
That's right.

This immortal chapter completely shocked Jiang Chen.

The Heavenly Immortals in the Innate Five Tai Cultivation Method are different from any other Heavenly Immortals.

What is a celestial immortal?

The word heaven represents everything, and it is supreme.

Omnipotent, formulates everything.

What is Heaven?

Concept also!

Celestial immortals are conceptual immortals.

If you want to become a heavenly immortal, you must be contaminated with the concept.

The immortals, the specific manifestations are: mastering the concept, formulating the concept, and giving the concept.

Becoming a celestial immortal can be like the way of heaven, and you can gain insight into the trajectory of a person's life.

Be clear about all his possibilities, all the concepts he may have.

Master, formulate, empower...

When you control the concept, you control everything.

If you want to sanctify one, then just sanctify, and if you want the world to be destroyed, it will be destroyed.

This is the so-called concept fairy.

Jiang Chen: "???"

At this moment, Jiang Chen was a little excited in his heart.

It is worthy of being the strongest exercise matched by the system, and it is really strong enough.

However, then, when he really understood this so-called concept immortal.

And it shook again.

"What? to control all the concepts of the heavens and so on?


That's right.

Concept Immortal.

Bound to take charge of the concept. 25

However, the concept in the Innate Five Tai Cultivation Method.

It is not the concept of one world, nor is it the concept of all worlds.

It is the concept of encompassing all the worlds and containing all the heavens.

For example, the concept of time is to control the heavens, to control all worlds, to control the concept of time between the non-existence of all beings.

If you control the concept of space, you can control cause and effect as well.

It's all in control, not the single.

"What a Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

Jiang Chen looked at it, how to break through the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

It turns out that the so-called broken mirror has such a few steps.

The first step is to accommodate enough Dharma, Reason, and Dao.

This is also why during the Yuan Infant Period, we must constantly absorb the Tao and Law of all the spirits in the world, just to prepare for becoming an immortal!

If you don't have enough Dharma, Reason, and Dao, how can you become an immortal?

According to the needs of the Heavenly Immortals, the weakest Heavenly Immortals need to control at least the Three Thousand Laws.

Jiang Chen looked at the evolving infinite multiverse in his body, thinking that the more it was enough.

In so many worlds, Tao and reason collide all the time.

The Tao derived from it is more than three thousand!

As for the next step, it is to combine these Taos, Principles, and Dharmas into one.

In a layman's sense, it is only possible to take this step if you have a complete grasp of at least 3,000 laws.

This step is to condense the three thousand avenues into one, so that you can get a perfect sublimation.

The more the Dao Dharma is condensed, the stronger the achievements of the immortals will be.

Jiang Chen looked at his body, and his mind moved: "Now I am an infinite multiverse Jindan and a primordial baby." "

"The principles of the Tao are endless, but now they have to be condensed and unified to achieve an upgrade. "

"It seems to be a little similar to Fang Han who became an immortal king!"

"Fang Han is also familiar with the Three Thousand Dao, and then he will take a step back. "

Did he see that he had come this far?

However, Jiang Chen couldn't think about it so much, and directly started cultivating.

I saw that Jiang Chen's body had countless universes, and after being summoned by the body, they began to continuously accept these Dao principles...

Melt them into one.


Jiang Chen's body rumbled like a big bang.

Every second is an endless avenue.


Minutes and seconds passed.

"Hoo ......"

Jiang Chen exhaled, and his eyes burst out with a fine light.

"Finally, all the Dao principles have been condensed completely. "

"The next step is to find a familiar concept and become an immortal. "

A river appeared before his eyes.

This river is the river of concepts.

It's full of all the concepts.

Look for familiar concepts.

It is a step for every immortal to complete the scriptures.

Jiang Chen touched the concept in the long river of concepts, touched the time, and touched the concept of space. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen thought about it.

In this way, he can be regarded as a heavenly immortal.

The concept of being able to control all the space, space, and space of the heavens.


Is that really all there is to it?

"Hey, why are you so hesitant to do it, as a good young man in the 21st century, you must have it all!"

Jiang Chen came up with a bold idea.

He wants to be in charge of all concepts.

Since you want to build a heel, build the strongest heel.

Since you want to become an immortal, you must become the strongest immortal.

"Come on. "

Jiang Chen continued to feel and explore in the long river of concepts.

Time passed quickly.

Jiang Chen's perception of the concept is also more and more.

But now he opened his eyes: "It's too time-consuming." "

"One sitting is tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, who can withstand this?"

Oh, yes!

The arena still needs him.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen clicked on the system mall.

[The products to choose from are: 1. The Congenital Five Tailuo Cultivation Method (Mythical Daluo Golden Immortal Method), Mortal Realm, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Xuanxian, Golden Immortal, Taiyi Venus, and Daluo Jinxian. 】

[2. Celestial projection mirror, 100 billion.] 】

[3. One side of the infinite multiverse core, 200 billion.] 】

[4. Infinite multiverse omniscient and omnipotent authority, 350 billion yuan.] 】

[5. The control of the ten Dao Disciplines of the Mythical Great Luo Heaven, four hundred billion. 】

[6. Conceptual analysis of the origin, can analyze all the concepts of the universe, 400 billion.] 】


In the sixth option, he sees the origin of conceptual analysis.

It seems that with this, if you analyze the concept, it will rise in a straight line!

"It seems to be a bit expensive..."Jiang Chen touched his nose.

Crying and laughing.

He now has 420 billion shock points left.

If the origin of the concept analysis is exchanged, it seems that there are only 20 billion shock values left.

All at once from rich to poor.

But isn't earning money just for spending?

213 "changed." "

"System, I want to exchange the origin of concept analysis!"

In the next second, Jiang Chen had one more thing in his hand.

Integrating this thing into the body and comprehending the concept is simply twice the result with half the effort.

The concept of time, the concept of space, the concept of cause and effect.....

Gradually, unconsciously, Jiang Chen had comprehended all the concepts of the River of Concepts.

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked at the heavens with Dao eyes, and it was completely different.

Even without relying on the power of the arena, he seemed to be able to see the heavens at a glance.

It seems that the universe has no secrets in his eyes.

He can be in control.

"The immortals are finally done. "

"Try, power. "

Jiang Chen looked at the Flood World, and with a slight click, the Flood World stopped.

Time is going backwards, just a second, and time is going backwards to when Pangu opened the world and fell.

Jiang Chen also clearly saw the so-called Pangu incarnating heaven and earth.

Then Jiang Chen tried cause and effect, selected 10,000 people in 10,000 worlds, and entwined their cause and effect.

In the dark, these people will always meet, even love and kill each other.

Even reincarnation, death, and the next life.

Along the way, Jiang Chen played with a lot of fun, changed the fate of the world, and turned all of them into saints.

The saints of this world are confused, just now I was a saint, and now the whole world is a saint.

Jiang Chen had a lot of fun, but he didn't know that the arena had exploded.

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