“Entering the blood dream arena is a peculiar state of half soul and half dream, the body will fall asleep.”

“Of course, a powerhouse like you, I don’t know if I will fall asleep too.”

“At this point, you have to remind your clansman to keep your body in a safe position before entering the blood dream world. Otherwise, if the fleshy body is exposed, it will be completely undefended.” Gurney said.

“I’ll give it a try.” Sogra Kadletz laughed.

Immediately, Sugla Kadlec, who was sitting cross-legged, recites incantion.

After a while, Sogra Kadlec, who was sitting cross-legged in front of Gurney, suddenly opened his eyes, looked towards Gurney and laughed, “I have entered the Arena of Blood Dreams. It’s peculiar.”

“Senior is really amazing, is it possible that Senior also has dual souls?” Gurney brows slightly raise asked.

Sogra Kadlec smiled without saying a word.

“I am afraid that there are more than two souls.” Gurney secretly thought.

Condensing ten ensemble rune can condense the soul.

Then condensing twenty ensemble runes, can the second soul be condensed?

The answer is yes.

But for the average Transcender, one secondary soul is enough, and the second secondary soul is not necessary.

For Gurney, although it can be cohesive, it is of little significance.


Blood Dream World.

Sugla Kadlec was walking slightly on the 4th floor of the permission level, scanning the surroundings.

The authority level of the 4th floor is not like the 1st floor.

The 1st floor is composed of lounges, corridors, arenas, etc., and it is completely free to move around.

And the authority level of the 4th floor requires corresponding authority spells.

At this time, a sub-soul of Sogra Kadlec came in, without a spell, he could only stare.


In a flash of bloody rays of light, the body of Gurney condensed by the devil’s sub-soul has entered the 4th floor authority level.

Sugla Kadletz looked over immediately.

When he saw that it was Gurney, his eyes condensed slightly, and he looked at Gurney.

“Very powerful soul.” Sogra Kadlec secretly thought.

“Sogra Kadlec Senior, this is where you control the entire Blood Dream Arena.”

Gurney pointed around.

“Of course, you still need some magic spells to be able to completely control the entire blood dream arena.”

Speaking, Gurney waved his hand and condensed by blood. A scroll of blood paper appeared in front of Sogra Kadlec.

“You will understand the many spells in it after you accept it by your own catalyst.”

“At the same time, you can also let your clansman enter the blood dream arena. Give it a try.”

“Look at the battle area of ​​this blood dream arena, and how the specific effect is.”


Nodded Su Gera Kadlec received many spells in the blood scroll. On the one hand, the body in reality also began to transmit information, allowing those Transcenders who had dedicated blood crystals to enter the blood dream world according to the spell he passed down before.

As the message passes.

After a while, at the entrance of the Blood Dream Arena.

Shua! Shua! Shua! shua…

The blood light flashed continuously, and then one after another Transcenders of the Chenhui Origin Clan entered the arena of Blood Dream.

As soon as they came in, many people began to look at this World.

“Is this the Blood Dream Arena?”

“Aren’t you nonsense?”

“Well, my spell is completely usable, It’s just that the secondary soul can’t do double casting if it stays outside.” A magic spell master kept changing various spells in his hands.

The expert of the fighting system on the side also displayed his own extraordinary source skills on the spot, constantly exploding on the ground, and even cracking the floor slightly.

There is nothing wrong with the destruction of the internal environment. It just needs their Palace Lord Sogla Kadlec to make follow-up repairs.

At the same time, the arena area must be strengthened accordingly.

Of course, these are all things Sogra Kadlec needs to do.

“My martial skill is fully displayed. tsk tsk…this is really amazing.” A Transcender cry out in surprise.

“I was a little bit unbelievable when the previous extraordinary masters said it. Now it seems that this blood dream arena is really comparable to the existence of a dream battlefield!” Transcender expression was extremely exciting.

“That’s right, I didn’t believe it before, but now I came in and tried it, and the results are pretty good!”

“When playing against each other, I always converge a bit, no Dare to fight as hard as you can. In this, there is no scruples, we can let go and fight.”

“In the future, when garrisoned outside, you can also directly come in and fight with others.”

These words immediately attracted the approval of many Transcender.

“Go to the arena over there, Claes, we will have a life and death battle. Those who lose, please drink today.”

“I’m afraid you won’t make it. “

“Don’t forget the two of you. After you die, you won’t be able to come in for a certain period of time.”

“Whatever you are afraid of, go hunting and come back anyway, you can kill Time can also get the contribution value of the group through hunting. Now the group’s animal hunting activity rewards are very rich.”

“Well, that’s also the case. It’s all gone by and see. The two of them are going to fight. Now, we all used to be spectators in the arena.”

Immediately, many Tier 6 experts of the Chenhui Origin Clan flocked to the arena.

Soon, a fierce battle began.

Undoubtedly, this is a life and death battle. There is no mercy, no convergence, but a complete fight.

The two are fighting with all their strength.

Gurney and Sogla Kadlec are both able to notice the situation in the arena.

This scene naturally made Gurney happy.

“The more you fight, the more times I die, the faster my strength will increase.” Gurney secretly thought.

When the two are fighting.

Blood Dream Arena, 4th floor.

Sogla Kadlec also opened his eyes after receiving the spell from the catalyst and experiencing its many functions in detail.

At this time, within both eyes of Sogra Kadlec, divine light shines.

The acquisition of this authority follows his in-depth understanding.

He already fully understands.

This side radiates the entire “Blood Dream Arena” of the Dark Source Continent, and he has absolute control.

Even the candidates who enter, he can also get their blood crystals and integrate them into a higher level to enhance the entire blood dream arena, while allowing others to have the qualifications to enter.

Not to mention, they also have the ability to expand, change the blood dream arena, give others certain management rights, and so on.

Their family can also perfectly control the blood dream arena in their own hands.

This is simply too important to their family.

It can be regarded as the hope of their family’s revival.

Gurney spoke softly when Sogla Kadletz thought about it.

“In the large-scale Transcendent World of Sacred Feather Dark Source, you will open up a blood dream arena that radiates the entire world. The control is in the hands of your family. I don’t need to elaborate on the importance of this, Sugra ·Your Excellency Kadlec knows the importance of it.”

“This is an important opportunity for your family, and it can even become the root of your family’s rise.”



Gurney lightly looked towards Sogra Kadlec.

“Don’t forget your awe of the great nightmare master.”

“The great nightmare master can give you the dominance of the blood dream arena, if You dare to slacken your service to the great nightmare master, the great nightmare master will kick you out, understand?”

“Your Excellency Gurney, you can rest assured that we will be wholeheartedly to the great The nightmare dominates the service, and the sacrifices will only be more than less.”

“That’s good.” Gurney gently nodded.

“Your clan must manage this blood dream arena well, and while expanding, you must continue to admit more Transcenders.”

“The more the number, the more you The more the family can benefit from it. In this way, you will have more power to serve the nightmare master.”

“Your Excellency Gurney, rest assured, we will do our best to expand. The sphere of influence of the blood dream arena, and at the same time let the horror and prestige of the great nightmare dominate the entire sacred feather dark source continent.”

Sugla Kadlec said sincerely.

What he said is true. After all, the more influential the Blood Dream Arena is, the more they will benefit.

Furthermore, Sogla Kadlec has plans.

Their clan certainly cannot devour all the benefits of the Blood Dream Arena.

The “Temple Tower” in his place is one of the more than 30 temple towers guarded by Daqilong Mountain Range.

At the same time, the powerful Spiritual God from Daqilong mountain range has a very good relationship with him.

He can completely build the powerful Spiritual God and the other masters of the towers.

In this way, each temple tower will take out a part of the sacrifice resources. In this way, every sacrifice will be very easy.

To jointly build a community of interests to jointly obtain the contributions and benefits of the Blood Dream Arena, and to expand the influence of the Blood Dream Arena, while ensuring that their family can receive the Blood Dream Arena in the new At the same time, it will not be destroyed by those greedy guys.

After all, opportunity comes with danger.

And Sogra Kadlec is sure to pass the danger and start the process of revival.

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