At dusk, night falls slowly.

This is the time when the entire island town is the busiest.

There was noise from various taverns and restaurants.

After having dinner, Gurney walked alone along the sandy beach of the coastline to a no-man’s land with dense sea reefs.

Night shrouded slowly, and the silhouette of Gurney in the sea reef area was completely covered by a large number of sea reefs.

By the side of a reef cliff near the sea, Gurney flipped over and took out a yellow golden sea snail.

“wu wu ~~~”

Gurney blew the conch hard.

A deep and melodious sound penetrated into the depths of the sea, seeming to cause a certain source of shock, which became more and more vigorous as it spread.

At the same time when Gurney just collected the yellow golden sea snails.

flashed with blood color flashed with blood color momentarily appeared behind Gurney, wiped away at Gurney’s neck at a very strange angle, and the air was easily torn apart.

Gurney never looked back.

With a gentle pressure with one hand, the Tier 5 assassin who wanted to assassinate Gurney was directly controlled by the powerful puppet secret thread.



The terrifying aura of the devil lord bloomed and then disappeared.

At the same time, the soul of the fifth-order assassin disappeared.

The blood tentacles popped out quickly.


A lot of blood was drawn.

Later, this Tier 5 assassin has been admitted to the system space by Gurney.

The whole process of killing and collecting corpses took only a few seconds.

These Tier 5 assassins are too weak for Gurney today.

Just a Devouring Soul of the Devil Lord cannot hold it.

Of course, Gurney had already discovered the other party’s traces before and was already on guard. This is the point.

On the mysterious mobile island, causing damage will be punished by the mobile island.

Therefore, many people think that when moving to a safer place, no one will act randomly.

But on the contrary.

Those Assassin shot a lot.

Because, damage to the mobile island will be punished by the mobile island, but what if the damage is not caused?

Just like just now, if Gurney was an ordinary wizard and had his head cut off by Assassin, this situation would not cause damage to the mysterious island, so he would not be punished.

On the other hand, Gurney easily killed the opponent without causing damage, nor would he be punished.

The ordinary person who thinks it is safe here, even the Transcender, will only die miserably if they dare to walk around.

Kill the Tier 5 assassin.

While Gurney digested the blood of this Tier 5 assassin, he was also chewing on the other’s soul fragments and absorbing the other’s soul memory.

After some digestion, Gurney’s complexion is as calm and natural as ever.

“The assassination of this mobile island is so rampant? There are also some assassins who specialize in fishing, attracting those powerful magicians to attack, bombing the island, and then using the power of the island to carry out anti-kill. tsk tsk… …It’s really insidious. Fortunately, there is no magic spell.”

“It seems that if you are fighting on a mysterious island, it is necessary to use some spells that are not very destructive to the island, such as size The Lightning Curse is a useful spell. Its permeability It shouldn’t be what damage to the earth will only be conducted into the ground and the ocean.”

“Of course, it is better to attract the enemy to the ocean. Fighting, in this way, it will be safer.” Gurney thought secretly.

“But this also proves from the side that the local forces of this mobile island plus the new influx of forces, between tangled and complicated, is already an extreme danger, and you should be careful.”

Afterwards, Gurney converged and looked towards the sea.

Gurney, who fuse together with the surrounding sea reefs, waited quietly, feeling the slight movement of the island and feeling the erosion of the sea reefs by the sea.

About half an hour later.

crash-bang ……

A huge vortex with a diameter of about twenty-thirty meters quickly emerged in Gurney.

Immediately Gurney stood up, his eyes solemnly looked towards this huge weird vortex.

After a while, in the center of vortex, an old wizard with a white wizard hat, a white wizard robe cloak, and white as snow appeared.

When the old wizard looked towards Gurney, Gurney immediately felt a strong prying power.

Gurney’s own peculiar characteristics make Gurney have a strong isolation ability and extremely strong resistance to this kind of prying power.

It seemed that Gurney’s resistance was sensed. Immediately, this voyeuristic force quickly disappeared.

Then the old wizard narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards Gurney.

“You are?”

“Just relying on a yellow golden sea snail is not enough? Do you still need to verify your identity?”

Gurney is in a vertical figure , His face and body outline quickly returned to his true colors.

The old wizard immediately recognized Gurney’s identity.

“Gurney · Lawrence.”

Elderly said lightly with a smile.

“However, just by your appearance, this is not yet able to prove your identity.”

thoughts move, the touch of blood surged from Gurney’s shoulder.

When she saw the touch of blood, Elderly suddenly raised her brow slightly.

“Well, confirm your identity.”

“Your Excellency Gurney · Lawrence, come with me!”

The old wizard followed beckoned, and Gurney whirled around The currents quickly dangled around. Gurney felt an invisible force supporting himself.

The swirling water brought Gurney to the old wizard.

Then the two quickly sank into the ocean.

Compared with Gurney, entering the ocean needs to borrow deep-sea fish gills and fins to be able to travel through the ocean at a faster speed.

This old wizard is obviously different.

He took this Gurney directly against an ocean vortex shield, and moved forward at a very fast speed in the ocean.

When leaving the mysterious island area and entering the deep sea.

Gurney clearly felt that the old wizard began to accelerate, and after a while, his speed was four or five times faster than Gurney’s own extreme speed.

In the ocean, the speed can be terrifying like this.

Obviously this old wizard has a very strong ability to manipulate sea water.

“Wizard Senior, can I ask for information about the demonized rune inheritance at this time?”

After thinking about it, Gurney slowly opened the mouth and said.

“Wu! Didn’t the person who gave you the yellow golden sea snails tell you about demonized rune?” The old wizard looked over.

“The senior only told me that the magical rune is related to energy, and this yellow golden sea snail can tell me the detailed location. Besides, not at all tells Junior other related information .” Gurney said truthfully.

The old wizard listened to the kind laughed, and then explained it gently.

“The Inheritance Land of the demonized rune is an extraordinary place.”

“Its location is in the center of the earth, the world.”

“The center of the earth world?” Gurney expression moved slightly.

Does the center of the earth really exist?

In the classics that Gurney knows, the world of the center of the earth is limited to a few biographical fiction descriptions, chants of bards and so on.

Gurney has never seen the official records.

“Well, it’s in the center of the earth.” The old wizard was definitely nodded.

“In the center of the earth, there is a very ancient and powerful ancient Land of Sealing, and it is a’dominant’ who has an eternal and great life that is sealed.”

“The Dominator!”

Gurney slightly narrows the eyes, and his mind is a little excited.

until now, Gurney wants to acquire the great power of this stage of Cthulhu.

Dominator, old god, ancient god.

One layer is more powerful than one layer.

Even if the dominator is only the weakest existence in the great lifeform of Cthulhu.

But they are still born with eternal and immortal life. It is countless times more powerful than Spiritual God.

At this time, when he is about to come into contact with such a powerful lifeform, Gurney naturally has an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

After all, others cannot obtain the terrifying power and peculiar abilities of the dominator, and it is even difficult to directly look at the existence of this terrifying great creature.

But Gurney can.

Using the system, Gurney may not be unable to obtain the Supreme power of the Dominator.

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