Technological Hegemony

Chapter 160: Companies that don't value R & D, let them die

? Everyone is cheering up. There is a lot of discussion in the science and technology field about why Neon sells Toshiba storage. It is also good to hear Luo Jia's ideas today.

Luo Jia said lightly, "The reason is actually very simple, because the neon authorities have no money."

"This is not sensational. Just look at the annual budget of the neon authorities and you can clearly find the problem. Taking fiscal year 2018 as an example, the total expenditure of neon was 97.7 trillion yen."

"And what is Neon's total income?"

"Only 59.1 trillion yen. Since 1999, 30% of the annual expenses of the neon authorities have come from borrowing. That is to say, if you compare neon to a business, Companies have been operating in debt. "

"Of course, Neon owes so much money, will they fail?"

"No, at least not for a short time, because the neon people still have more than nine trillion yen in deposits, plus stocks and bonds, this country's capital is still very strong."

"As we all know, there are many problems in Europe, such as refugees, unions, and excessive social welfare, but Europe still lives well today. There is no reason for it. It has a strong foundation."

"Let's go back to Toshiba storage. It's $ 18 billion. Neon can't afford it. Why sell Toshiba storage?"

"Because in this highly capital-intensive R & D field, it is not enough to just help Toshiba overcome the current difficulties. In the field of memory chips, Toshiba's technology has lagged behind South Korea's Samsung and Hynix and also North America's Micron. . "

"Toshiba wants to survive, it must invest several 18 billion US dollars to continue research and development, which is the biggest headache for the neon authorities."

"And you should also know that Sony ’s camera has been destroyed by us, and Shin-Etsu ’s photoresist has also been destroyed by us. Now, we are starting to fight Panasonic and Sony ’s batteries again, and we will hit Toyota and Honda in the future. And Nissan cars! "

"According to the current rhythm, the neon housekeeping industries have been destroyed one by one. Can the authorities rescue them? They saved Toshiba Storage, what will Shin-Etsu and JDI do?"

"Just a few months ago, JDI, Neon's last company that produced display panels, sold 33% of its equity to our consortium, and this is just the beginning."

Speaking of this, Luo Jia took a sigh of relief, glanced at the audience, and said very seriously: "The reason why I said this to everyone is to tell you that technology research and development has become something that no one can play. Starting game. "

"Recently, we have made some achievements in Xingchen Technology, which everyone sees."

"What everyone can't see is that our R & D expenditure will surpass Huawei this year and become one of the companies that burn the most money in R & D domestically and even globally."

"I won't talk about the specific numbers. As a private company that is not listed, how much money is spent on R & D is our trade secret. Anyway, as long as you understand, the super capacitors signed today and all the technology products we have launched in the past, It's all piled up with astronomical money. "

"As a company on the front line of global competition, we feel very deeply about this large-scale shift in research and development trends. The era of belonging to small enterprises has completely passed, and it will only be the world of giants in the future."

"There is a good example of this in the field of rail transit that we are familiar with."

"Our high-speed rail has gone from scratch, from scratch to strong. What did we experience in the middle? Why can CRRC become the strongest player in the world?"

"The reason will be clear from a look at the financial statements. CRRC's revenue this year will reach 23 billion euros. The second place is Germany ’s Siemens Rail Division, with 7.8 billion euros, and the third is France. Alstom orbit, 7.6 billion euros, fourth is Bombardier of Canada, 7 billion euros, fifth is neon Hitachi orbit, 3.8 billion euros, and sixth is neon Kawasaki, only one billion euros. "

"This is the power of scale. CRRC's revenue scale has reached the sum of the second, third and fourth places!"

"And with the rapid rise of CRRC, from Siemens to Alstom, their performance is declining every year, and the market share is constantly being eaten by CRRC."

"There are some sprays on the Internet. It is always said that China's high-speed rail uses overseas technology."

"This ignorance is really terrible. Of course when we did n’t have it in the beginning, of course, we had to introduce technology from abroad, but now the situation is that after CRRC becomes larger, the R & D investment exceeds the sum of other players in the world, and it has embarked on the road of independent research and development. . "

"As CRRC becomes larger and larger, and its R & D investment becomes higher, other competitors will feel more and more strenuous and will not be able to catch up."

"So everyone sees it. Money is really a good thing. There is money for R & D, there is progress in R & D, and there is market in progress."

"The neon Kawasaki track I mentioned just now, in May 2018, all 548 locomotives delivered to the Washington Metro were all exposed to serious quality problems."


"It's not because Kawasaki is out of money. They want to make more money by cutting corners. They even want to withdraw from the market and sell the factory to their old rival Hitachi Rail. Can Hitachi Rail swallow Kawasaki?"

"I don't think so, because Hitachi can't hit the car at all, and it's about to lose its pants."

"It can be seen that how good the so-called neon manufacturing quality is completely a joke, just because they once dominated the market and were able to invest heavily in research and development. If our country's enterprises can also gain market dominance, it will absolutely No worse than them. "

"So, the only solution to this problem is to continue to invest heavily, and there is no other way out."

"In this world, there are only two countries' R & D investment, accounting for more than 4% of GDP, one is Israel and the other is South Korea."

"And their international competitiveness is also obvious to everyone, especially Israel, where the population is only 8.7 million, and just a few steps from Israel to the surrounding area, directly into the war zone, the environment is so bad and bad. . "

"But in such a harsh environment, with the highest proportion of R & D investment in the world, Israel has risen a large number of high-tech companies and has always played a role in global competition."

Everyone nodded. If Israel is far away and doesn't know much about it, South Korea is a hard example.

Many people may not know that there is a reason for the rise of South Korea. Their R & D investment ratio is the second highest in the world, and 4.2% of GDP per year is used for R & D.

Ranked third is Sweden, with R & D investment accounting for 3.2% of GDP, a full percentage point worse than South Korea.

In the world, Israel and South Korea have the wildest investment in research and development, so their ultimate achievements are also the wildest. As two small countries, it is really not easy to have today in the international competition of strong players such as the forest.

In the past two years, Star Technology has not played against South Korea, but Luo Jia has always warned straight steel men, do not underestimate South Korea.

With their crazy investment in scientific research, although it is shown that mobile phones and batteries have been knocked out, maybe one day, they will burst out into new growth points.

After all, the enemy who values ​​research and development is always the most difficult to deal with.

This is where the speech went. Luo Jia released his own PPT.

In this PPT, not only the ratio of R & D investment to GDP in each country is clearly listed, but also the overall competitiveness of each country is analyzed.

There are many rankings, and Luo Jia's list is ranked according to the importance that countries place on research and development.

In the list, Israel ranks first. Although they are small, they are the most valued R & D countries in the world.

South Korea ranked second, Sweden ranked third, Neon ranked fourth, Germany ranked fifth, Denmark ranked sixth, Finland ranked seventh, North America ranked eighth, Belgium ranked ninth, France ranked tenth, and Huaxia ranked tenth. One, followed by Iceland, Norway, and the Netherlands.

Basically, the importance of R & D and the global competitiveness of countries show a positive correlation.

The more countries that attach importance to research and development, the more developed science and technology, the stronger the global competitiveness.

Among the five European pigs, Italy has the highest ranking, but it has reached the rank of the 20th in the world. The ratio of research and development to GDP is only 1.2%. As for Greece, Spain, and Portugal, it is even worse. Far.

Luo Jia did not take them as examples, but gave Russia as an example.

The successor of the former Soviet Union, a former superpower, has now slipped to a level of only 0.9% of GDP, which is quite embarrassing to say.

But the world is so cruel. No matter how powerful Russia was, today they do not attach importance to research and development, and drink vodka on the merit books of history, which is doomed to their fate in the new century.

I have to say that Luo Jia's form is too clear and shocking.

Whether it attaches importance to research and development directly determines the level of international competitiveness.

Clearing his throat, Luo Jia began to make a final conclusion.

"To tell you so much today, I mainly want to explain three things."

"First, research and development is the ultimate competitiveness. Only by focusing on research and development can we have a place in this cruelly competitive world. Countries that don't pay attention to research and development, even as powerful as Russia, will be eliminated."

"Second, the era of low-cost R & D is gone. Today's high-tech R & D needs to be led by giant companies and invested in astronomical financial resources and manpower."

"The third and most important point is that there are not too many giant companies in our country, but too few."

"Assuming we can have a hundred giant companies like Huawei who dare to invest heavily in research and development, we will be able to complete a counterattack against the powers."

"So, I sincerely hope that you can support companies like Huawei and continue to grow bigger and stronger. After all, the bigger they do, the more hopeful our nation will be."

"As for China, there are still some companies. Although the scale of revenue is also large, they don't pay much attention to research and development.

"For companies like this, I suggest letting them die."

"Thank you all ~ ~ My speech is over for today."

Having said that, Luo Jia stepped down, and there was a warm applause from the audience.

Today, from the perspective of an enterprise, Luo Jia understands the issue of R & D and thoroughly understands it. The R & D work in the new century has become a game between giants and a game of super capital. There is no second way.

At this moment, Professor Ouyang is sitting with an old man in the box.

The old man was silent for a long while, frowning, and suddenly laughed again.

"This kid is a chicken thief. He said it was so difficult for R & D. He also hopes that we will fully support Huawei and make Huawei a giant." The old man looked at Luo Jia in the distance. , But he is very cunning not to mention himself, just take Huawei as an example. "

Professor Ouyang blinked and blinked, "It really seems like this ..."

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