
Along with this explosion, the source force sound wave shook the entire area of ​​the dominator’s seal.

For a while, many cultivation powerhouses at the entrance square of the ancient hall opened their eyes and looked towards the direction of the explosion.

Zul Elemen and Bataru, who were talking about something in a corridor seat of the great hall, stood up abruptly, looking towards the direction of the explosion.

At the same time, many other cultivators that are condensing and demonizing rune in the Dominator Seal Body were also interrupted by the explosion at this time.

There are different degrees of prudence on all faces.

The explosion near this great lifeform dominator will not cause the dominator’s reaction.

But with such a sudden explosion, no one can help but panic.

“Let’s go!”

There is nothing left, Zul Elemen and Bataru immediately got up and flew to the explosion place.

After a while, Zul Elémen, who fell quickly, saw Gurney on the edge of the explosion.

“What’s the situation?”

The fallen old witch Ancestor Master El Ole said with an unusually solemn expression.

“There was a shadow who assassinated me. It should be the shadow of an extraordinary master. He was very powerful, but I was blown to death.”

Gurney said.

Zul Olemen has no change in expression.

Bataru on the side slightly narrows the eyes.

Without asking Gurney too much, the old witch Ancestor Master took out his staff.

With the incantation’s curse.

The tiny crystal on the top of the staff, which resembles a starry sky crystal, blooms like a star.

Then within the collapsed cave, in the casting of light and shadow, the scene quickly traced back.

Soon the scene of the shadow fighting Gurney in the dark was reconstructed.

When I saw that shadow.

Zul slightly narrows the eyes, as if to find something from the shadow.

At the same time, Bataru’s face became increasingly ugly.

There was no anomaly here before.

As soon as they came in, this vicious assassination happened.

This has nothing to do with them, if you don’t figure out the specific situation.

He and his two students, I am afraid I will explain here today.

After all, this Gurney is no ordinary person.

He has a good relationship with the senior executives of the Transcendental Association. He knows how much he values ​​when the Transcendental Association knows that Gurney is a super mage.

Even the senior executives of the Transcendental Association have meant to train Gurney as the core.

If the assassination happened in such an important place, if it is really related to them, it is even their participation.

He dare to say that this Transcendent Association will definitely kill the three of them for Gurney.

When Zul Olemen went back to the scene.

Five extraordinary masters quickly landed near here from all directions.

As soon as they fell, several people immediately looked towards the battle scene in the dark.

When they looked at the dark area that descended, Gurney was able to quickly avoid the assassination of the shadow in the dark, they looked at Gurney on the side.

Many extraordinary masters have already moved slightly.

Obviously, this Gurney not only has a sense of the dark Profound Truth, but is not weak, otherwise it is impossible to be like a fish back in water in this dark area.

They have all heard more or less before that the super mage Gurney · Lawrence is a genius amongst geniuses, and the strength is extremely powerful.

But that is just a rumor.

At this time, I saw it with my own eyes and roughly inferred that the perception of his dark Profound Truth was more vigorous and even not weaker than that of the ordinary extraordinary master.

Suddenly, many super-fat master looked towards Gurney looked a little strange.

Such a rune Profound Truth perception is indeed a bit shocking.

After reading it, I discovered that Gurney was deliberately bombing to attract people to come,

Zul Elémen slightly narrows the eyes.

Looked towards Gurney, who is calm and composed on the side.

Zul also knows that if ordinary people are assassinated, I’m afraid that their extraordinary masters will go through the investigation and investigation.

But Gurney deliberately made such a big explosion, obviously he didn’t take a calm attitude.

More importantly, this Gurney is not an ordinary person.

The important secret pattern potion that can almost change the confrontation between North and South forces was born in Gurney’s hands.

This credit alone is enough to make him qualified to enter the top.

At the same time, more importantly, this Gurney’s strength is terrifying.

In Transcendent Tier 4, you can kill Tier 6 starry sky sequences.

The name of super mage is even more prestigious on the ocean, and even the envoy has cooperated with it.

Not to mention that it has a very good relationship with the mysterious existence of the dragon slayer, the time hunter and so on.

Whether others believe it or not.

This Gurney is now gaining momentum and no one can stop it.

If you become an extraordinary master, it must be a well-known figure among the extraordinary masters. It is also possible to become an envoy, an ancestor spirit, and even an extremely rare “Holy Position” in the future.

Gurney, the enchanting innate talent, had hidden his whereabouts before to avoid assassination.

This time, here closed-door cultivation condenses and demonizes rune, but is assassinated again.

Looking at it, it is obvious that the matter at this time is not given a good explanation, I am afraid it will not be solved.

Looking at Gurney’s appearance.

Bataru, who has an extremely ugly face, also knows in his heart that it is hard to give up today.

“Your Excellency Zul, I will bring the two of them here, and I will also voluntarily accept the mantra check later. I will definitely give Lord Gurney an explanation.”

With a glance at Bataru, Zul Elémen still suppressed the idea of ​​sending someone to follow Bataru.

If this is the case, I don’t believe the other party too much, and the other party will inevitably be grudged.

Besides, here, Bataru couldn’t escape without him opening the barrier with special incantion.

“en!” Zul Elémen is slightly nodded.

Immediately, Bataru’s magical action rose from the ground and flew away.

After Bataru flies away.

Gurney looked towards Ancestor Master.

Zul pondered for a while before speaking.

“Someone came in today, a total of three people.”

“One is the extraordinary master Bataru of Tier 9 Peak who flew away just now. He is here for a large Transcendent World’s powerhouse and cultivation have special classics, and the methods are not trivial.”

“He also came in with his two students, and at the same time, there is also a shadow that is very likely to be attached to him. Two students.”

“Usually, we would not check them easily.”

“After all, everyone who can come in can be trusted.”

“It’s just that, unexpectedly, someone learned of your trail and sent the shadow of an extraordinary master to assassinate you.”

“Fortunately, your current strength methods are not Weak.”

“If you change to another person, the invisibility of this extraordinary master’s shadow and the enclosed nature of the coming of darkness will basically die silently. Then the shadow will also It dissipates automatically. When the time comes, I can’t find any traces.”

“Who is the shadow?” After Zul finished explaining, Gurney looked over.

After a little thought, Zul spoke.

“If I guess right, it should be Byrne Warwick.”

“This is an extremely notorious Assassin. The work.”

“Because our Transcendental Association has an assassination order against it, which leads to its very targeted at our Transcendental Association.”

“This guy has a bad reputation and often Kill the teammates who cooperated, so those Evil God churches who come here are not willing to accept this kind of guy.”

“But this guy is not weak, and he often takes it in the Yagami Ship All kinds of assassination missions get paid.”

“Therefore, there are many enemies.”

“Fortunately, Burn Warwick, the shadow assassination ability is very strong, and The ability to use the shadow to escape is also very powerful. He has also avoided the assassination plan carried out by our Transcendental Association several times.”

“Unexpectedly, this time, this guy actually used the shadow to enter this hidden place. Land. It seems that it is necessary to react to the above, and all the transcendents who enter here in the future will need to go through a strict investigation.” Zul Elémen said.

The two are talking about the room.

Take Bataru and the two of them already flew quickly.

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