On the dark platform.

In the corner, Gurney is sitting cross-legged.

At this time, Gurney has entered the fifth day of the platform.

In these four days, Gurney has not only absorbed the energy to meditate and rest.

All the other time was spent on the cultivation of “Hundred Lines of Origin”.

Although the 7th floor seventy line ball is difficult to condense.

But this is not Gurney’s upper limit.

In terms of Yuanli control, Gurney obviously has a lot of potential that has not been tapped.

Gurney maintains the semi-condensed state of the seventy line ball.

After five or six hours of tempering, the perfect cohesion of the seventy line ball was completed.

After half a day, the perfect cohesion of the eighty line ball was completed.

For many people, in terms of source control, the potential is weak, basically it takes a lot of time, and it is difficult to achieve considerable improvement.

For Gurney, the potential in this area is quite substantial, but it has not been tapped before.

At this time, after a certain amount of assisted cultivation, the degree of improvement is quite amazing.

After that, after another whole day of repeated training, Gurney completed the perfect cohesion of the ninety line balls on the 9th floor.

This last layer, which is the condensation of the Tenth Layer’s Hundred Line Balls, Gurney has already worked hard for more than three days.

During the period, Gurney has failed many times.

Fortunately, Gurney has the anchor of the deep source, but it can also withstand the loss of thousands of sources at every turn.


After a light breath, Gurney slowly opened his eyes.

“After the failure of the Hundred Line Ball last time, I have been in a semi-condensed state of the Hundred Line Ball, and it lasted for more than ten hours. I can feel my control of Yuanli. The degree has been steadily improved a lot.”

“Now, it should be possible to succeed!”

Gurney settled his mind and turned his hand.


A large number of source forces surged out and gathered into a hundred source lines of force, and then these hundred source lines of force criss-crossed, touching and mingling with each other.

With the gradual advancement, Gurney can clearly feel that the pressure on himself from the 100-th line ball is no longer great.

Five or six minutes later.


With a slight tremor.

Hundred thread balls with a full diameter of one meter, with Gurney’s manipulation, are perfectly condensed.

Looking at this big, magnificent line ball, Gurney couldn’t help but calm down and appreciate it.

After a long time, Gurney was stuck on the ball.

Absorb it back.

Good-looking is good-looking, but this energy still cannot be wasted.

At the same time, the war feather monkey not far away was crawling there, staring at Gurney thoughtfully with a pair of stone eyes.

“In just five days, it has already condensed a hundred thread balls.”

“It looks like, there is still a lot of work.”

“This Aoya continent is not a large-scale Transcendent World, nor is it a high-dimensional Transcendent World. How could such a terrifying genius be born?”

“After all, it is impossible for whales to appear in the pond, which is unreasonable. .”

“Is it possible that…It is because of the’source tide’ of Aoya Continent this time that this terrifying transcender was caused. This should be the reason, otherwise there is no other explanation. “

After thinking about the war, the feather monkey slowly retracted his gaze.

“During this period, Master Gui Hai has been spying in secret many times. Obviously Master Gui Hai attaches great importance to this Transcender.”

“If it can Complete the 100-story tower of Profound Truth. I’m afraid…this reward will be very rich.”

“I remember the Dark Element creatures of the Dark Era meta-era since twenty-thirty thousands of years ago , Demon, Blood Race, Dragon Race, and so on after the wisdom life retreats and leaves with the times.”

“Aoya Continent has not yet appeared in the lower class of the transcendent master. Profound Truth’s dual perfect control trialist now!”

“This Transcender is very likely to be the first human in the era of the era for a long time.”

After using the energy of the ball.

Gurney puts his mind on the classics controlled by Profound Truth.

“According to the control method based on the Profound Truth control classics, it is necessary to condense a one-hundred-story tower called the “Profound Truth Tower”.”

“each floor, you need There are not many Profound Truths, and there are not many in combination.”

“But there is a high demand for the control ability of Profound Truth.”

“I am world Profound. Truth’s darling, and at the same time, my world Profound Truth is best at this kind of framework.”

“The cohesion is not a problem, the problem is how long it takes.”

In After careful consideration of the Profound Truth tower in my mind.

Gurney began the consolidation of the Profound Truth tower.

Unconsciously half a month’s time has passed.


In the mysterious strange space.

The old man of Gui Hai sits in the void, surrounded by mist.

No one can see his true appearance clearly.

When the old man of Guihai was alive, there were seven statue creatures of various types.

There are war feather monkeys, darkwing elves, goblin merchants, clansman, and humans.

These intelligent creatures are all statues, but they all have self-consciousness and life.

Among the seven statue creatures, the war feather monkey suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he gave a salute to the old man of the sea in the void and mist, and then opened the mouth and said.

“Master Gui Hai, then Gurney · Lawrence has already condensed the Profound Truth Tower of the nineteenth 18th Layer in the past few days.”

“Just after he came out of the practice state just now , Has begun to absorb the source force, he seems to be condensed into a 100-story Profound Truth tower.”

War Feather Monkey reports truthfully.

“I got it.”

The voice in the mist passed down extremely thickly.

Immediately, the old man in the mist looked towards the depths of the distant space.

There is Gurney gathering Profound Truth Tower.

For this Gurney condensed into the 100-meter-high Profound Truth tower, the old man of the sea is not surprising.

Even the old man of the sea has spied on Gurney’s life trajectory many times during this period.

If you insist on finding a word to describe Gurney’s previous experience, it is “prosaic.”

There is almost nothing surprising about this Gurney.

But under such a plain life trajectory, a “monster Transcender” that the entire world cannot be born has been brewing.

It can even easily kill the peak genius from the large-scale Transcendent World cultivated Profound Truth classics.

Obviously, his innate talent is high and unimaginable.

It can be said that its innate talent surpasses any genius of extraordinary species known to the old man of the sea.

“Can’Genius’ also breed such a Transcender?”

“Anyway, such a monstruous talent genius is indeed worth training.”


In the dark and quiet corner of the platform.

Gurney, who was concentrating, looked at the world Profound Truth towers that were about two meters high, but 100 meters high, and breathed lightly.

“After spending half a month before and after, I finally succeeded.” Gurney said softly.

“Although it took a long time, my control of Profound Truth has risen sharply.”

“Before, I was able to control about 10% of rune Profound Truth. Come to fight.”

“Nowadays, I am afraid that it is not a problem to control 40% of rune Profound Truth to fight.”

“Although, in ordinary battles, I At most, only two or three percent of the world Profound Truth will be taken out. Now that I have such a solid control of the world Profound Truth, my real strength has improved a lot.”

” When I was against the super master, now I really have the ability to resist.”

After thinking about it, Gurney turned around and opened the mouth and said.

“Before the war feather monkey…”

The words were forcibly stuck in the mouth.

“Crude Sea Senior!”

Gurney said along the way and saluted at the same time.

I saw that the original stone carving war feather monkey disappeared.

It is replaced by a strange Human Race wearing a normal black robe, with a slightly larger face than normal humans, and with a grayish black skin.

This man is the famous old man of the sea.

It is said that it is the powerful existence of Half-God Level.

The gods above the supernatural master, the ancestor spirit, the holy position, the three levels of Peak, and then the “Demi-God” realm, and then the real Spiritual God realm.

The old man of the sea is slightly nodded after patrolling back and forth on the framework of the world Profound Truth condensed by Gurney.

“You are very good!”

The old man of Gui Hai smiled kindly, gently opened the mouth and said.

while speaking, his gaze has fallen on Gurney’s face.

“You should have guessed something, this is Transcender’s Land of Trial, right?” The old man of Gui Hai said softly.

“Guessed some.” Gurney gently nodded.

“In fact, it has been a long, long time that no one, or intelligent creature, can complete the control of Yuanli and the control of rune Profound Truth on this stone platform in such a short time. “

“Even the vast majority of intelligent creatures, the realm under the extraordinary master, have not even felt the rune Profound Truth, let alone control it.”

” Even in the large-scale Transcendent World, it will be difficult for a long, long time to appear as an excellent Transcender with innate talent like you.”

“The only pity is that your extraordinary career seems a little weak.”

“Do you want to get the starry sky sequence of the Blood Curse Master?” The old man of Guihai said softly.

At this point, Gurney couldn’t help but startled.

Starry sky sequence, who doesn’t want to get it.

Before, Gurney was still pondering, waiting to return to the Transcendental Association to inquire about this information.

Look at whether the extraordinary profession of Blood Curse Master can continue to be promoted or even promoted to a higher starry sky sequence.

Gurney absolutely never thought that this scene would come so suddenly.

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