Emperor Xuanyuan sacrificed a sword.

This sword is unreasonable, and there are no rules.

It's just a sword sacrificed in the face of this unsolvable move.

This sword stunned everyone in the arena.

They.... What do they see?

In the face of this move, this blow, Xuanyuan raised his sword.

Throw everything behind.

Off the field, Yuan Shi stared at Xuanyuan out of the sword, and turned his head to look at Tongtian: "Senior brother, how about the sword of the Human Emperor Xuanyuan?"

Hearing this, Tongtian smiled heartily: "This sword leads to the sky!"

The laughter in the sky gradually infected many people.

Xiao Huo stared at the desperate figure, and imagined many pictures in his mind.

The story of the myth, although he did not personally witness it.

But those must be true.

Because someone personally proved all this with practical actions.

Chen Ping'an's eyes gradually became more and more reverent: "My generation of martial artists, as long as this breath of heart does not fall, there will be no one in front of him, and he will strike again." "

Xiao Chen looked at Xuanyuan excitedly.

He knew exactly what the being was trying to do.

In the previous duel, Qin Shi Huang lost to the Jade Emperor Da Tianzun on behalf of humanity, and Wa Huang lost to Yuan Shi Tianwang on behalf of humanity.

Now it's his turn to appear in Xuanyuan.

Who is Regulus?

One of the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Man.

He is the emperor of the human race and the representative of humanity.

These pressures, these things, are all pressed on him alone.

He does not allow himself to lose, and he must not lose.

Because he is the emperor of the people, he is Xuanyuan!

Existing, forgotten, red dust, disillusioned.

What has passed away is remembered, but it is an instant eternity, and it stays in the heart.

At this moment, Xiao Chen decided to say something.

I saw him stand up and say in a condensed voice: "Pangu opened the world, although he is still alive, can he forget it?"

"Forever in my heart!" In the arena, a Terran protagonist walked out.

"Who else remembers that the Suiren Clan lit up the way forward for the Terran land?

"We remember!" countless Terran monks, roaring rivers and mountains, asking and answering themselves, blood and tears on their faces.

"How can you forget that Shennong tasted a hundred herbs and buried his bones elsewhere?"

"Never forget!"

"Does anyone else know that Nuwa wept blood to make up for the sky, and used the essence of flesh and blood to make my human race continue. "

"We know!"

Finally, Xiao Chen looked at Xuanyuan in the arena.

"Emperor Xuanyuan is conquering for my human race, step by step against the sky, step by step, Yang my human race, can you forget it. "

At this moment, all the races in the arena stood up.

"Never forget. "

At this moment, countless Terran protagonists looked at that person, the sword, with excitement.

Here's what they were presented to.

The demon banner of the Ten Thousand Worlds that covered the sky and the sun shattered and descended in chaos.

"Boom !!"

Thousands of breaths were shattered together.

Boundless destruction vanished.

Under the demon flag, the body of the Human Emperor Xuanyuan was shocked, but he suddenly took out his sword.

Above the void, the Demon Emperor lowered his eyes and seemed to be a little surprised: "You are crazy!"

At this moment, Demon Emperor Taiyi's blow hit Xuanyuan directly.

But Xuanyuan's sword also pierced into the chest of the Demon Emperor Taiyi.

"Crazy, really crazy. "The Demon Emperor is too angry.

"I'm going to take back what I said, you're even more unreasonable than the idiots I've met before. "

However, Emperor Xuanyuan spit out two mouthfuls of blood and said with a smile: "Your move is indeed incomprehensible, and it can be regarded as a victory." "

"But I, Xuanyuan, never think I've lost. "

"This sword is the most proud of my Xuanyuan in this life!"

"Since it is a competitive PK, it is inevitable to divide the victory and defeat, and life and death are also included. "

"The First Emperor, a junior, can make up for the lack of humanity with his own body, how can I, Xuanyuan, care about this life?"

This scene, this moment, these words.

It gradually reverberates in the hearts of many people.

Oh, yes!

As the controller of the infinite multiverse, how can the Demon Emperor Taiyi still have shortcomings in making moves?

There are no defects that have already been polished.

Under this move, Xuanyuan is bound to be hit.

There is no way to retreat.

But he thought of a lose-lose solution.

It is true that those who rule the infinite will not die, but they will also be injured by the Tao and worn out by the present body.

Only with the passage of endless years can we return.

The first emperor was in the past, and now Xuanyuan wants to do the same.

"What a Xuanyuan, what a human emperor!" Hongjun Daoren sighed.

Wheel spirit, this Xuanyuan directly refreshed his three views.

"Is this still Xuanyuan who cultivates the Holy Dao? The deity looks at it, but it is undoubtedly domineering!" Yuan Shi said eloquently.

on the field.

The two beings who are in charge of the infinite are not dead.

But they were all wounded.

In this battle, they knew that there was no possibility of retreating.

The Demon Emperor Taiyi is the true ruler of the supreme desolation, and he is the supreme existence.

For the Demon Emperor of the Ten Thousand Worlds, for the True Yang of the Ten Thousand Worlds, how can he admit defeat?

And Emperor Xuanyuan is for the sake of the human race, for the sake of the human race, it is even more impossible to retreat.

There are only winners and losers in front of them.

Even if you fight for a Dao injury that can't be healed by thousands of catastrophes, even if you are immortal in this world.

"Okay, okay, if you want to find death, then come!" the Demon Emperor was too angry.

The attack intensified.

Xuanyuan is holding the sword and moving, and the horizontal attack is infinite.

With a single stir, the Ten Thousand Worlds Demon Banner destroyed the sword qi that stirred the heavens.

Immediately after that, he swept and killed Xuanyuan.

However, Xuanyuan is a completely lethal style of play.

"Xuanyuan !!"

Demon Emperor Taiyi, who was once again swept away by the sword of Emperor Xuanyuan, had a touch of scarlet on his face. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Xuanyuan, you damn it!"

"It's time for it to end. "

After that, under the hideous face of the Demon Emperor, the Ten Thousand Worlds Demon Banner was unfurled, enveloping the entire Chaos Heaven.

At this moment, the banner moved, and it actually expanded even more unscrupulously.

It covers the infinite void dimension, covering infinite time and space, all tangible and formless, and all conceptual nothingness. []

In an instant, the world changed!

The familiar Chaos Heaven, the Chaos Sea disappears.

Only a demon flag that covers the sky remains.

This demon banner wrapped the Human Emperor Xuanyuan in an instant, forcibly pulling him into a large realm.

"Enter me to recruit the demon flag, even if you are at the infinite level, the past, present and future body will be wiped out. "

"Your Word, your Law, and your Reason will never exist. "

The vigorous demonic qi collided with the ten directions of the ten worlds and spread to the infinite past.

"Inside the Demon Banner?"

Human Emperor Xuanyuan stepped into this room, and he felt that the surroundings were boundless and endless.

Every minute, every second, can pull out a distance of hundreds of trillions of light-years.

And this space is a place where there is no way.

Time and space are being turned upside down.

Concepts are confused.

The dimensions are reversed.

Unspeakably weird.

All that is revealed is the bizarre.

This scene of circulation made Emperor Xuanyuan frown slightly.

"Xuanyuan, this time you are in a catastrophe. "

At the edge of the boundless void, a face outlined by the strange scenes of endless light appeared.

It was the Demon Emperor Taiyi.

"Do you think the Demon Banner will be able to trap me?"

"If you are in charge of the sky, then everyone is in your hands. "

"If you are alone, the sky will be far away. "

"If you rule the sky alone, you will turn away. "

"What if there is no way in the Demon Banner? What if you can't use the Heavenly Fortune of the Ten Thousand Worlds? I am the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Humans!"

Emperor Xuanyuan's expression was indifferent.

The Humane Xuanyuan Sword in his hand released a dazzling light, illuminating the boundless space.

Buzz! Buzz!

The infinite level of power is exploding.

This great power will not be attenuated in the slightest just because this is a place without a path.

Every drop of power of Emperor Xuanyuan is indestructible, as heavy as the universe.

Even in the Demon Banner, there is not the slightest attenuation.

Under Xuanyuan's blow, countless upside-down and chaotic time and space, countless entangled dimensions, and countless concepts that cannot be seen directly exploded!

Sweep everything.

"In the emperor's demon flag, you still dare to be presumptuous?"

The hideous face of the Demon Emperor Taiyi resurfaced, and the words were indescribably sarcastic.

"How about putting yourself in front of a stronger self?"

With the words of the Demon Emperor Taiyi, it fluttered.

The infinite eerie nothingness on this side vibrates.

Countless concepts are turning, and the laws are outlined in textures.

A figure with a domineering expression, holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in his hand, and the figure that was indistinguishable from the Human Emperor Xuanyuan appeared.


A sword swinged.

This sword, under the blessing of the Demon Emperor Taiyi, burst out with power, even surpassing the previous Xuanyuan's sword ability.

Where the sword passes, time and space collapse, the law disappears, and everything returns to zero.

I saw this sword strike in front of my eyes.

Emperor Xuanyuan's expression was still cold.

"You Demon Emperor, that's all there is to it?"

The Emperor of Humanity shook his head, and with a flick of his five fingers, which was as slender as a heavenly sword, he once again offered a sword.




The two swords collided, like an infinite world toppling, and the two multiverses collided together!

Infinite space-time is torn.

The Endless Light Universe is completely shattered.

Countless ripples radiate in all directions.

Wherever you pass, everything must be retreated.

This random sword directly dropped the counterfeit in seconds, pointing directly at the Demon Emperor Taiyi.

"Huhu (Li Qian's) Huhu!"

A wave of destruction swept by, lifting a strand of long hair from the sideburns of Emperor Xuanyuan.

His expression was calm, without the slightest change.

It's just that his eyes are still staring at the demon emperor outside the demon flag, and he said lightly: "You don't understand the sword, and you don't understand me!"

For Emperor Xuanyuan, the embodiment of his own strength is definitely not the amount of strength.

Along the way, he dominated the world in the shattered humane world, went to conquer all races outside the territory, went to the multiverse to destroy a supreme overlord, and even commanded the heavens.

All the way, all the way to the war, all the way to the bloody, all the way against the sky.

Looking at the heavens and all the worlds, he Xuanyuan would not be afraid of anyone.

This is true even if it is another self, or even a stronger self.

Because even though this demon flag can replicate his body.

More power than he has.

But it can't be another him.

"In these heavens, in these ten thousand worlds, there can be many Xuanyuan, but there is only one real Xuanyuan from beginning to end. Emperor Xuanyuan said.

"Okay, then I want to see if your Xuanyuan tongue is powerful, or your sword is powerful. "

Suddenly, an unprecedented change took place in the Demon Banner.

Everything changed in an instant.

One thought can change the shape of the heavens!

"It's just a few flashes of the day. "

"Heaven and earth are fake, only I am the real celery!"

"It's time to wrap up ......."

Endless darkness, strange and strange places, the human emperor Xuanyuan muttered to himself.

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