In the evening.

In the dark alleyway, two silhouettes suddenly appeared.

The stray cat searching for food in the trash can was frightened by the two who appeared.

The two yelled “meow meow” twice and fled quickly.

Gurney glanced around quickly to confirm that no one had found the two of them. Gurney looked back.

“I really don’t need me to tell the garrison of the Transcendental Society?” Dragon Slayer Zigerud looked towards Gurney.

“No.” Gurney shook his head lightly.

At this time, the daughter of Evil God has died, and the many powerhouses at the entrance of the Dragon Tomb outside should probably not be known.

Even if they knew it, it didn’t matter, after all, they didn’t know who did it.

Therefore, Siegrud intends to inform the garrison of the Transcendental Society, and let them fight a wave of these Evil God sect members.

And Gurney believes that the participation of the experts of the Transcendental Association will actually delay the two of them in the Dragon Tomb collection of the Deep Source Anchor.

Furthermore, even if you inform the Transcendental Association, the internal response of those Transcendental Associations will only let them know in advance, and then run away. It is completely unnecessary.

If they don’t know what’s going on inside, it’s better to let them wait there, or send someone to die, than to drive them away.

“en!” Zigerud nodded, still agreed with Gurney’s point of view.

“Then you will be careful on the road alone.”

Said Sigrud, who was about to enter the land of Dragon Tomb again.

“I will.” Gurney nodded.

After Siegrud left, Gurney’s appearance squirmed in the small alley, and at the same time, his body was slightly lowered.

After changing into an ordinary sailor costume, Gurney has become an ordinary extraordinary sailor.

“It’s time to collect the blood crystals of the powerful pirates at the harbor terminal in the north.”

“At the same time, using these guys, I can also start my blood dream prisoner. Some related experiments on the cage.” Gurney thought secretly.


More than two hours later.

Night has fallen.

The northernmost large piers of Longshou Grand Harbour are more prosperous areas.

Gurney went back to the small hotel room he had previously opened after browsing through several taverns.

After some inspections in the tavern, Gurney was satisfied.

There are many fierce pirates nearby, and the number is considerable.

It seems that the rumors, the pirates all ran to the port near the dock in the north, it is not fake at all.

This large number of pirates also proves that there are probably many powerful pirate leaders and pirate captains nearby.

And these guys, but this time, Gurney’s focus.

Go back to the small hotel.

Gurney closed the windows, and then used the puppet secret line to block the floor and ceiling of the doors and windows.

After completely isolating the room from the outside world.

Gurney flipped his hands and took out the contract scroll of the Magic Whale Adventure Group.

Although Gurney wanted to go to the mysterious mobile island of the weird Sea Territory with his group of temporarily formed subordinates.

But doing so will undoubtedly harm them.

The “war” between the three major Evil God churches and the South “cure” this deteriorating Holy See, plus huge monsters such as the Transcendent Association.

So many huge monsters have gathered on the mysterious mobile island.

Once “Captain Jack” and “Demon Whale Adventure Group” arrive on the mobile island.

Those black hands who want to kill Captain Jack will definitely touch it in secret.

Gurney is not afraid, but none of the other people on this ship will survive.

“It’s almost time for the Magic Whale Adventure Group to disband.” Gurney said softly.

The palm is attached to the contract scroll.


Gurney’s ideas penetrated into it.

At the same time, all members of the magic whale adventure group in the Longshou Great Harbor received this news.



In a tavern, Yasen Howell, who was drinking, moved slightly.

He was not surprised by the dissolution of the magic whale adventure group.

After all, judging from the news he got in Longshou Dahai Harbor these days.

Many “good things” done by this Captain Jack have been leaked out.

Whether it is the massive wealth obtained by hunting Feathered Serpent Edward, or the destruction of the key transaction of the Church of Titan on Misty Island.

A lot of powerful forces are eyeing this “Captain Jack”.

If Captain Jack’s magic whale pirate group continues to sail on the sea, I am afraid that a large number of sea magic ships will soon be encircled and suppressed.

“It’s disbanded now, but it’s safe.”

At this time, Yasen Howell sighed in relief.

“I just don’t know Captain Jack, how is he now, but judging from the battle situation some time ago, I am afraid that the general high-level Transcender will hardly pose a threat to the captain.”

In a small hotel room, Martel, who was sitting cross-door cultivation, felt the message in the depth of one’s soul, and his eyes suddenly opened.

“Disbanded?” Mattel’s complexion appeared a bit reluctant.

After a moment of thought, Martel gently opened the mouth and said.

“It is indeed about to be dissolved. Too many people are eyeing the magic whale pirate group and Captain Jack.”

“Fortunately, following the captain this time has also made a lot of money. For one thing, the Life Spring water that the captain gave me last time has inspired my innate talent for gluttony.”

“I will be promoted to Tier 3 soon. The strength will be stronger.”

“In the future, I will also be as strong as the captain, own my own sea magic ship, and eat all the marine life.” Matt You secretly thought.


When many crew members felt the message Gurney sent, many people were sighed in relief.

After all, during this period, they really heard a lot of news about Captain Jack, and most of them were negative.

Too many people are eyeing Captain Jack.

At this time, Captain Jack announced the disbandment of the Magic Whale Adventure Group, then they can leave the Longshou Grand Harbour freely.

Following the Magic Whale Adventure Group this time, they all transferred the golden pounds that they could not earn in the past few years or even more than ten years.

Either being incognito, doing a small business, or using these resources to enhance strength are all very good choices.

When it was announced that the Magic Whale Adventure Group was disbanded, a big rock under Gurney’s heart was also put down, and the whole person was much easier.

“From the official merchant ship to the mobile mysterious island, we will set sail tomorrow morning.”

“Just to clean up these pirates tonight. After we board the ship tomorrow, we will be fine. Take a rest.”

Immediately, Gurney’s devil’s vice-soul cast [Blood Source·Blood Sky Dream Curse] and entered the blood dream world within the realm.

This time, Gurney first pulled the pirates into the blood dream world one by one, and then slowly killed them one by one, or put the vicious pirates into the “blood cage” Let’s do some experiments.

This is very helpful to the construction and design of many blood dream worlds for Gurney in the future.

Immediately, Gurney began to attack the pirates in the blood dream world.

This night, many pirates once again experienced the fear of being dominated by bloody nightmares!

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