At this moment, everyone's eyes were unconsciously attracted.

What is it?

"Is it the origin of the Heavenly Dao?" Hongjun stood up and said in a trembling voice.

He stared at the thing, his gaze uncontrollably shocked.

This Heavenly Dao Origin is a good thing, if the Heavenly Dao of his desolate world absorbs this Origin, it will inevitably improve the world level.

Unexpectedly, this artifact was fished out by the Lingbao Dao Ancestor in this way.

Tongtian couldn't help but sigh: "It's worthy of my Lingbao Dao Ancestor!"


Taishang Laozi: "???"

At this moment, Lao Tzu was a little unhappy.

Taishang Dao Ancestor and Lingbao Dao Ancestor indirectly reflected the two of them.

So it's not just the battle between Taishang and Lingbao Dao Ancestor, it's also their fight.

"You see, although this Heavenly Dao Origin is good, it is still far from surpassing the Taishang Dao Ancestor. "

Sure enough, the value points were displayed directly on the big screen.

[Lingbao Daozu, number of fishing: 2 times. 】

[Fishing item 2: One side of the Heavenly Dao Origin, which can promote the world, and the understanding of the Dao by taking the Origin is directly rising, and it can strengthen its own luck (7-star item), with a value of 100,000]

"It seems that the two fishing times combined, it is still not as good as the Taishang Dao Ancestor!"

"That's right, it's really the last one that is too fierce, and the Lingbao Crossing Sutra has come out, it seems that it is the practice of the Lingbao Dao Ancestor in the early days. "

"It's hard. "

Everyone knows that this competition is intensifying.

Until the end, no one can say who wins and who loses.

It can only be said that Lingbao Dao Ancestor is relatively lucky.

The sudden explosiveness of Taishang Dao Ancestor 25 is very strong and strong.

on the field.

Lingbao glanced at the value of the Heavenly Dao Origin and said happily: "It's not bad." "

Which Cheng thought, Taishang Daozu walked out, looked left, and looked right: "It doesn't seem to be as good as what you fished for the first time, it seems that your luck is not good!"

"It's not the end, the outcome hasn't been known yet, waiting...."Lingbao is not annoyed.

With that, Lingbao Dao Ancestor continued to throw out the pole.

The third time, nine turns of Jindan and a gourd.

The fourth time, a strain of the Nine Seconds Immortal Elixir.

The fifth time, Pangu had a heart.

The sixth time, a piece of innate treasure.

The score is really getting higher and higher.

Until the end, Lingbao Dao Ancestor fished nine times.

Nine times there was a lot of gain.

It's just that compared to the points of Taishang, there are still some differences.

Match point.

Everyone knows that this is the time to really win and lose.


The crowd was already agitated and couldn't help themselves.

"I didn't expect this competition to be so intense!"

"Yes, this reminds me of the three discussions on the Buddha between Venerable Sanzang and Nyolai. "

"It looks like the Taishang Dao Ancestor is going to win. "

"No, the final winner must be the Lingbao Dao Ancestor. "

After a while, the protagonists of the heavens and all the worlds gossiped one by one.

Can't stop at all.

After all, they are making trouble, but when it comes to the critical moment, they can still be measured.

When they saw Lingbao Dao Ancestor take out the Heavenly Fishing Rods and prepare to fight to the death, they all closed their mouths.


Two pairs.

Countless pairs.

Basically, all eyes fell on Lingbao Dao Ancestor.

Who is the king of luck in the end, and the emperor is alive?

At this moment, we will finally see.

"Fellow Daoist, come on, if you win, then the poor Dao has nothing to say. This time, Taishang Dao Ancestor solemnly said.


It's all about engagement.

Just have fun with it.


Lingbao Dao Ancestor, who was full of indifference at first, gradually became heavy at this moment.

To be honest, this kind of gameplay is really exciting.

The Dao heart, which had never shaken the slightest bit in his Endless Dao Discipline, became excited.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, under everyone's gaze, Lingbao Dao Ancestor directly threw out the pole.

The final fishing begins.

In the fishing pond of the heavens, the heavens and all worlds flashed, and the infinite multiverse.

It even has a special mythological atmosphere, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

Here it comes!

Here it comes!

It's coming.

In the arena, all the heavens and all the worlds shouted for it in their hearts.


Minutes and seconds passed.

Their expectations seem to be a little depressed.

How long has it been?

Lingbao Dao Ancestor's pole didn't seem to move all the time.

Is it going to be an empty pole this time?

In order to let the tension and excitement of the heart end sooner, they can only pray.

Pray that Lingbao Daozu will be hooked as soon as possible.

An hour.

Two hours.


Just when everyone thought the pole was going to be empty, a miracle happened.


The fishing rods of the heavens seem to have moved.

Such a move made everyone instantly excited and immediately refreshed.

Is it coming?

It's finally here. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The face of the Lingbao Dao Ancestor on the stage was also happy.

"Are you coming?"

Lingbao Dao Ancestor pulled slightly.

Such a pull almost made him fall.


The stalemate began.

Lingbao Dao Ancestor's face seemed to be a little red, it was too strong and too strong, and he was suffocated.

In addition, the green tendons on his hands are constantly bursting.

As soon as this scene came out, countless people were dumbfounded.

He stood up.

"What did you catch, it actually stumped Dao Ancestor. "

"Looks like a big fish. "


In their eyes, the heavenly fishing pond was constantly shaking.

Beams of light have spilled through the fishing pond onto the arena.

They don't know what it is yet.

Only by pulling out all this object can it be clear.



Lingbao Dao Ancestor used both hands, and it took a lot of effort.

The thing was finally pulled out.

The people on the spot, when they saw this thing, collapsed to the ground one by one.

Don't seem to believe it's true.

Even the existence of the Heavenly Giants was dumbfounded.


"Damn! What's that?"

"Nima, it's the world, it's a world. "

"Fuck off, can you read a little more! Is this the world? You widen your eyes and see clearly, it's the multiverse. "

"You all get out of here, what's the matter, it's called the infinite multiverse, okay, I don't know how to pretend to understand, what the hell. "


It really blew up.

Lingbao Dao Ancestor's last divine operation finally succeeded in conquering everyone.

Is this the so-called European Emperor Possession?

Is this the so-called King of Luck?


"One side of the infinite multiverse. "

At this moment, Jiang Chen also stood up unconsciously.

The luck of this Lingbao Dao Ancestor is really against the sky.

It's no wonder that I had to exert so much effort just now.

There's a reason for that.

"Is there an infinitely diverse world?" Lingbao Dao Ancestor's eyes lit up.

Truth be told, it's the first time I've fished for this thing.

I don't know why, it's always a little excited.

"Taishang Daoist, take a look...", Lingbao took this infinitely diverse world and placed it in front of the Taishang Dao Ancestor.

"If your value points exceed the poor road, then the poor road has nothing to say. "Taishang Dao Ancestor is extremely indifferent at this moment.

It's just that the tightly clenched hand can't hide the spirit treasure.

Lingbao understood and couldn't help but smile.

"Then let's take a look, compare the value of our fishing and see who is the winner and who is the king of luck. "

That's it.

Lingbao Dao Ancestor looked at the big screen.

Taishang Dao Ancestor also looked at the big screen.

In the arena, and even in the heavens and worlds, countless people have turned their eyes to the big screen.

The score of the two is clearly displayed on the big screen.

[Taishang Daozu, number of fishing: 10 times. 】

[Fishing item 1: A piece of hi silk worn by the Virgin Wa Emperor (a sacred-level item in the eyes of the men of the Ten Thousand Worlds, because it is contaminated with a trace of the taste of the Virgin Wa Emperor, the value is doubled), value points: 300 points]

[Fishing item 2: Shaolin Luohan Boxing, Rotten Street Exercises (Ordinary Items), Value 100]

[Fishing item 3.: A superb roast suckling pig, extremely ordinary ingredients (ordinary items), value point 1]

[Fishing item 4: A superb spirit stone, a stone for storing spiritual energy (one-star item), value points 200]

[Fishing item 5: A small world treasure map, an extremely ordinary treasure map (ordinary level items), value points 20]

[Fishing item 6: Taishang 190 forgetfulness record, the supreme exercise of a thousand worlds in one side (5-star item), worth 10,000]

[Fishing item 7: 10,000 novels of the wilderness, a pastime in a world (ordinary items), value 10]

[Fishing item 8: 100,000 small pills, Shaolin Divine Pill, can increase internal strength for ten years, (ordinary level items), value points 200]

[Fishing item 9: 100,000 large return pills, Shaolin Divine Pill, can increase the strength within 30 years, (ordinary level items), value points 300]

[Fishing item 10: Lingbao Crossing the Human Scripture, the congenital divine Crossing Human Sutra passed down by the Lingbao in mythology, super god-level items (10-star items), value points**]

[Total ** value points.] 】

[Lingbao Daozu, the number of fishing: 10 times. 】

[Fishing Item 1: 10,000 systems, including...... , which can accommodate many major systems in the world (8-star items), with a value of 1,000,000]

[Fishing item 2: One side of the Heavenly Dao Origin, which can promote the world, and the understanding of the Dao by taking the Origin is directly rising, and it can strengthen its own luck (7-star item), with a value of 100,000]

[Fishing item 3: Nine turns of the golden pill and a gourd, the golden pill refined by Taishang Laozi, taking it can make people directly break the mirror Daluo Jinxian (Flood World), (6-star item), value points 50,000]

[Fishing item 4 Nine Seconds Immortal Elixir, Spirit Grass (Four-Star Item) from a Leaf Covering the World is worth 1000]

[Fishing item 5: A Pangu heart, from the chaotic world, taking the law that can make people comprehend, condensing the bloodline of the chaos demon god (7-star item), worth 100,000]

[Fishing item 6: An innate treasure, from the desolate world, is the strongest treasure type in the world, can be waved at will to destroy the universe and change the order (6-star item, value 90000)


[Fishing item 10, an infinite multiverse, can swallow the cultivation in the body, is expected to become an infinite level powerhouse, infinite resources contain countless multiverses, super god-level items (10-star items), value points**]

[Total ** value points.] 】

It looks like the results of the game are out.

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