The form of life!

until now is an important subject for the study of extraordinary academic circles.

Until the first century, as the number of extraordinary masters gradually increased, as the knowledge acquired gradually increased.

Only the understanding of life forms in the extraordinary academic circles has been further improved.

First of all, human beings are the lifeform of “flesh and soul”.

Remember that “flesh” and “soul” are necessary conditions for human life.

But it is not a necessary condition for “life”.

For example, the extraordinary natural disaster lifeform without flesh and soul-mechanical life.

The mechanical heart hidden under their cold mechanical skeleton has extraordinary wisdom.

They have built their own unique civilization, even those bold Evil God don’t dare provoke them.

These machines have no belief or unbelief.

What they want to do is to dismember those Spiritual Gods, and then throw them into their own mechanical furnace to enhance their potential and strength and allow themselves to grow faster.

Nothing can make them feel afraid.

In a large number of Transcender codecs, all that exists is the fear of mechanical life.

Another example, soul body life without flesh and blood.

The vastness of their forms exists in various Transcendent Worlds, and the crown lifeform “devil” of Soul Body Peak of Life is even more known by countless Transcendent Worlds.

Another example is the lifeform of the soulless element.

Such as stone giants, mountain range giants, flame puppets, etc.

Although they are not many in number, there is no doubt that they are soulless, and no matter how powerful a soul attack is, a weak lifeform of this kind of element cannot be eliminated.

Obviously, flesh and blood and soul are not necessary conditions for lifeform.

So what is the “core of life”?

This problem seems to have been solved long ago in some ancient note-taking notes from other extraordinary powerhouses, and because the Scholars of Aoya Continent did not at all reach this height of cognition and research.

That’s why there has not been a large-scale consensus.

And about fifty-sixty years ago.

The complete doctrine of life finally took shape in the Oasia continent.

That is the core of life-life energy framework.

This “energy” includes flesh and blood, soul, and even elemental body.

In general terms, everything can be regarded as the “energy” of life, and matter is also another form of energy that’s all.

As long as the “energy” can operate, it can be built into a complete and stable life framework.

Then this kind of organism can be called life.

This “life energy framework theory” is a mainstream cognition. As for whether it is correct or not, no one can know.

But at least this can provide humans with a new perspective to understand more life forms of this Transcendent World.

After understanding the nature of life forms.

Compared with those powerful lifeforms, this human form, soul and flesh and blood, will appear weak and even very disadvantageous.

For example, when the human “blood fleshy body” and “soul” must construct the “frame of life” at the same time, life can survive.

When the fleshy body loses its vitality and the framework collapses, even if the soul is not injured, the soul will die out and the whole person will die completely.

When the fleshy body is complete and the soul suffers a devastating blow or is swallowed by the devil, it will also die.

Compared with the weak fleshy body and soul of human beings.

The soul and fleshy body of the crowned creature are very terrifying and terrifying.

For example, soul annihilation is 90%, and the devil with only 10% soul remains, and the accumulated energy can still survive with this 10% soul energy.

For example, the fleshy body is annihilated 90%, even if there is only one section of the “devil” with claws, it can still survive with this section of claws.

This kind of powerful life state is incomprehensible for the weak life of human beings.

It is difficult to understand, but this does not mean that human beings have no pursuit in this area.

In fact, the promotion of extraordinary sequences is not only the pursuit of strength.

The same is the pursuit of higher life forms.

Humans also want soul annihilation to be 90% alive and still survive.

Humans also want to survive the annihilation of the fleshy body with only one palm.

The promotion of the sixth grade to the 7th grade is just the distance of a class, and it seems that the gap should not be big.

In fact, the difference between the sixth grade and the 7th grade is completely the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The important reason is that.

When the sixth grade was promoted to the 7th grade, the life form was strengthened and improved.

This will allow Transcender’s strength to increase explosively.

As far as Gurney knows, only the sixth grade is promoted to the 7th grade.

Only when the ninth rank is promoted to a higher level, the life form will undergo transformational promotion.

But Gurney did not expect that this demonized rune, after condensing, could actually change the life form of Transcender.

This is quite incredible.

“Demonize rune through cohesion.”

The old wizard continued to elaborate slowly.

“Soul, fleshy body, energy will form a strange life form of the Trinity.”

“For example, if your soul has been slightly damaged, you can consume the fleshy body. To repair the soul, you can also use energy, that is, source force to repair the soul, and this repair is immediate and the effect is very good.”

“Similarly, the fleshy body is injured and can be consumed. The soul and source power are restored.”

“The source power is weak, you can use the soul and fleshy body to transform to obtain.”

“I said that it can be transformed, but in practice , No one will consume soul and fleshy body to transform the source power.”

“Some conversions can be done this way, but it is not necessary.” Gurney said.

“Yes!” The old wizard was slightly nodded.

“As a mage, you should be very clear that the soul is a very important core for mage, and we can obtain energy at a very slight level.”

“soul Injury is difficult to recover, it takes a long time to cultivate, and some traumatic injuries need to be repaired with soul treasures.”

“If you have a Trinity life form, your soul will be slightly injured, even Some permanent damaging traumas, we can easily consume energy to cultivate our soul injuries.”

“No matter the severe injury of a severed limb, we can also consume energy through the Trinity life form, right The fleshy body recovers.”

“The powerful life form of the Trinity is really terrifying.” Gurney sighed softly.

“The promotion of the sixth grade to the 7th grade is also to strengthen the fleshy body, soul, and energy, but there is no way to transform each other.”

“This magical rune gives life a brand-new trinity of life The form really created an unprecedented new form of lifeform.”

When Gurney was emotional, he glanced at the old wizard on the side.

I found that there was a faint smile on the face of the old wizard at this time.

Immediately, Gurney’s heart condenses slightly.

“I’m afraid…this seemingly beautiful Trinity life form is not at all as good as imagined!”

“Senior, the life of the Trinity Are there any drawbacks to the form? Or what is restricted?” Gurney looked towards the old wizard.

“There are no drawbacks, but restrictions…well…neither.”

“The only bad aspect is…in terms of conversion efficiency, there is a little bit Low.”

“A little bit?”

Gurney secretly curl one’s lip.

“In your tone, I am afraid it is not a little bit, but a little bit!”

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