Last chance.

If there was no such opportunity, maybe Xuanyuan really wouldn't be able to come out.

Everyone was silently expecting and pleading.

I don't want to, I don't want the emperor to pass away.


Jiang Chen walked down silently and landed on the arena~.

He stared at Human Emperor Xuanyuan and said, "Now I announce that the twelfth winner of the strongest competitive PK in the Ten Thousand Worlds, Human Emperor Xuanyuan. -"

"As a winner, you are all eligible for a reward. "

"Upgrade the world, upgrade yourself, a wish. "

"Xuanyuan, your choice is..."

At this moment, Jiang Chen silently looked at Emperor Xuanyuan.

Returning to the ruins is something that can really destroy everything.

If Xuanyuan hesitates again, he may not be able to escape death!

Inside the ruins.

In the midst of all the silence and chaos, the human emperor Xuanyuan stood with his hands in his hands.

His stature was not tall, but in the eyes of everyone, it seemed to fill the majesty of the universe.


The chaos around them exploded, the storm of destruction whirred and moved, and the scattered divine powers stirred by themselves.

But Emperor Xuanyuan felt incomparably quiet!

And in that silence, there was an inexplicable peace in his heart that he had never experienced before.

"To the Tao Xuanxuan, the Suo is finally successful....."

"The road is as simple as the sun and the moon, and you can pick up its brilliance when you pitch it......."

It seemed to be an instant, and it seemed to be a long time later, and the eyes of the human emperor Xuanyuan drooped.

If there is someone who can face the eyes of Emperor Xuanyuan.

It can be found that Xuanyuan's eyes have changed.

No longer calm, but paranoid and insane, extremely good and extremely evil.....

Countless extreme rays criss-cross.


Time was passing, and finally a ray of clarity appeared in Xuanyuan's eyes.

"I chose to leave Guixu. "

Jiang Chen nodded.

Then the void pointed and tapped lightly.

In an instant, the sky fell apart.

A large hole was directly opened in the ruins.

Human Emperor Xuanyuan stepped out of it.

"Won, won, and humanity should stand on the top of the nine heavens and ten days from now on. "

"Yes, after the First Emperor and Emperor Wa, Xuanyuan finally proved his humanity to the heavens and all worlds. "

"The seniors are mighty. "

Countless cheers rang out.

All of them are drunk by the emperor.

"No, just ..... What just happened?"

"Why does Xuanyuan's predecessor seem to have changed his temperament drastically, is it... Could it be that it was just influenced by some kind of force?"

Xiao Huo: "???"

Emperor Ye Tian: "???"

Emperor of the Wasteland: "???"

Every individual has a question in his heart.

Gu Tianzun looked at Xuanyuan, then at Guiru, and said, "Yes, it's a Dao Tribulation and a Heart Tribulation!"

"It is the catastrophe of destruction that wears away the divine will in the ruins. "

At this moment, many people looked at Gu Tianzun.

What does this mean?

All of them are full of curiosity.

"Killing comes from the heart!"

"There are also such calamities in my realm, but in the ruins, in the face of immortal intent, the calamity of destruction, and the calamity of great destruction, it is better to destroy the heart and destroy the heart. "

In order to make people more understanding, Gu Tianzun began to explain the catastrophe of the projection world.

"In my realm, there is a chaotic yuan enlightenment tribulation. "

"The mixed yuan is supreme, the essence surpasses the way of heaven, the supreme is the greatest, and between the promotion of Da Luo to the mixed element, there will be a catastrophe. "

"It is a disaster for heaven and earth, and a disaster for living beings. "

"The Mixed Yuan Enlightenment Tribulation is the only calamity before all sentient beings who are sentient and ruthless achieve the Mixed Yuan. "

"The mixed element is also the Hongyuan Wuji, and the mixed yuan is Wuji. "

"The process of covering the heavens and all worlds with one's own way and running through the immeasurable universe is the infinite of the great yuan, and the completion of the coverage, the way through the ten thousand worlds, the omnipresent and omnipotent, is the mixed element nothing. "

"Standing your own way in the endless infinite multiverse is a mixed element!"

Speaking of this, Gu Tianzun suddenly stood up.

He swept through the crowd, and then said, "What is a mixed element?"

"The Mixed Element, one word can be the foundation of all worlds, and one can run through the past and the future. "

"Mortals still have the saying that virtue is not matched, let alone mixed yuan?"

"Mixed elements, never ordinary people can bear!"

"The Tribulation of Enlightenment is not the calamity of the Great Dao, but the change of the heart, the change of the self, a balance and sublimation between the heart and the Tao, and between the person and the Tao. "

"Isn't it easy to transform the way of the heavens with the way of one's own body, and it is the way common to all the heavens and all worlds?"

"Ordinary people, even one person can't convince them, let alone all worlds and all spirits?"

"Yes, only those who have survived the Enlightenment Tribulation can have the qualifications to inculcate their own path and become the source of the Dao of all worlds and all spirits!"

"On the contrary, it transforms into a way of self and becomes a duckweed in the infinite multiverse, with no hope of transcendence. "


As soon as these words came out, the protagonists in the arena were shaken.

In this way, in the time of just a few breaths, in fact, Emperor Xuanyuan has already survived a catastrophe?

No, it should be the Great Destruction Tribulation, the Destruction Tribulation, the World Destruction Tribulation, and the Heart-Destroying Tribulation..... and many other catastrophes.

It may have been a moment just now, maybe it has been a thousand years for the Human Emperor.

If Xuanyuan is shattered, I am afraid that he will be wiped out on the spot, and he will not even have the qualifications to speak.


At this moment, many people's brains are sweating.

Originally.... It turns out that Xuanyuan has experienced such a catastrophe!

Gu Tianzun nodded solemnly: "People have good and evil, and there are good and evil in the Tao?"

"For Xuanyuan, good and evil are always up to oneself, not to the way!"

Therefore, he was able to break free so quickly, which was hundreds of millions of times more terrifying than the Mixed Yuan Heart Tribulation. "

Hongjun: "???"

The Six Sages: "???"

Heart Tribulation!?

The mixed element has to save the heart.

Sure enough, although some realms may be called the same, the circumstances are different.

Tongtian looked at Gu Tianzun with some curiosity: "Heart Tribulation, Mixed Yuan Heart Tribulation, what is it?"

Gu Tianzun, who was explaining, saw a hard bone running out, and the corners of his mouth were Yang. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You want to know, it's good, it's good!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't give Tongtian a chance to refute, only to see Gu Tianzun pointing lightly.

The light is bizarre, and intricate thoughts rise from Tongtian's heart.

Good, Evil, Paranoia......

People have thousands of thoughts, thousands of paranoias, and at this moment, there are more than hundreds of billions of thoughts rising above the sea of heavens and hearts.

All this is not an external demon, not a calamity, not a human calamity, but a mental calamity!

As Gu Tianzun said, the Great Tribulation originally started from the heart.

"I'm good. "

"I'm evil. "

"I'm paranoid. "

"Why, I've already beheaded three corpses. Tongtian's heart shook at this moment.

When Lao Tzu saw this scene, his face changed completely: "Impossible, the junior brother has already become holy, and he has already beheaded the three corpses, how can there still be a heart calamity?"

A pair of curious eyes kept falling on Gu Tianzun's body.

Gu Tianzun did mutter, "The Taoist beheaded three corpses, the Buddhists had a great wish, and the Demon Dao killed and robbed." "

"In the endless infinite multiverse, there are many ways to overcome the Chaos Yuan Enlightenment Tribulation..."

Among them, the Taoist beheading of three corpses is to cut off paranoia and retain oneself. "

"The great aspiration of Buddhism is to seek a glimmer of life in the avenue. "

"The Demon Dao Killing and Tribulation is to wantonly vent and carry its own killing and robbery with countless sentient beings. "

"Yes, the Dao Tribulation is also the Heart Tribulation!"

"Any existence that is caught in the tribulation of the Enlightenment of the Mixed Elements is either extremely good or extremely evil, or extremely egoistic, or extremely mad. "

"Whether it is the Taoist beheading of three corpses, or the great aspiration of Buddhism, it cannot completely avoid this experience. "

"Cutting off three corpses does not mean that the mind is not attached. "

"On the contrary, it is the killing and robbery of the Demon Dao, putting everything into one killing word!"

"The purest. "

Gradually, it has become the most common method of preaching among the heavens and all worlds. "

Tongtian felt a calamity, and almost collapsed.

Fortunately, Gu Tianzun kept his hand.


"What a terrifying heart tribulation, in the ruins, Xuanyuan's predecessors' heart tribulation is hundreds of millions of times more terrifying, unimaginable, unimaginable...."

Lao Tzu: "???"

Yuan Shi: "???"

The Second Interpretation of the West: "???"

Their eyes grew more and more confused.

It's hard to get through the heart tribulation!?

In the next second, there were a few more crazy people in the arena.

It's stupid and crazy.

It wasn't until Gu Tianzun made a move that they came out of the heart tribulation.


At this moment, every one of their eyes was filled with fear.

It's as if there's some great danger.

"Hoo ....." is unforgettable.

"Yes, I can't imagine what Xuanyuan's predecessors encountered!" Lao Tzu said solemnly.

on the arena.

Emperor Xuanyuan returns.

The rewards have been distributed.

As for the punishment, since the Demon Emperor Taiyi has been destroyed in the ruins, no punishment will be made.

This is the end of the twelfth competitive PK, and it is finally over.

Everybody knows it.

A new showdown is about to begin.

This time.... What kind of showdown will it be this time?

"Poor Dao can't sit still. Hongjun directly singled out everything.

Signaling that he could no longer sit still.

The six saints are also ready to move.

Han Tianzun and Li Gousheng, who had been hiding behind the crowd, were even more headed.

It's a lot bolder than before.

Gu Shensha saw that the new competition was about to start, and his mind moved.

"I look forward to the heavens for a while. "

Fang Han also nodded coldly: "Looking forward to fighting with the strongest." "

The Heavenly Stream giants couldn't sit still.

Zhou Taiyi, Li Anping, Li Zhushen..... , and there are still them in line.

Some bizarre existences, such as the main god space, the goldfinger multiverse, the true creatures, the game NPS, and the BUFF controller can't sit still.

Don't come to a game?

on the arena.

Jiang Chen stared at the protagonists in the audience, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Is everyone looking forward to it?

Then come on.

"Now I announce that the three matches of the Ten Thousand Strongest Athletic Warriors will start now. "

"Everybody, big screen. "

On the big screen, countless names are beating.

Luo Fan.

Ancient House.

Ancient sunken sand.

Fang Han.

Lord of the Temple.

Goldfinger Multiverse.

One name after another is beating.


It's finally locked on a set of lists.

[Mythology, Candle Dragon!]

[Myth, Fuxi!zhang].

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