Taoist master wants to ascend

Chapter 28 Huge improvement, genius, outstanding person!


With his eyes closed, Li Yuan first chose to control the unqualified forging hammer.

After the sickle was taken off, he felt an emptiness as if something had been taken away from his body, but soon, the blessing from the forging hammer filled the emptiness.

Perhaps because of his promotion to the second level of weapon control, Li Yuan found that he was no longer so rough when controlling weapons, but seemed gentler and more intuitive.

Ore dressing, iron-making, forging, quenching and tempering, planing and filing, tempering, polishing...

The blacksmithing skills at the junior level unfolded in front of him bit by bit, flowing into his heart like a trickle.

"The blessings of the sickle have not completely disappeared... As expected, in the process of controlling it, my body is also getting used to it, and I even remember these blessings..."

"So, the correct way to use the palm weapon is to continuously control it. If you control it for a long time, the blessing will eventually turn into the body's instinct?"

"if it is like this……"

Li Yuan suppressed the restlessness in his heart, feeling any changes and details, and did not miss any opportunity to explore the weapon.

This is the foundation for his livelihood.


Within a few breaths, the blessing of the forging hammer had completely replaced the sickle. Li Yuan felt it carefully, and the familiar feeling like forging iron for many years came to his heart again.

It was as if he had become a long-time blacksmith in an instant.

This kind of improvement is really too strong!

"In just a moment, you can master the skills that others have worked hard to learn for ten or even decades. This kind of power is really, really great!"

Li Yuan felt excited.

He is the master of weapons, and the stronger the weapon is, the greater his benefits will be.

"Now, it's time to try! I hope everything goes well..."

After getting familiar with it for a while, Li Yuan decisively chose to control this second-level master craftsman's hammer. He had been holding back for several days.


Closing his eyes, he had the same experience as before. Li Yuan lay directly on the bed, closing his eyes nervously.

He was not sure whether his trick method of mastering the Xiaocheng blacksmithing technique by controlling the forging hammer could really meet the conditions for controlling the second-level master's hammer.

It wasn't until the shadow of the hammer flashed across the second star on the weapon that he felt relieved.

"It's done!"

The next moment, his expression changed drastically.

The sudden influx of information made him dizzy, as if he had drunk too much fake wine. He even retched, and his eyes turned black.

"Too careless!"

Li Yuan, who was lying on his back and feeling a little dizzy, was still shocked.

In just such a moment, Li Yuan felt like days and nights had passed, and he even felt as if he had really been working hard for decades!

"As expected of the second level, the gap is too big!"

Li Yuan was sweating all over, his face was slightly pale, but his eyes were frighteningly bright.

This harvest is really great!

Perfection-level white ape cloak hammering method, Dzogchen-level forging method, familiarity with hundreds of soldiers, military talents...

This master's hammer is more powerful than an inferior forging hammer, and is more than ten times bigger?

If the former was like a trickle, the latter was like a wave breaking a bank, just a little bit away from fainting.

"If you use it, you will do it; if you leave it, you will hide it; if you use it, you will have no front; if you embrace it, you will be strong!"

Li Yuan turned over and sat up. He couldn't help but clenched his fists to prevent himself from shouting. The joy in his heart was so strong that he couldn't let it go.

At this moment, he finally understood the true meaning of the few words he heard when heaven gave him the oath.

[This hammer has beaten hundreds of soldiers and tens of thousands of soldiers. If you hold it, you will be familiar with the flaws of hundreds of soldiers. If you hold it, the talent of the soldiers will increase.]

Talent grows!

Li Yuan was very excited.

Zhang Bi and Tang Tong both thought that he was a bit weak in character but had amazing talent. However, since his family knew about his division and he didn't have a weapon in hand, he was afraid that he might not be much better than Niu Gui.

But now, he saw hope of changing his talent.

Although it is only a military talent now, it may not be possible to change the root bone or even other talents in the future!

"This is the true hero!"

Li Yuan took a deep breath, got dressed and stood up.

He took out the long-handled training hammer from the 'Stone Platform' and walked quickly to the center of the yard. The huge feeling of improvement made him eager to use it.

He was not disappointed by the weapon he wielded after his promotion, and he was even more surprised by the master's hammer. The only drawback was that his idea of ​​replacing the ungraded forging hammer came to nothing.

Obviously there is no such loophole to exploit in Palm Arms, so you still have to practice it to a small degree...

"Why are you up so late?"

Fatty Sun came from outside the hospital.

At this time, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and it was the first time that he saw Li Yuan get up so late.

"I slept a little late yesterday."

Li Yuan came to his senses, restrained his desire to vent, and his desire for an independent courtyard suddenly became stronger.

Whether practicing martial arts or doing other things, he needs an independent space.

Fatty Sun was in a good mood: "I just came back from the inner courtyard. My brother-in-law is very satisfied with you. Did he teach you how to fight before?"

"...How to fight?"

Only then did Li Yuan remember the fighting booklet Tang Tong gave him.

He has been busy promoting himself to the rank of Weapon Master these past few days, and he almost forgot about the superior fighting method of Dou Dao Killing Hammer...

"You haven't practiced yet, have you?"

Fatty Sun's heart thumped and he almost broke into a cold sweat:

"I've blown you away, but you, please don't..."

"Learn now, learn now!"

Seeing that his creditor's eyes were a little red, Li Yuan hurriedly took out the playing method booklet from his arms and started flipping through it.

"The fighting method is a method of transporting blood and energy. It is much more difficult than the breathing method. My brother-in-law gave you seven days to learn it now. How can you have time?"

Fatty Sun stamped his feet anxiously and rolled up his sleeves:

"Don't go blacksmithing today, I'll teach you myself."

"Don't worry, I'll look through it first..."

Li Yuan had already stood up on the white ape stand, holding a hammer in one hand and flipping through the booklet with the other.

The fighting method of White Ape Cloak Hammer is the same as the training method. There are only eighteen postures, and each posture has six variations. The booklet is full of pictures and texts, and the coordination tips of feet, knees, waist, arms, elbows and wrists are very detailed and very intuitive.


Li Yuan blinked and murmured:

"It's not difficult."


Fatty Sun, who had just gone to the corner to pick up a hammer, stared at him:

"Isn't it difficult? Do you know how long I have been practicing this style of play? A full three..."


In an instant, from extreme stillness to extreme movement.

Li Yuan raised his foot and kicked up the hammer head, turning his arms, the hammer head made a "wow" sound, the remaining snow was lifted up, and six changes flowed out.

It’s not difficult, it can even be said to be easy!

The moment he lifted the hammer, Li Yuan was keenly aware of the difference from yesterday.

In his feeling, this training hammer seemed to have really become a part of his body, and the moves and techniques that emerged in his mind were transmitted to his body in a way without loss.

Let him sway it as he pleases and flow it as he pleases!

"This this……"

A sudden strong wind blew up in the courtyard, blowing the snow. Fatty Sun froze on the spot, not even noticing that the hammer in his hand fell to the ground.

Fighting is the essence of a martial arts, covering blood and gas transportation, breathing methods, training methods, and pile skills. It is the "essence" among "easy to learn but difficult to master."

It took him three years to master this style of play.




The strong wind was flowing, the shadow of the hammer was surrounding his body, and there were eighteen styles and one hundred and eight kinds of strikes. Li Yuan struck out in one breath, and the blood in his body was flowing, and he was dripping with joy for a while.

A few days ago, he asked his master what kind of talent different from Gen Gu showed.

Zhang Bi replied that when ordinary people learn martial arts, when they see it with their eyes, they feel in their hearts that they know it, but once they perform it, their hands and feet will feel very stiff, and they cannot imitate it even if they are trying to imitate a cat or a tiger.

Those who are truly outstanding are those who see with their eyes, remember in their hearts, and type exactly what they want in their hearts!

With the help of master's hammer, Li Yuan seemed to understand.

"Is this what being a genius feels like?"

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