Gurney was not surprised by the performance of Sogra Kadlec.

The more you contact, the more you know the horror and power of the ruler, the old god, and the old god.

The powerful Spiritual God in front of these supreme lifeforms will only noisy their worms.

They don’t care about the life and death of these lives.

It’s like humans don’t care about ants under their feet.

Even if these supreme lifeforms move their nests a little bit, it will bring the disaster of the decline and fall of the Transcendent World.

At this time, a great existence.

A great existence with family members who can communicate, and even spread his own great and terrifying supreme existence.

It looks like a thigh that must be hugged tightly.

Even if it is just holding a leg hair on his thigh, this is infinitely useful to their family.

In this way, Gurney can use this group with Demi-God to obtain a lot of resources.

This is much better than Gurney asking for help directly.

“Your Excellency Sogra Kadlec, you must know that the nightmare rules and even the Supreme Existence.”

“Not every ethnic group is qualified to serve our lord.” Gurney said softly.

“This is inevitable.” Sogra Kadletz lightly said with a smile.

“Your Excellency Gurney, if you have any needs, don’t hesitate to say.”

“Our family will definitely help each other to show our family’s determination and strength to serve the great nightmare master.”

Gurney gently nodded.

“I believe in your determination.”

“If you want to serve the nightmare master, you must first build an altar.”

“For the nightmare master like this A great existence is the world-class altar of the highest scale that requires Peak.”

“But your family is not at all Spiritual God.”

“To build such a huge altar, A lot of manpower and material resources are used.”

“And after the establishment is successful, the movement of the sacrifice will be very huge, which will attract some attention, which may be a disaster for your family. Coming.”

“After all, the nightmare master is now recovering. At this stage, more power is used for recovery, rather than for insignificant aspects.”

“Just build a regular Spiritual God altar, how about it? So that it can be sacrificed without attracting the attention of other eyes.” Gurney looked towards Sogra Kadlec.

“Your Excellency Gurney is well thought out.” Sogra Kadlec smiled.

“Of course, after the great nightmare master awakens completely, the power radiates to this world.”

“The highest-level altar must be established.”

“This is for sure.” Sogra Kadlec was nodded cautiously.

To build a huge world-class altar, the power of their clan is not so strong at all.

Even Spiritual God-level altars will consume a lot of resources for their clan, but they can still be built by grit their teeth.

“It must be established as soon as possible, and half a month must be established at the latest. After all, my time in this World is not long. I need to use the altar to communicate with the great nightmare master so that The altar of your clan is truly accepted by the nightmare master.”

“Otherwise, the nightmare master may not respond to your sacrificial ceremony.”

“half a month, Spiritual God altar.” Sogra Kadlec browses slightly wrinkle

“In such a short time, to build a Spiritual God-level altar, I am afraid that many aspects will be simplified.”

“It’s okay to be simple. I will explain to the nightmare master, but in the follow-up time, the repairs need to be gradually completed.”

“Don’t worry, Gurney, you will definitely.”

“That’s good.”

Gurney nodded.

“Also…what kind of sacrifice does the Lord of Nightmare need?” Sogra Kadlec asked looking towards Gurney.

“Powerful flesh and blood, skeleton, soul, of course, the best is the extraordinary blood of various powerful enemies.”

“The nightmare masters, the most favorite is blood. “

Listen to Gurney’s explanation.

Sogra Kadlec thought about it slightly.

“A terrifying existence who likes blood, if he really wakes up from a complete recovery, I am afraid…”

“However, even if this great being does not like blood, he After waking up, the damage caused is also extremely terrifying.”

“Fortunately, we are already connected to this non-existent family member, so we don’t have to worry too much about this great being. Cause harm.”

” Flesh, skeleton, soul, and blood.” Sogra Kadletz wrote down these things in his heart.

“There is no shortage of these things. With an easy hunt, you can get a large amount of high-level giant beast corpses and a part of the extraordinary master-level giant beast. So as to get enough meat, skeleton, and blood. “

“Of course, higher-level giant beasts, such as the envoy level, are scarce and difficult to hunt. However, for the sacrifice of this time, they still need to go out to inspect and hunt, even if they are in number. One or two rare ones are better than nothing.”

“I hope these, the great nightmare lord, will like them.”

After some thoughts, Sogra Card Leitz looked towards Gurney.

As a family member of the great nightmare master who sacrifices and communicates this time.

Gurney’s role cannot be underestimated.

Dependent, that is the existence that can directly communicate with the great nightmare master.

Even in some respects, communicating with this dependent is far more effective than offering sacrifices.

“Dear Sir Gurney, you are here for closed-door cultivation during this period of time, and everything will be left to our family.”

“At the same time, Lord Gurney, you Do I have anything else I need?”

Sugla Kadlec asked softly.

“I need the coordinates of the core Transmission Array of your family, so that I will come when necessary.”

“At the same time, the transmission token of the Transmission Array directly arrived , Please prepare two more for me in case of emergency.”

“We will prepare these things for Lord Gurney as soon as possible.” Sogra Kadletz said.

“At the same time, I need to inherit the Profound Truth classics of your family of mage.”

After thinking a little bit, Sogra Kadlec nodded.

“No problem, these items will be delivered soon, and I will also arrange a suitable retreat for the Lord Gurney during this period of closed-door cultivation.”

“en!” Gurney gently nodded.

“Sure enough…the personality is high enough, and good things are easy to get!”

Gurney sighed in his heart now.

Using his own special features, Gurney directly turned passive into active.

Not only got the position coordinates of the Transmission Array, but also got the transfer treasure that was directly transferred into this World.

At the same time, he will pack himself into a family member of a terrifying existence.

Leveraging the power of this ethnic group, Gurney can continuously acquire a large amount of flesh and blood to expand his blood and strengthen his own strength.

By the way, Gurney can also get his yearn for something even in dreams Profound Truth classics.

“Nightmare rules, this is a more terrifying existence than greatness and terrifying existence.” Gurney thought so secretly in his heart.

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