the ages.

on the arena.

The candle dragon stared at the long river of dragon civilization that he was sitting on, and he was still very satisfied.

He turned his head to look at the people in the arena: "It seems that there are also many masters of the dragon clan. "

"In that case, why not make this one a little more intense?"

"To fight, to fight, to seize the position of the first race of the heavens, it should be the gathering of all the dragon powerhouses of ancient and modern times, and the struggle between one race and another. "

"Moreover, I see that their hands are itchy too, and they can't bury them anymore. "

"What do you think, Daoist Fuxi?"


Candle Dragon's words made everyone in the arena cute.

What exactly do the words of the candle dragon mean?


At this moment, not only the strong man of the human race, but also the strong man of the dragon clan on one side also stood up.

They thought of a possibility.

If that's the case, they deserve to fight for the dragons.

Add a rich force to the brilliant civilization of the dragon clan.

Gu Tianzun rubbed his hands itchyly: "Good, very good, very good!"

"Looks like there's another chance. "

"Coincidentally, I'm also a Terran!"

"Candle Dragon!" Gu Tianzun silently extended a thumbs up to Candle Dragon.

Such a dragon, a dragon!

Dr. Chen scoffed: "It's not the same for everyone." "

"What do you say about the one who opened the store?"

The giants of the Heavenly Stream stared at Shopkeeper Zhou one by one. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How else can I say it, I'm sure I'm going to fuck him..."

"I wasn't good at the last fight. "

The heavenly giants who sat cross-legged one by one also stood up, looking very excited.

It seems that this time, it is finally their business.

The Heavenly Giants present, except for Dr. Chen, the Cosmic Calamity, and Gu Tianzun, the father of the Heavens, who have played the shopkeeper of My Part-time Week, the rest of them have not yet appeared.

Now.. The mana is boundless and the old immortal, the main god Dao Zhao Zhigao, the Emperor of Anping Li Anping, the brain hole explosion President Lan, the main god Li without desire and no desire, and Zhou Taiyi and other heavenly giants.

Already.... Can't help it.

They can imagine if it were as they had just predicted.

It's a big scuffle like never before.

The purpose is to compete for the first race of the heavens. []

If someone questions it, then beat it until they are convinced.

From the beginning to the present, Gu Shensha, who has been sitting, is indescribably excited.

"I, Gu Shensha, finally stood up!"

The vast earth, the future change, in the chaos, the dragon and the snake rise together, who is the real dragon, who is the python?

Or can all beings in heaven and earth become dragons?

The imperial court, the Jianghu sect, the immortal road outside the world, the thousand-year-old family, the barbarians, the demon gods, the demon clan, the ancient witches, and thousands of forces, are entangled with each other, and they will meet by fate.

Everything that is born and dies is all sentient beings.

Either there is a thought, or there is no thought, or there is no thought, or there is no thought. All sentient beings.

The void also collapsed, and the Heavenly Dao also sank, and they were all beings.

Who is he?

The nineteenth prince of the Dayong Dynasty, the head of the cabinet without dragons, the first in ancient and modern times to cultivate the Heavenly Dao Law, and cultivate it as the Heavenly Dao.

He is the greatest catastrophe for the Emperor of Heaven to control the future and pacify the world.

suffered humiliation when he was young, and he could only pretend to be crazy and stupid in order to protect himself.

Later, he had to sacrifice to the heavens, learned the ancient mastery of the "Son of Heaven Sealing Divine Technique", and began to rise.

Inheriting the 820 thoughts of the Great Emperor of Tianfu, it is bound to change the world, everyone becomes holy, and everyone becomes a dragon.

He has comprehended the way of the Heavenly Emperor, the way of people's hearts and destinies, and the path of merit and sin, and has cultivated to more than the tenth level of immortality.

His holy path is the way to mend the heavens, the way to reform the heavens, and now he has a great mind that is willing to bear all the karma of sins for all sentient beings.

Take control of the eternal realm and be revered by the people.

He once defeated the will of the endless world in the umbrella of the heavenly realm, devoured the desolate dragon gate, and comprehended the dragonless heart method.

With the self-evolution of the Dragonless Mind Method, all spiritual beings who practice the Dragonless Mind Method can become completely self, create something out of nothing, exist independently, have unlimited energy, cut off all fate, transcend all cause and effect, eliminate fate, have no qi, have no birth and no destruction, and have no eons of life.

In this way, he became the creator of everything, and even the cultivation realm of sentient beings was defined by him.

His strength can no longer be measured by realm, no matter what realm it is, he will never be his opponent.

He was waiting for the day when something would defeat him, and that would be when he would be freed, maybe the next billion years, maybe never.

Everyone stared at Gu Shensha, and they still remembered this one vividly.

It's just that I haven't played all the time, so I don't know how the combat power is?

If it's really as the candle dragon said, maybe they can see the power of this one right away!

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