on the arena.

Candle Dragon and Fuxi have a tacit understanding.

Quietly watching the long river of humanity, colliding with the long river of the dragon clan, intertwining, and killing.

For mythology, the embodiment of power is not important.

There are many ways to tell if you win or lose.

Fu Xi glanced at the endless river of the candle dragon and quipped: "Daoyou has developed well over the years, there are so many dragon civilizations." "

And the candle dragon responded indifferently: "The five elders of the five directions, many heavenly emperors, and even the three emperors of heaven, earth and man, the male lords of the major eternal emperor dynasties, and some humane powerhouses, faintly occupy the general trend of the first clan of the heavens and ten thousand worlds. "

"But I don't think dragons are worse than any race, try?"

Fu Xi smiled slightly~: "Try it." "


The endless long river stirs up thousands of heavy waves.

On all sides of the world, there is a sacred place.

Long Yuan!

The small islands floating in the sky are spread across many vast voids, connecting the seas of the heavens and all the worlds.

It can be clearly seen that in fact, on every floating island, you can see the real dragon haunting.

Here, the rich aura of the dragon clan is undoubtedly revealed.

The One Realm has evolved into a civilization unique to the Dragons.

Everyone who stared at Long Yuan would feel a pressure of non-action.

This pressure comes from heaven and earth, from Long Yuan, and even from the vast and epic atmosphere of civilization.

The unique historical vicissitudes of life are heavy, all revealing the spirit of the dragon family.

"Bang! bang!"

Seeing this scene, Fu Xi applauded.

"What a candle dragon, I didn't expect that you actually hooked up with the dragon world of the heavens and all worlds and inherited the ancient dragon spirit. "

"That's the clearest way to do it. "

"When civilization evolves from the race to a point, it can go through many ways, and it can connect the luck of the entire dragon race, and turn into the spiritual river of the dragon race, the long river of civilization..."

"The role of the long river of civilization is very great, enough to shake the eternal fate of that time. "

"In the realm of one realm, there is a transit station in each one, and one of the most mysterious places of the dragon clan, Long Yuan. "

"Connecting the Ten Thousand Worlds Dragon Abyss, since then the civilization of the Dragon Clan is immortal, and it is also the supreme and unchangeable. "

"If this civilization breaks out..."


Hearing Fu Xi's words, the people in the arena froze one by one.

A long river of civilization?

Spiritual longevity?

What kind of philosophy is this!?

There is also the Dragon Abyss of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

"Fellow Daoist, is there a dragon clan in your world, is there a dragon abyss?"


"It's a coincidence or not, I also have it in my world!"

"I have it too!"

At this moment, everyone smiled bitterly.

No wonder the dragon clan is so powerful and immortal over the years, it turns out that there is a reason.

The desolate world.

The six saints all looked at their teacher, Hongjun Daoren.

It seems that they also have dragon abyss in the desolate world, and the dragon clan is the strongest race in ancient things.

The Qilin clan and the Phoenix clan must unite in order to be able to compete with them.

"Senior brother, what Fuxi's predecessors said is not enough to prove that with the brilliant civilization of the dragon clan and the blessing of luck, no one dares to compete with it. "

"Therefore, strong people like the teacher and Rahu do not dare to compete with them when the three congenital clans are at their peak, and they can only come out to compete when the congenital three clans are defeated. "

"Also, think about it, why did the dragon clan fall, but not be wiped out?"


I have to say that what Tongtian said is still very reasonable.

Now, in combination with mythology, everything has a provenance.

Because the civilization of the dragon clan is here.

However, not every world is a dragon world.

But there are more or less legends of the dragon family, traces of dragons.

In the arena, the giants of the heavens also had insight into the changes in the heavens.

How do dragons compare to the human race?

The ancestral veins of heaven and earth aura turned into dragon veins, which were sought by the world.

The Son of Heaven in the world all say that the Nine Dragons are supreme, with dragon qi to protect the body, and the dragon qi to protect the body.

Even in some powerful worlds, the emperors of the major immortal dynasties, what are they cultivating?

It is the fortune of the country, and it is connected with the fortune of the country, which is also the fortune of the dragon.

The dragon is a creature that has passed through a supreme symbol from all walks of life.

The traversers couldn't sit still.

Led by Xiao Huo, he talked about it: "It seems that this is really the case, in Lanxing we are called the descendants of the dragon, and there is a divine dragon in the east!"

Emperor Ye Tian nodded: "Even among the powerful in the West, there is also a saying of the Western Dragon. "

Next, Xiao Chen also interjected: "In all kinds of novels, the descriptions of the dragon clan are too powerful. Dragons are inherently sacred!"

I have to say that compared with humans, dragons seem to be full of nobility and mystery, revealing their power everywhere. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Journey to the West.

On the way to learn the scriptures.

Sun Wukong scratched his head: "The emotional dragon clan is so powerful?

At this moment, Zhu Bajie suddenly came to his senses: "Who said it wasn't? Now you know that the gods and Buddhas in the sky are all acting with you!"

"If it weren't for your special identity, they would have eaten monkey brains and gnawed monkey bones a long time ago. "[]

Seeing Bajie teasing him like this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but get angry: "You idiot, don't fight for a few days, go to the house to uncover the tiles." "

Graveyard of the Gods.

Chen Nan looked at the baby dragon beside him, and then at the purple gold divine dragon.

"It seems that about the existence of dragons, my realm has been around since ancient times, and it is very powerful. "

Thinking back to the beginning, what did he see when he crawled out of the Gods and Demons Cemetery?

The Tomb of the Eastern Martial God War.

Back then, the legendary figure who crisscrossed the three realms and six realms, and fought Wuji?

The most genuine thought is, is it ...... Is God also going to die?

Tomb of Caesar, the Western god of war, Caesar?

Could it be the Lord God of the West who was wearing golden armor and holding a golden holy sword?

There are also the tomb of the peony fairy of the Eastern immortal cultivator, the tomb of Nasi, the goddess of wisdom in the West, the tomb of Li Changfeng, the martial immortal Li Changfeng in the East, the tomb of the arrogant sky of the Eastern demon cultivator, and the tomb of Lucifer, the great demon king of the West......

It seems that the gods of the past are dead and buried here?

At that time, he was a little curious, how did the gods of the Eastern Immortal Continent and the Western Magical Continent be buried together?

Now there is a hint of surprise.

Why are there countless gods and demons in the gods and demons cemetery, but there are few masters of the Dulong clan?

You know, in an extremely distant time, it was a time that belonged to a dragon.

Hearing the explanation of the great god Fuxi in this way, a spiritual light flashed in his mind.

"Is it .....?"

on the arena.

Fu Xi glanced at the candle dragon, and then said, "It seems that in the Heavenly World, the Infinite Universe, you have already imprinted countless legends of the dragon culture. "

"In this way, we will guide the heavens to be diverse, infinite fortunes, and walk out of your dragon epic civilization and achieve glory. "

As for the words of the candle dragon, it is to take a look at the long river of humanity evolved by Fu Xi: "For the dragon clan, how can the human race in humanity not be?"

"Now that the heavens and worlds, most of the worlds are circulating the legends of the human race, how can the glory of the epic civilization about the human race be ignored?"

Mythical Fuxi.

Mythical candle dragon.

The two confronted each other.

"Back then, Emperor Wa made up for all the ways with humanity, and since then, humanity has won the favor of heaven and has become the first race in the heavens, why don't you try to see if this is true?"


At this moment, countless protagonists from the human race in the arena stood up.

The heavens and all the worlds, the humane world, the humane powerhouses gushed out.

Candle Dragon's words were obvious, he wanted to compete for the first race position in the heavens.

If the dragon wins, the humanitarian fortune will plummet, and the dragon will take the position.

This is a provocation.

But as a human race, how can you be afraid?

"Terran, Xiao Huo. "

"Terran, Emperor Ye Tian. "

"Terran, desolate!"


One by one, a strong man of humanity stood up.

The heart of the First World War is overflowing.

Fu Xi took a deep look at the candle dragon, turned his head to look at the many human races in the arena, and even looked at the heavens through the universe: "You... Are you afraid?"

A laugh came from all the heavens: "As a human race, how can you be afraid?"

When Fu Xi saw this scene, his expression seemed to be a little touched.

He squeezed his brows with one hand, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "If you want to fight, then come six!"

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