“Senior means, this time, among the Evil God believers and those visitors from the exotic starry sky, someone who has cultivated the Profound Truth classics?” Gurney asked in a deep voice.

“Yes.” Bataru was slightly nodded.

“The Profound Truth classics are different from ordinary spells.”

“Whether it is the Profound Truth classics of fighting, the shadow Profound Truth classics, or the Profound Truth classics of spells, these The classics are all self-contained combat systems.”

“As far as I know, among the stars and visitors who came to Oya Continent this time, there is a large-scale Transcendent World’Ancient Dragon Transcendent from Peak. A mentor of World’.”

“I don’t know much about this mentor. However, the one who followed him to the Aoya continent is called “Deus” Blue Feather Clansman, this person is very special “

“This transcender called Dius, the transcender of the transcendent sixth-order Peak, has a powerful Profound Truth classic for cultivation.”

“The specific classic name, I I don’t know.”

“However, in the Ancient Dragon Transcendent World, I have seen this guy fighting images.”

“The Profound Truth that controls the wind, its Fast terrifying, even some flashing methods are not as fast, in a flash, it can easily cross five-six hundred meters.”

“If it’s only fast, it’s all.”

“Its weird body shape perfectly fits the erratic characteristics of the Profound Truth of the wind, and you can hardly find its true position.”

“The blade is sharp, that Not to mention, I saw it easily tear apart the magic gold armor, and then strang the enemy’s fleshy body to smash.”

“This genius Transcender named Dius, in Ancient Dragon Tank In such a large Transcendent World, it is said to be very famous.”

Listening to Bataru’s words, Gurney still couldn’t help his eyes condensing slightly.

Although I have known the power of Profound Truth in many handwritten notes and related materials.

But at this time, hearing Bataru’s meticulous explanation, Gurney couldn’t help but throb.

This cultivation of Dius, who is a classic of fighting warfare, is indeed very powerful.

“There will be some gaps between the scattered cultivation and various spells and the comprehensive rune Profound Truth classics.”

“Your Excellency Gurney is not weak, but Be very careful of these Transcenders in the exotic starry sky of Peak.”

“In addition to this Dius, there may also be Transcenders with other cultivation Profound Truth classics.”

“Before these geniuses who have cultivated the Profound Truth classics, you never know how powerful they are.”

“These Transcenders and cultivation have Profound Truth classics and non-cultivation Profound Truth classics, and If the Profound Truth that I feel is strong or weak, it will make a big difference in their strength.”

“If you underestimate the enemy, you will inevitably suffer.” Bataru said solemnly.

“Indeed.” At this time, the old witch Ancestor Master was also slightly nodded.

“The Transcendent World where our Aoya continent is located, whether it is the frame size of the Transcendent World or the upper limit of the spell books, is far from being comparable to those powerful Transcendent Worlds.”

“Therefore, during this visit to the forbidden area of ​​the elements, you must be careful and then be careful.”

“en!” Gurney nodded.

For these enemies, Gurney will naturally be cautious.

In the place of Dragon Tomb, Gurney had a deep understanding of the powerful daughter of Evil God.

“Don’t talk about the visitors of the alien starry sky and the believers of Evil God.”

“This time, the Southern Healing Church and the War Church, the two Major Sects, are said to be It has already begun to intercept the strength of Faith secretly, and use the strength of Faith to forge the fleshy body, source pool, and soul of the two god-making seed geniuses.”

“After the forging of the strength of Faith, their I am afraid that the strength contains a little power of the “God Envoy”, and the comprehensive strength is not worse than those geniuses who have cultivated the Profound Truth classics.”

“At the same time, because the Elemental Forbidden Territory Master and above You can’t enter the powerhouse.”

“Both sides will also send a certain amount of sixth-level Peak, which can be promoted to the extraordinary 7th grade powerhouse with a long history.”

“These people’s Strength is not to be underestimated.”

After listening to the explanation of the old wizard Ancestor Master, Gurney rubbed his fingers and chuckled slightly.

“It seems that this time, this trip to the forbidden area of ​​the elements, there are so many powerhouses!” Gurney said with a smile.

“Of course.” Zul Ellemn was slightly nodded.

“After all, this battle is about the Spirit King crown issue.”

“It can even be said that it may determine the future trend of the Oya continent.”

“In this game, both sides have invested a great deal of bargaining chips.”

“Life and death, who will not let go easily.”

Gurney bowed his head and pondered. It was also thinking silently in my heart.

After some thought, Zul looked towards Gurney.

“How is your demonized rune condensed?”

“It has already been condensed.” Gurney said.

“That’s good.” Zul nodded.

“There is still some time before the opening of the element forbidden area. The mysterious island is now in chaos.”

“And you just got the gift from Lord Batalu Regarding the skills and methods related to Profound Truth, during this time, you are here to concentrate on cultivation and strive to improve your strength. This way, when you enter it, you will be able to exert your strength to a greater extent.”

“Good too!” Gurney gently nodded.


More than an hour later.

Gurney entered an underground chamber in this ancient great hall.

The wall of this secret room has been specially strengthened, and the entrance of the stone gate is also a special transcendent gate. The closed-door cultivation here is extremely safe, and there is no fear of being disturbed or even assassinated.

After checking for safety, Gurney took out the cultivation position in the corner and sat down on it.

After remembering in my mind the geniuses of the exotic starry sky cultivated and powerful Profound Truth classics, Evil God and the god-making seeds of the Southern Church, as well as those powerhouses that have been deposited by the sixth-order Peak for a long time.

Gurney’s mouth is drawn with a smile.

“Undoubtedly, you are all strong.”

“But now I am not weak.”

Immediately, Gurney lost his mind. looked towards one’s own within the body.

These four months of closed-door cultivation.

Gurney has made great progress.

The progress in rune Profound Truth is even more terrifying.

In addition to rune Profound Truth, Gurney’s own magic spells have also made amazing progress.

Gurney, the fifth-order Early-Stage, has been reincarnated many times before, plus this time promotion.

The power of the source power alone has surpassed the sixth-order Peak Mage.

At this time, Gurney within the body has a full three “demonized runes.”

Feeling this demonized rune Gurney, he thought about it slightly.

The first demonized rune can transform the source pool’s source power to form a magic source pool, magic source power.

At this time, the source pool and source power of Gurney within the body have also been transformed into a magic source pool and magic source power.

At least, now Gurney is no longer afraid of the magician’s biggest killing move, “forbidden magic” ability.

When two demonized runes, it can improve the soul’s tolerance.

For Gurney, this is also a huge improvement.

Before, Gurney was very afraid of soul injury. Once injured, it would be too fatal for the wizard.

Even if the devil’s secondary soul resists, the soul body cannot make any difference. A small Soul Split seam will drastically reduce the Gurney battle strength and even lose the combat capability.

After condensing two enchanted runes, it is completely different.

Gurney’s soul has been able to resist after such a long period of time under the strengthened defense of the “True Origin Fruit”.

In addition to this increase in tolerance, even if certain soul damage penetrates into it and causes damage to the soul, Gurney is completely unafraid.

It can be said that it is a small transformation.

The three enchanted runes at this time. Compared with the demonization of a demonized rune source pool, and the improvement of the soul tolerance of two demonized runes.

Gurney was quite surprised when these three enchanted runes were condensed.

Gurney seems not at all to feel too much change.

The area that has changed is that the efficiency of the spirit transformation of Yuanli has been greatly improved, and the self-contained world of the magic source pool has become more stable.

These aspects are inevitable changes after the increase in number.

As for the question of whether the 5% upper limit of soul loss has been increased, Gurney did not try.

If you die, your own cultivation may fall.

But anyway, the aggregation of these three magic runes does not seem to be the critical point.

The effect obtained is just normal enhancement.

It should take more magic rune.

However, Gurney does not at all choose more condensed rune, but chooses the condensed secret rune.

After all, more demonized rune is only for defense and survival.

The cohesion of the secret crossing rune is the key to Gurney’s offensive transformation.

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