Yes, Nigel is the one who came here.

“yes! long time no see, it’s only a year, you are so strong now.” Nigel lightly said with emotion while patrolling Gurney back and forth.

“Senior, don’t you have a breakthrough?” After looking at Nigel, Gurney said softly.

“It was originally meant to be a breakthrough. It said that the trip to the forbidden area of ​​the elements at this time requires Peak’s sixth-order expert, so I suppressed the realm.” Nigel said softly.

“The strength of Elderly is not weak, but it is not my goal. You should go to Senior!”

“I have this intention.” Nigel laughed.

Then it looked towards the high air, the rickety Elderly who had entered the battlefield, said softly.

“The old bastard is called’Cheshark’, a very cruel and ruthless guy. He has escaped twice in my hands. This time he can’t escape.”

Soon, Nigel walked forward.

After a while, Neal’s silhouette emerged in the projection.

huhuhu ……

The squally wind screamed, and many grass clippings on the ground were swept up by the violent wind and then disappeared into the depths of the black fog.

The ground is already devastated, and under the black grass are black rocks and soil.

This whole piece of world seems to have only the color “black” this.

“Chesh, you can’t escape this time.”

Feeling the wind blowing Nigel lightly saying.

“Nigel, I knew you were here.” Qi Shark smiled gloomily, grinningly.

“But, do you know why I still dare to come in?”

“Because I want to kill you today.”

tone barely fell, Qi Shark The whole person instantly turned into a bloody streamer and strangled.

“I came here prepared!”

As he charged over, Qi Shark hissed and roared.


As soon as the two met, a terrifying wave of air directly agitated more than 30 meters in a radius, and the black weeds within 30 meters were instantly pulled up. by the roots.


boom~ boom~ ……

The continuous bursting sound agitated wildly.

The two went directly into a frantic fight.

Looking at the battle between the two, Gurney’s eyes condensed slightly, watching the battle closely.

Soon Gurney discovered some clues, that is, the guy named Qi Shark has a more and more vigorous aura, and every stroke of Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light is extremely powerful. break out.

Nigel began to be suppressed.

And with the ebbing of time, the attack of the cheek shark became more and more fierce.

At the same time, its speed and the strangeness of its attacks are gradually improving.

Nigel began to be completely suppressed.

Even after being suppressed from attacking, Nigel didn’t even have a chance to counterattack, and his attacks and dodge actions began to slow down.

“Nigel, today is your time of death.” Chesh Shark said in a sullen voice during the repeated attacks.

“Chesh, your furnace heart is finally smelted?” Even though it was suppressed, and even injured, Nigel still looked calm at this time.

“It’s fine if you know.”

“It’s a pity.” Nigel’s voice was a little hoarse, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood.

“I’m still stiff, my heart of the furnace fits my bloodline power. Even if your strength increases, it’s hard to resist.”

“Fool, you know, some things are very restrained The heart of your furnace, for example…”

The figure suddenly rushed forward, and at the same time Nigel secretly moved a magic item in his hand. This is a mechanical pocket watch that looks rather worn.

With the movement of this mechanical pocket watch.

Na Qisha’s complexion changed abruptly, and his attacking movement suddenly stagnated.

The stagnation at the moment of expert fighting is very fatal.

Nigel has already slapped Cheshark’s chest heavily with a palm.


The whole body of Qi Shark hit the ground.


Amidst the roar of Che Shark, Nigel bullied himself again.

With an especially fierce confrontation.

Qi Shark was beaten back in a row, and even the clothes on his body had been beaten to pieces, revealing the mechanical scales on the body.

You can vaguely see the location of its heart, which is a hot furnace.

“The transformation of mechanical life?” This scene surprised Gurney secretly.

As the battle entered the hottest state.

The terrifying air waves around the two are superimposed.

Finally, it exploded.

When the fluctuations dissipate.

The injured Nigel stood aside among the ruins.

And the rickety Elderly called Qi Shark has no life.

The heart of its melting pot is already broken.

His gaze patrolled around Naqi Shark’s body, and Nigel slowly retracted his gaze.

At this time, Death God in the distance had already collected the corpse of Qi Shark and the dissipated soul, and at the same time let out his position.

Nigel didn’t delay, he went straight into the mountain road and then disappeared.

“Only use the magic item, otherwise Nigel will inevitably die in it today.”

At this time, the powerhouse on the Evil God side coldly said.

“That’s not necessarily.” A powerhouse from the Transcendental Association retorted with a smile.

“The pocket watch that restrains mechanical creatures is not simple to use, and how do you know that Nigel does not have the means of trump card?”

“To the end, Naqi Shark should die or die, but the magical item speeds up the process.”

Three consecutive victories, the side of the Extraordinary Association, is more prosperous.

A smile appeared on the face with many powerhouses.

“Tutor, let me go!”

At this time, in the crowd behind the Transcendental Association, an alien youth with a long sword carrying rays of light condensed gently spoke. .

This alien young man has a thin body and a matte silver-gray metal skin. At the same time, his face, arms, and arms are all metal-like sharp water chestnuts. The whole person is like a sharp sword glow. .

When this young man speaks.

Not far away, “Dius” with a dark light saber on his back looked sideways.

“Pasta can’t bear it anymore?”

Dius knows very well that this Pasta is a top genius who is not weaker than him. In the future They are all geniuses who have the hope of taking the path of “Holy Position”.

The sixth-order Peak powerhouse of the world called Nigel just now, although it is very powerful, it is only a threat to them.

For them, this level of battle is only a slight challenge that’s all.

“Go, be careful, don’t underestimate the enemy.” Pasta’s mentor was slightly nodded.

“I know.”

The nodded Pasta walked straight forward.

“It’s almost time for me to play.”

Although I don’t know the opponent’s name, when I saw the young powerhouse carrying a “curse sword” walking forward, Gurney has his mind.

Gurney waited for a long time to snipe the expert from the alien sky.

At the same time, I want to try the strength of these alien geniuses and the Profound Truth books in their hands.

When he came to the vicinity of vortex, this alien genius glanced over a large number of high-level Transcenders behind the powerhouse of many transcendent associations, and then smiled slightly.

“Come here if you are not afraid of death.”

The color of arrogance fills the eyebrows, domineering.

As soon as his voice fell, Gurney brows slightly raised, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t tell me, there is someone who is not afraid of death.”

“Senior, I’m on.” Gurney lowered his voice and said to Zul Elémon.

“en!” Zul Elémen is gently nodded.

Soon Gurney walked forward.

When Gurney moved, Pasta, the alien swordsman, looked over.

After staring at Gurney for a moment, this alien swordsman stepped into vortex.

Gurney, who followed, also followed into vortex.

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