A more powerful drone?

After hearing what others said, everyone around Xu Yifan and Chen Qianjun headed towards the booth next door. Soon, a large drone came into view.

This is a drone with eight propellers. The overall drone is rectangular. When folded, it is nearly two meters long and nearly eighty centimeters wide. The most peculiar thing is that there is a thumb right in front of it. Big and small, the black hole of the muzzle.

Different from the small reconnaissance drone Eagle just now, it looks more intimidating.

A R\u0026D staff member stood in front of the drone and continuously introduced various functions to the many attendees who were looking over.

"The instant sniper drone has a powerful flight stabilization system that can maintain the same stability in the air as on the ground. It has a camera module of 800 million pixels and 16x optical zoom. It has a night monitoring system and a person recognition mode. It has a maximum flight The altitude is 3,000 meters, and the maximum control distance is 30 kilometers. If you hide yourself, the drone operator can control the drone beyond the visual range..."

This drone also has all the functions that the Young Eagle drone has, and many of them are even more powerful!

Similarly, with its size advantages and eight propellers, it provides a higher load capacity, a more stable flight attitude and stability.

"The biggest difference from ordinary drones is the barrel of the instant sniper drone. This is a 1.9 meter long anti-material sniper rifle barrel that runs across the entire drone, because It is not for human use, so the settings of the grip and sight have been cancelled. In addition to the barrel, the gun body has also been greatly modified. It is packaged for ammunition. It can load a total of fifty rounds and has a range of one thousand meters."

"When equipped with such an anti-material sniper rifle barrel, the instant sniper smart drone can achieve ultra-long-distance attacks!"

"With various radar sensing systems equipped on the fuselage, the instant sniper drone has a camera that surpasses human vision, and is even clearer than what the human eye can see."

"The ultra-stable intelligent flight control system allows the aircraft to fly smoothly in the sky."

"An intelligent aiming system that reacts faster than the human brain can complete the attack in just 0.2 seconds by aiming at the target."

"Equipped with multiple sensing systems such as air flow sensing, temperature sensing, intelligent trajectory prediction, etc., the deadly attack launched from the sky has a maximum range of two thousand meters and an accurate range of one thousand meters. It can hit targets as big as a fist within the precise range, which is better than a senior sniper. Precise."

"Jiuzhou Technology's top-grade lithium iron phosphate battery, combined with condensing solar energy, has a battery life of up to fifteen hours. Even in the dark night, it can make the target invisible and has all-weather combat capabilities."

Various descriptions of the functions and performance of instant sniper drones made everyone present smile. Some people even imagined what kind of effects such equipment would achieve if applied to actual combat. .

"This is good, this is good. In the past, snipers still needed to find the commanding heights, but now they can fly directly into the sky. And if the accuracy is really that good, if one thousand meters can hit the target with hundred shots, an instant sniper drone will do its best The effect may be no less than that of a company!"

"The Young Eagle drone allows one to control all directions of vision. The instant sniper drone arrives at the target location and accurately calls the targets one by one. After the incident is over, the attacked party may not even know where the attack came from."

"The precise shooting distance of one thousand meters is still shooting from the sky to the ground. Although the target is larger than the Eagle UAV, it is also difficult to be attacked by ordinary weapons, not to mention the radar stealth coating, which is ultra-thin The screen camouflage system is a device that can only hit people by itself, but others cannot fight back at all!"

"It is conceivable that if there is a real battlefield, there is such a drone in the sky staring at one's own attack, like the scythe of death, and one does not even know where the next shot will come from, unless one hides underground, or in a bunker or something like that. None of them have any effect.”

"It feels a bit like a floating cannon, but it's not a firing cannon, and it's not suspended at a low distance from the ground. It's hidden high in the sky a thousand meters high. There are only muffled thunderous sniper rifle shots. , and the fallen enemies one after another.”

"The power of the anti-material sniper rifle, coupled with the precise attack system, can kill enemy commanders with one shot. If such equipment appears on the battlefield, it will be a one-sided massacre!"

"It's not all advantages. Although the loading capacity can reach one hundred rounds, the rate of fire is a bit too slow. It can only accurately shoot once in half a minute. If it can be like an ordinary sniper rifle, it can shoot once in a few seconds. It will be great. The sound passed, leaving only stumps and broken arms.”

"However, even today's instant sniper drones are sufficient for use. If there is no good response method, it will be a nightmare for ordinary combat soldiers. They will not be able to escape, and they will not know when they will die."

"Again, the effect of a single unit is already very powerful, but this is a product that can be mass-produced. If dozens or hundreds of units are flown out at a time, sweeping them all the way, the effect will not be better than that of a submachine gun, which can shoot at an instant and sniper no one. What a bad opportunity!"

A large group of people were discussing the specific functions of instant sniper drones with great interest, and some people had even considered the functions and application scenarios of instant sniper drones.

Seeing that everyone was quite satisfied with the appearance of these new equipment, Xu Yifan felt relieved.

In fact, according to intelligent simulation predictions, China, which now has various new types of equipment, can already dominate the entire Blue Star as long as it does not use the ultimate weapon of mutual destruction.

After leaving the booth of the instant sniper drone, there are various types of drones that have similar functions but slightly different details, such as signal relay drones, electronic warfare drones, etc. , although they are not as amazing as the Eagle UAV and the Instant Sniper UAV, in terms of fulfilling the functions of the equipment, these UAVs are all first-rate and excellent.

In addition to small drones, the second area on display is some relatively large drones. These are familiar equipment that have been equipped before, but in terms of the performance of the equipment, it is different from what everyone has known before. There are only hundreds of millions of deviations.

The flight speed is faster, more intelligent, the network connection is more stable and high-speed, the flight radius is larger, and it also has new functions such as visual stealth, radar stealth and so on.

If many people are still unfamiliar with the previous small drones, these equipment are very familiar to many people. They have even been equipped with equipment before, and they are also very familiar with various performance aspects. Compare the performance of the new equipment. , you can also clearly and intuitively feel the power of the new equipment.

"The machine is still the same machine, but what is the performance of these functions? The speed is more than twice as fast. How on earth is it done?!"

"It's simply terrifying, isn't it? The appearance is still the same, and it's even improved and upgraded based on the original equipment, but in terms of specific performance, it's like two brand new products from different eras!"

"If such equipment appears on the battlefield, it will crush traditional combat methods."

"It's so enjoyable. Smart drones of all sizes, with various functions, have even been able to form a combat system that is different from the traditional one. It is more powerful and more unreasonable."

"In the past, we were envious when we looked at other people's equipment. All the equipment felt high-end. Now we also have the most advanced equipment in the world. This feels very good. I hope Jiuzhou Technology will continue to work hard and create more and better equipment."

"With this kind of equipment, the life safety of soldiers is better guaranteed, which is very good."

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