
With a thud, something was pulled out.

The system automatically displays the price of the item.

[Poseidon Tang San, number of fishing: 1 time. 】

[Fishing item 1: Ye Tiandi's parking ticket (ordinary item), value 0]

Tang Haishen, "???"

What the heck?

At this moment, Tang Haishen was dumbfounded.

Fate made him stand out among the protagonists of the heavens and worlds, but it played such a big joke on him.

"Emperor Ye Tiandi's parking ticket?"

", the cost of this parking ticket. "

Tang Haishen is going crazy.

The hard-won fishing opportunity, the opportunity to show your face in the eyes of the Heavenly Masters of the Ten Thousand Worlds, but you give me this to play?


A group of people laughed out of the sound of pigs.

"Ahh Hahaha...."

"No, I'm laughing to death. "

"I thought Tang Haishen was going to put it up, so that's it?"

At this moment, many people looked at Emperor Ye Tian curiously.

Anyway, how much parking fees does Emperor Ye Tian owe!

As the main master, Emperor Ye Tian walked out unhurriedly and said seriously:

"The era of our world is 2.6 million years, according to the Taishan parking fee of 50 a day, a total of 474 parking fees have to be paid!"

"Thank you for the dedication, good man!"

The Emperor of the Wasteland nodded in agreement, "It's rare to see such a good 970 people. "

"Helping others is a happy Tang Sea God?" Bai Xiaochun couldn't help but take a few steps back, which seemed to be a bit exaggerated.

Great Love Immortal Venerable shook his head: "What else is it called the sea god, it's called the third brother." Find my third brother when you encounter something. "

"Third Brother !!"

on the arena.

Tang Haishen's mind was full of question marks.


Didn't I catch something and help pay the ticket?

Emperor Bao: "Emperor Ye Tian, you are finally back, I am not to become an immortal, but to wait for you to return in Hongchen and pay the parking fee." "

Tang Haishen: "??? you misunderstood, I'm not Emperor Ye Tian, I'm Tang Haishen!"

Security Emperor: "No matter who you are, I only accept this ticket." "

Tang Haishen: "??? aren't you bullying honest people? don't force me to use blue silver grass to entangle, my trident weighs 100,000 catties.... You... Don't come here!"

Security Emperor: "Tickets are such a thing, no matter where you go, you have to pay them!"

Tang Haishen: "!%......*"

At this moment, countless people gave Tang Haishen a thumbs up.

In terms of the whole life, I still have to be Tang Haishen!

Immediately after that, they saw another big drama.

As for who is the strongest luck king in all worlds, it is absolutely necessary to decide the winner among them.

"Second place, Demon Ancestor Rahu. "

(CFAD) fished out a "Demon Sutra" very comfortable, which is a good thing.

"Third place, forcing Wang Xu to stop. "

Pretending to be like the wind, Xu Ke, who often accompanies me, ignited the audience by catching a woman's belly pocket.

"Fourth place, Ye Futian. "

"Fifth place, Chen Ping'an. "

"Until the hundredth place, Qing'er. "

They can also see the fishing just now.

In the end, it's a collection of luck.

There are still quite a few people who have fished out some good things.

If Xiao Huo fished out a cloud of Chaos Divine Fire, the name of Emperor Yan might be even louder from now on.

Gu Tianzun lived up to the heaven-level existence, and single-handedly fished out a heavenly dao of the world.

Now, now it's time to look at the last one.


Qing'er is obviously the first on the lucky list.

But silently waited until the end.

And it seems, she doesn't seem to care.

It's very cold.

There was no one, and Qing'er walked out directly.

Seeing Qing'er walk out, the backer king Ye Xuan couldn't help but stand up.

"Come on, sister!"

"Let them see what real luck is. "

"Life and death are downbeat, and if you don't accept it, you will do it. The gods and Buddhas of the heavens, but in a sword!" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

"Sister, you bring them one, the gods of the heavens and all worlds, but it's just a hook. "

Qing'er, who was called, nodded affirmatively.

Seeing such a confident Ye Xuan, some people couldn't help but be a little curious.

Qing'er, who is Qing'er?

"Brother, who the hell is your sister?"

"My sister, she has a bad temper, and she has always only used a sword to do anything, or to encounter anything. "

"Where is your house? Pointing in one direction, I only have one sword. "

Some of the audience frowned.

What's going on?


At this time, everyone saw that the woman in the green shirt made a move.

Holding her breath and concentrating, Qing'er's momentum became very different.

Swing the hook like a sword.

Hold the pole and go forward.

At this moment, many people were silent, because they saw Qing'er's indomitable progress.

That's an absolute confidence.

Whatever you want.

Today, they actually saw this scene in such a woman.


This can't help but make people curious.

Everyone is curious about what good things can this woman Qing'er fall out?


With a sound of breaking the air, the same exuded the atmosphere of Hongmeng, and the oldest and oldest things surfaced.

When he saw such a thing, Jiang Chen on the stage said in a condensed voice: "It's actually the Hongmeng Gold List!"

When this thing completely unfolded its true face, countless people were shocked.

Hongmeng, Lin Lei, and Qin Yu couldn't help but stand up.

As the controller of Hongmeng, it is necessary to fill in the name on the Hongmeng gold list in order to become the real controller of Hongmeng.

So they naturally know what this Hongmeng Gold List is.

The Hongmeng Gold List records the names of all the people who created the universe, and the universe inherited the surname of the original founder, and the name was changed to "Meng".

As long as he is on the Hongmeng Gold List, he is the controller of Hongmeng.

Once you become the master of HarmonyOS, you can use the energy of any universe and calculate the fate of all life!

The HarmonyOS space is unlimited, but the first line of the HarmonyOS Gold List is limited to a maximum of four, so the HarmonyOS controllers are also divided into levels. The first is the first-level Hongmeng master, there are only four, and then the fifth is born, and the size of the universe created will be one percent of the universe created by the four first-level controllers, and they are all controlled by the four first-level controllers.

And the list in front of you is also the Hongmeng Gold List???

Could it be that there are two Hongmeng gold lists?

", what did I see? It's the gold list, the Hongmeng gold list!"

"What the hell is this gold list, it looks very ancient and mysterious!"

"You see the value on the big screen. "

On the big screen.

[Qing'er, number of fishing: 1 time. 】

[Fishing item 1: Hongmeng Gold List, sacred-level items, can be arranged on many lists, such as: Gongfa List, Dao Law List, Race List, Lingbao List..... , with the possibility of summarizing the fate of all sentient beings and transcending everything. (9 stars),**]

Emperor Ye Tian: "???"

Emperor of the Wasteland: "???"

Emperor Chutian: "???"

At this time, they are not calm.

Hongmeng, Lin Lei, and Qin Yu are not calm, this gold list seems to have some origins with their gold list!

Is the strongest luck king in all worlds finally born?

Xiao Huo crossed his waist and shouted, "Brothers, what do you say?"

Emperor Ye Tian thought for a while: "If it is only the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, the strongest luck king in the ten thousand worlds is Qing'er, but if you really talk about it, the strongest luck king should be Lingbao Dao Ancestor." "

This day, this moment, is destined to be remembered by history.

They remembered the heroism of Lingbao Dao Ancestor and fished out an infinite multiverse beyond imagination.

I also remembered a woman, her name is Qing'er, swinging like a sword, and she is indomitable.

"Alright, now the rewards have been awarded. "

"It's the turn of the punishment mechanism. "

Jiang Chen looked at the Taishang Dao Ancestor.

The protagonists of the Ten Thousand Worlds also looked at the Taishang Dao Ancestor.

What kind of punishment can this Dao Ancestor get?

Is it a pervert? Or is it a pervert?。

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