“Ankalu” has always hated sleeping.

But just like people have to eat when they are hungry, it is inevitable to sleep when they are sleepy. Even if they are annoying, they will fall asleep when they are extremely sleepy.

Sleep itself is nothing.

But not everyone can bear the consequences of sleeping.

For example, he is “Ankalu”.

In Ankalu’s vague memory.

Once he fell asleep in bed, and then got up on the bed.

But until one day, after he went to bed, he found himself inexplicably appearing on a strange street in a strange town, Ankalu’s life was completely different from before.

After that, every time Ankalu went to bed, he would find that he had left the original location, either ten kilometers away, hundreds of kilometers away, or thousands or even several Thousands of kilometers away.

Except for running far away after sleeping.

Ankalu also discovered one thing, that is, everyone seems to be unable to see him, even when he does not exist.

For example, if he eats his fruit in front of the fruit stall boss, the boss ignores him, as if he does not exist.

And he can’t remember the fruits he ate, as if those fruits didn’t exist.

He fiercely slapped a passerby, and the passerby turned a blind eye to his shot.

You won’t even find yourself slapped.


Ankalu robbed the wallet of the rich.

In front of Transcender, take their weapons.

Taking advantage of some beautiful beauties.

Or even give others fiercely a knife to kill others.

All the behaviors, etc., will not be discovered by others, and will even be rationalized by some mysterious force.

He seems to be completely unable to be interacted by any self-conscious lifeform of this World.

Not found, but it does not mean that there will be no backlash.

Ankalu has a lot of experience and insights in this area.

Once he did these things that interfered too much with others, such as killing, causing a large-scale disability incident, and even causing a large-scale impact, etc., even suicide.

So in the next period of time, he will be exceptionally bad luck.

For example, my legs were broken by a collapsed wall.

When I woke up, I entered the high-temperature desert environment and was tortured to death with thirst.

Entering the environment of World of Ice and Snow, I feel that I am freezing to death bit by bit.

Or, being swallowed by a giant whale, watching himself be digested.

Falling on the fire, being burnt to death by the flames.

After death, it is like waking up.

Return to a healthy state, and re-enter a strange place in the Aoya continent.

All kinds of painful experiences make Ankalu’s boring life not too boring.

At the same time, it also makes Ankalu more and more peaceful and self-defeating. After all, no one will find uncomfortable or uncomfortable for themselves.

After the freshness has passed, it is just like years of depression.

Although someone occasionally finds him talking with him.

But most people who communicate with him think that he is a lunatic, and when the person turns around, they completely forget him.

As time passed, Ankalu became more and more adapted to a person’s life.

I can’t die anyway, and I will return to a state of awakening when I die. Even for so many years, I have maintained a young and strong state.

The only thing that makes Ankalu somewhat dissatisfied is that he is not a Transcender, he is just an ordinary mason worker.

Although Ankalu has tried to acquire extraordinary careers once, there is no doubt that he has failed.

He tried many times but failed, which made him almost give up the option of becoming a Transcender now.

This time, Ankalu woke up.

Then Ankalu found himself entering a peculiar passage.

The environment here is very peculiar, like a wide and huge crystal glass corridor.

After careful inspection, Ankalu found himself trapped here.

There is nothing wrong with this. After a nap, I will leave here.

But this time is a bit different.

Ankalu is really trapped here.

He has starved to death three times in a row.

After starving to death, I still wake up again in this extremely long rugged and wide passage, but the location is different that’s all.

On the invisible energy barrier on one side, Ankalu’s hunger is surging at this time.

But Ankalu knew that after this hunger was over, he would gradually not feel hungry, and at that time, he was going to die.

Finally, at this time, Ankalu saw someone.

A person who can fly.

After careful confirmation, Ankalu roughly recognized this guy.

Gurney · Lawrence.

This guy is a celebrity. It is said that he is a master of medicine, a super mage, and a dependent of terrifying existence. He is very powerful, an extraordinary genius, and he is also a Is about to become the great existence of Spiritual God.

His reputation has spread throughout all corners of the Aoya continent, and his stories are like the protagonists of those biographical novels.

It is difficult for Ankalu to recognize it.

However, this Gurney · Lawrence at this time is a bit strange.

His expression is sluggish.

Above the face is rich and dark golden blood constantly seeping out.

As it flew forward, the blood kept dripping, and even gathered into a stream, drawing a line of blood on the ground.

“Hey! Lord Gurney · Lawrence.” Ankalu shouted loudly, waving his hands.

Although I know that there is a high probability that the other party will not see it.

But what if you see it?

After all, someone can communicate with him in a short time.

“I’m here, can you see me? You’re bleeding, haven’t you noticed?”

The guy named Gurney Lawrence turned a blind eye to him.

For this situation, Ankalu is not surprised. He has come here for such a long period of time.

However, Ankalu was ecstatic when he watched the other party open the energy portal.

Although this guy can’t see him, this guy named Gurney Lawrence obviously has a way to pass this invisible barrier.

Compared to the other person seeing him.

He Ankalu left here, obviously more important. He didn’t want to be trapped here forever, starving to death again and again.

However, what made him a little dumbfounded was that weak, he just wanted to leave along the opened door.

That Gurney directly sealed the doorway, leaving Ankalu shivering in place.

“Asshole, what are you doing in such a hurry to close the door?” Ankalu shouted flustered and exasperated.

Thinking that the hope that had just appeared was cut off, Ankalu fiercely, who was very annoyed, slapped the fellow fiercely facing him.

This slap fell, and Ankalu felt his hand drawn on the steel plate.

Blood splashed all over the opponent’s cheek.

“Ah!” A wailing scream erupted from Ankalu’s mouth.

Ankalu saw that his palms stained with blood from the other party were rapidly corroding.

The blood seems to have terrifying properties that cannot be touched, and you will suffer if you encounter it.

In a moment, Ankalu’s palm was completely rotted away.

“This guy’s blood is terrifying!” The experienced and knowledgeable Ankalu immediately realized the power of the opponent’s blood.

Ankalu, who endured the pain, saw the other person gently stroked his cheek.

This scene made Ankalu feel painful.

In the past, no matter how he drew someone on the cheek, the other person would ignore it and couldn’t feel it.

But this time, this guy named Gurney · Lawrence actually felt it.

Then Ankalu saw that the other person was staring at him, which definitely saw his own eyes.

Suddenly Ankalu was ecstatic.

“You saw me, didn’t you?” Although Ankalu wanted to go up and shake each other fiercely twice.

But seeing the opponent’s body covered in blood, and then looking at his already corroded palms, Ankalu didn’t dare to touch the opponent anymore. The opponent’s blood was too strong, not his “Ordinary person” can touch.

“You are saying something!”

It’s a pity that Gurney · Lawrence stared at him for three to five seconds and then looked away.

After that, he pondered for a few seconds, then got up and flew away.

“Asshole, don’t fly away! I’m starving to death. Give something to eat!”

Ankalu’s angry voice came, but Gurney As if completely inaudible, he went straight away.

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