It took a long time for Sogra Kadlec to reduce his mind, but the lingering fears still echoed in his mind.

Radiating the entire large-scale Transcendent World, this is simply too terrifying, it is an incomprehensible stalwart force.

“The power of the great nightmare dominance is really beyond my ability to speculate.” Gurney glanced at it. Sogla Kadlec said solemnly.

“It is true.” Gurney gently nodded.

“When I first learned that a genius with whom I played in the Arena of Blood Dreams came from another large Transcendent World, my heart was shaken.”

“I had more lost self-control than Sogra Kadlec Senior lost at the time.” Gurney said.

Sogra Kadlec smiled softly.

“Then how can I enter this blood dream arena?” Sogla Kadletz looked towards Gurney and asked.

“Not everyone is eligible to enter the Blood Dream Arena.”

Gurney slowly elaborated.

Gurney will naturally not be easily qualified to enter, at least in the beginning.

First, Gurney’s strength is still small.

Secondly, only precious and rare can demonstrate its value.

Thirdly, it is naturally because Gurney wants to borrow this entry qualification to collect a toll.

Want to enter my blood dream arena? Simply, first sacrifice a complete body of an extraordinary master-level monster.

“Furthermore, your Chenhui Origins are now serving the great nightmare master.”

“After the first sacrifice, I can only let you go The entry authority of elementary, intermediate, and high-level Transcenders will follow the sacrifices of your clan.”

“The transcender masters will be gradually opened, and then the divine envoys, ancestor spirits, and holy positions will be gradually opened. In the future, even a powerful Demi-God like you, or even a Spiritual God-level powerhouse, can enter it.”


Right with Gurney’s Elaborating, Sogra Kadlec has no objections.

“At this time of the sacrifice, you let all the genius experts of your clan who want to enter the blood dream arena, condense the blood crystals the size of ordinary fists, in the sacrifice, Sacrifice to the nightmare master together.”

“Soon, the nightmare master will use the blood crystal to give the blood crystal the clansman authority.”

“then use the method I gave you Curse, the genius of your clan can enter and even exit the blood dream arena.”

“At the same time, within the blood dream gladiator, you can also communicate in life and death battle, and even sharpen your fighting skills.”

“Blood crystal?” Sogra Kadlec’s brows moved slightly.

Giving others their own blood crystals is a taboo.

After all, there are too many things you can do with the blood of other people.

However, when I thought that it was the Supreme who sacrificed to the Supreme, and the power could even radiate many large-scale Transcendent World Supreme’s nightmares, Sogra Kadlec’s worries were dispelled.

That terrible nightmare master can easily destroy a world, and can he use sacrificed blood crystals to do bad things?

This blood crystal is just a medium used by the nightmare master to confirm the qualifications of the entrant.

“At the same time, you have to know that the power of the nightmare dominates the entire Transcendent World. In any corner, even if it is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, you can enter the blood dream arena and exchange information. It will also be a lot more convenient.” Gurney said.


Sogra Kadlec nodded.

“Using the Blood Dream Arena, our family can establish an effective patrol information exchange system. This effect is also excellent.”

“Then… Your Excellency Gurney, you Looking at this first sacrifice, how many blood crystals are appropriate?” After thinking about it, Sogla Kadlec asked.

“The number of people is small, so it doesn’t make much sense to fight.”

“How about two hundred blood crystals for the first time?” Gurney looked towards Sogra Kadlec.

“Two hundred people are indeed okay.” Sogra Kadlec nodded.

“Then how to obtain the subsequent qualifications?”

“Each corpse of the extraordinary 7th grade giant beast can enter one person, the eighth grade can enter two persons, and the ninth grade can enter two Enter the four.”

“Of course, it is also possible to use the corpses of the extraordinary masters of other races, and the proportions are similar.”

“As for how the nightmare master is measured, then It’s not something I know. It’s better to sacrifice more every time you sacrifice.”

“After all, the qualification for entry is just the qualification for entry.”

“You guys want to To obtain the management right of the Blood Dream Arena in the area of ​​the Dark Source Continent of Saint Feather, it requires a lot of sacrifices.”

“And this is also your family serving the nightmare master, the nightmare master Give you some small permissions.”

“You need to know that other forces, no matter how many sacrifices, are impossible to obtain the management right of one party of Transcendent World Blood Dream Arena.”

” Holy feather dark source blood dream arena management right.” Sogla Kadlec was shocked.

Just enter that’s all. If you still have the right to manage, it will be of great significance.

Sogla Kadlec knows the meaning of this very well. This is where their family can truly use the blood dream arena to continue to grow stronger.

“Also…” Gurney said slowly.

“Sogra Kadlec, I can also use my authority to let His Excellency Sogra Kadlec take the lead in entering the blood dream world, so that you can have this blood dream. The supreme management power of the arena makes it easy for you to manage the entire ethnic group, and after the management, the many geniuses who have entered the entire Sacred Feather Dark Source Continent.”

Sugla Kadlec Suddenly there was joy on his face.

“Thank you very much, Lord Gurney. It is very important to have the supreme management right of a blood dream arena.”

“For specific matters, wait until the sacrifice is completed. After the nightmare master has given you the qualifications to enter, we will enter it to discuss.” Gurney said.

During this period, as Gurney gradually analyzed [Blood Source·Blood Sky Dream Curse].

Gurney analyzed the abilities of many spells from the framework of the nuanced spell syllables.

Some are simple entry and exit.

Some have the ability to transform the blood dream arena.

Some are expelling enemies.

Some use blood crystals to open up and even strengthen the ability of one party’s blood dream arena

Gurney naturally defines these many spells in detail. And the division of class power.

Gurney can use his blood crystal as the core to open up a blood dream arena, and collect the blood crystals and rare soul fragments dropped here.

The core abilities are all Gurney’s own.

With this core as the framework, Gurney gave Sogra Kadlec the authority to manage the transformation, and even expand this blood dream arena.

The larger the blood dream arena expanded, the more people will enter.

The more people in this blood dream arena, the more blood crystals will fall.

Gurney’s own blood dream space power, the stronger.

The blood crystals absorbed at the same time will also turn into a trickle of blood, and then flow into the sea of ​​blood.

In short, the stronger the Blood Dream Arena is, the stronger Gurney itself will be, and the faster the blood sea will expand.

Every piece of their construction, every drop of blood, will contribute to Gurney’s strength.

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