
Gurney, who killed another person, took the hurt and stretched away, and laughed at the same time.

The laughter made the remaining three powerhouses on the side of Evil God that broke out with divine force, their faces increasingly ugly.

While retreating, Gurney said loudly: “Your divine force can’t last too long, right!”

“When your divine force becomes weak, kill you It’s so easy.”

“hmph! Your forbidden spell shield won’t last long!”

The Dark Element division among the three powerhouses that exploded divine force, Sneered.

This dark manipulation of various dark attack methods is very powerful and very strange. At this time, the divine force is in a state of explosion, and the means are even more so that you can’t guard against it.

And a little dark Profound Truth is extremely magnified under the action of divine force.

Every bit of it contains a palpable destruction power.

Most of the energy that Gurney’s forbidden spell shield has lost was attacked by the dark magician.

“There is no problem until you kill you all.” Gurney lightly said with a smile.

Gurney’s forbidden spell shield is indeed less than 2/3 of its energy under repeated blows.

But as Gurney said, there is no big problem until the three of them are killed.

While retreating, Gurney continued to cast spells on the three.

And these three divine force exploding experts are also entangled with Gurney while resisting and avoiding.

In battle.

Gurney’s devil’s vice-soul, while performing blood escape at high speed, it is also secretly paying attention to the page of the fortuitous encounter system.

Although, the perfect plan is to kill all these people.

Then Nigel got a god Spirit King crown, and Gurney got a god Spirit King crown. End the trip to the element forbidden area this time.

But impossible everything will be as Gurney expected.

For example, the opponent has other special methods, such as element Avatar, shadow Avatar, Yuanli Avatar, etc. strange methods, or some other weird methods, etc.

When Nigel Senior left, these peculiar Avatars also left. It is also possible to find the Spirit King crown of the gods.

For good situations, you need to plan, and for bad situations, you must also plan.

If the opponent really won a Spirit King crown first.

Then Gurney’s plan is about to change.

At this time, using the function of the fortuitous encounter system, Gurney can clearly know the situation of the crown.

Once Nigel Senior gets the Spirit King crown, the fortuitous encounter of the three Spirit King crowns will go down to one.

When the opponent gets the Spirit King crown, one will disappear.

Now the other three are fighting with Gurney, and Gurney will know it within an hour.

Gurney can fully understand the whole situation.

Gurney stepped back again, fighting with the three for two 3 minutes.

When Gurney looked for an opportunity to see if he could kill an expert that broke out divine force again.

The Dark Element curse teacher expression suddenly formed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Following this Dark Element division, with a light wave of his staff, a series of dark orbs of destruction containing a strong divine force bombarded Gurney.

Gurney didn’t dare to hard-wire this orb of destruction with a certain locking function.

Immediately, a blood escape technique dodged to more than two hundred meters away.

When Gurney’s blood escape technique flashed down.

The other two Transcenders that broke out of the divine force, they used the means of remote movement one after another, and quickly left the battlefield.

This scene condenses Gurney expression.

“Broken.” Gurney thought secretly in his heart.

“hahaha…” The Dark Element teacher, with a scorching divine force all over his body, suddenly laughed heartily.

“Stupid guy, do you really think that we just kill you purely? We just haunt you that’s all.”

“God Spirit King crown is now at my fingertips , Hahaha……”


Gurney doesn’t talk nonsense with the other side.

The Great Thunder Flame Curse burst out madly at this moment.

One-to-many, Gurney also needs to constantly avoid it.

But one-on-one, Gurney does not need much evasion at all, because it is the other party who needs to evade.

chi chi chi chi ……

The densely packed black thunder and lightning madly strangled towards the Dark Element division.

The Dark Element teacher immediately felt the crisis of death.

Single-to-one, even if his divine force breaks out, he is not a Gurney opponent.

Even if it is continuous evasion, it is just a breath.

chi! chi! chi! chi!

There are already four terrifying thunderbolt strikes on him.

Fortunately, he has a divine force body, otherwise, the black thunderbolt of these four methods is enough to kill him.

The Dark Element division, who felt the tremendous pressure, stayed and escaped, instead of fighting Gurney to the end.

After all, his element Avatar can leave here as long as he holds the Spirit King crown in his hands.

He can leave at any time, and Gurney can’t stop him.


With its thoughts move, the element Avatar has already touched the god Spirit King crown.


On top of his body, the white rays of light flashed, and after being bombarded by Gurney’s two Great Lightning Curses, he immediately disappeared.

chi chi…

After the subsequent black thunderbolt penetrated, it was never seen again. Obviously borrowing the transmission of the Spirit King crown, it has disappeared Up.

The two people who fled before have no idea where they fled.

“After all, let them get a crown.” Gurney, who was slightly narrows the eyes, squeezed his fist secretly.

Now is not the time for feelings.

The Dark Element got the crown of the Spirit King and has left. The other two who have fled may also get the crown.

Immediately Gurney looked towards the fortuitous encounter system.

At a glance, Gurney’s mind moved.

I saw, two of the three crowns in the fortuuitous encounter system have disappeared at this time. Only the last top left.

After confirming the position of the last crest, Gurney immediately shook his body and sprinted towards the position of the last crest.

“The position where the two people fled just now was the position of the first crown, and this position is different from the position where I retreated after fighting and the escape route of Nigel Senior.”

“The Dark Element division should get the first crown.”

“The second crown and Nigel Senior left in the same general direction, and the probability is Nigel Senior. Take it away.”

“The third crown, which is the last crown, is also the most powerful crown, the farthest, and it is still there.”

“It doesn’t make any sense to continue chasing them down, and I don’t know if the two of them also have similar Avatar methods.”

“If so, I will only give them if I chase them down. Time to search for the third crown, it is not advisable to lose the third crown.”

“I personally got the third crown and directly ended this time of element prohibition, which is the most important thing. .”

“After all, Nigel and I got the more expensive Peak crown, and the Dark Element division got only the weakest crown.”

“Besides…” Gurney slightly narrows the eyes.

“How about those Evil God and Southern churches even if they get the Spirit King crown?”

“Even if they have faith, it will take some time to become a god.”

“Give me a few years or even ten years, I may not be able to become a god.” Gurney secretly thought.

After passing an intersection, Gurney slows down, pays attention to whether there are other people around, and so on, and also looks at the terrain.

Then proceed quickly along the nearest route.

If you flew straight ahead, it would definitely make the old man of Guihai who secretly observe suspicious.

Fortunately, the distance here is far enough, Gurney doesn’t worry that the two who flee in the opposite direction will arrive earlier than himself.

About three or four minutes later.

In a huge hall.

Gurney saw the crown of Spirit King, the god whose breath was completely reduced.

Even though it has condensed its breath, it is placed on a round table in a huge palace, surrounded by rays of light.

Basically, when I came here, I knew that I was crowned by the Spirit King.

What catches the eye is the crown of the Imperial Family, which must look rather ordinary.

But when he got closer, Gurney could feel the vastness of it that made him hard to look up.

Although he is only facing this crown, Gurney feels that he is facing a majestic mountain that penetrates the sky.

Going forward, Gurney directly took the most precious one among the three Spirit King crowns into his hands.

At the same time when he got the crown of God Spirit King, the rays of light of milk-white bloomed on Gurney, and the transmitted power gathered.

Since I have won the last Spirit King crown, the battle for the element forbidden area this time has entered the closing stage.

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