Looking at the scorched body on the ground.

Gurney expressionlessly pulled out the dagger from his head.

Immediately, the touch of blood quickly reached out to Ku’kalong who was sticking to the burnt corpse.


The blood of the dead Kor’kron within the body was quickly drawn.

With the transformation of its blood, the terrifying wound on Gurney’s head is rapidly healing.

The frightening fleshy body makes Gurney completely unafraid of the assassin Transcender’s close assassination.

If you want to change your body to the limit, it will always be the other party who loses blood.

“This attacking power is really powerful. It instantly broke my two-layer shield and helmet, and also penetrated my head. The lethality is really nothing.”

“Unfortunately, I am not an ordinary mage, but I am a rare mage. The soul can come out of the body, and the head is not my key point. Even if my head explodes, I can recover.”

” The terrifying resilience of the blood curse master is not to be said.”

Gurney quickly put away the corpse of Kor’kron, who had been drained of blood.

Then, his gaze shifted slightly to this meta-space.

Following the death of Kukaron, the metaspace is in a state of collapse this time.

When he flipped his hand, Gurney had already taken out a long-distance teleportation scroll and quickly injected his source of energy.

When the dimensional space completely collapses, Gurney will teleport away, otherwise, there are five people waiting outside!

“Fortunately, my world Profound Truth bloomed and I could feel his position. I prepared the means in advance and waited for him to come close to him. Otherwise, I don’t know where and when he takes the shot. Let him go first. , I’m afraid I really let him escape today.”

“World Profound Truth’s perception and control of the entire world is really powerful. When I reach the super master class, I can cultivation and display Profound Truth’s “Secret Vein Spell Book”, when the power of Profound Truth can be displayed, my strength will bring it up a level.”

Gurney’s heart is roughly about this time The battle made a summary.


The moment the dimensional space that confines Gurney collapses.

Gurney directly stimulated the teleporting scroll that had already been injected.


white light flashed, Gurney disappeared.

With the white light flashed, Himmel, the daughter of Evil God, Ashley and the others are all startled.

Although it was just a glimpse.

But as they saw it, that person was obviously not Korkalong.

Since it’s not Kor’kron, it is obviously the mage that Kor’kron will deal with.

The sorcerer escaped and the dimensional space collapsed.

Then what about Kukaron?

A few people looked at the empty environment of this area.

No trace of Korkalong was seen.

Expressions of consternation and shock appeared on the faces of several people.

The sixth order versus the fourth order.

Isn’t it…

It’s another one who didn’t even leave the body!


With the white light shining on the ground.

Gurney looked towards the surrounding quickly.

This is a quiet and icy dragon nest habitat, surrounded by silence, not at all people.

Gurney immediately entered a state of invisibility, and then in line with the dark Profound Truth fluctuations, entered a state of invisibility.

Then he hid and entered a corner. At this time, Gurney felt relieved.

Gurney opened the system.

As the page of the fortuitous encounter system bloomed, Gurney roughly positioned himself.

Gurney is now in a dragon’s nest on the side of the main passage where the three previously had passed.

“It’s far from the fighting position, no one should find me.” Gurney secretly thought.

“Just now, the three of us hid there. Even if George disturbed our trail, those guys still tracked it down.”

“Those foreign genius expert, means There are still.”

“I just don’t know if it’s the ability of the guy I killed just now.”

“But, whether it’s or not, I’ll simply The slaughter did not even leave them with the corpse. Whether they dare to continue chasing and killing them is a question.”

“This group of people found us before, shouldn’t follow me. I came after the traces of them.”

“Clearly following the trail of these two guys, but let me break it.” Gurney rubbed his temples.

“Fortunately, I have also escaped now, and I am separated from the two of them. It just so happens that I have time to get those many fortuitous encounter treasures.”

“Before that, I still have one more thing to do.”

Immediately, Gurney stood up and walked to a very hidden place in the direction that system directed.

In this place of Dragon Tomb.

The anchor of the deep source is used as an energy extractor.

The use of the extracted energy is in another place.

This place happens to be in the vicinity of “fortuitous encounter III: Dragon Tooth Wand”, so it was marked out along the way.

Before, Gurney was still wondering whether to turn on this thing.

Now it seems that it is necessary to open it.

Anyway, does anyone know that they did it themselves.


In half an hour.

Along the bottom of the dragon’s nest, there should be a rugged corridor about five or six meters high that the young dragon walks through.

Gurney came to another small dragon’s nest which was more hidden and not too wide.

The dragon’s nest here is about the same size as a village of thirty or fifty households.

After standing at a higher position in this Dragon Nest.

The “Eye of Destiny” in Gurney’s eyes was quietly opened and then closed.

After confirming that no one is in the vicinity.

Gurney turned around and came to a huge slope on top of the stone platform.

Single palm is attached to this inclined stone platform.

The peculiar and grotesque “Dragon Language syllables” in Gurney’s mouth bloom gently.

Dragon Language, Gurney is a little dabbled, but not proficient.

It is recorded in the extraordinary history that “Dragon Language” is a more powerful language than “Langomei”.

Dragon Language is a “two-syllable rune language”. Both the endurance required by the fleshy body and the consumption of source power are huge.

Langemite is a “single-syllable rune language”, the soul has to bear much less pressure, and the source of energy consumption is even more saved.

Dragon Language is more suitable for Dragon Race.

And Lan’ami language is more suitable for humans.

Among human beings, some people learn the more powerful Dragon Language, and even a small number of Scholars are proficient in Dragon Language.

Gurney has very little knowledge of Dragon Language.

At this time, system gave Gurney a series of Dragon Language for detailed pronunciation.

Gurney only needs to follow the pronunciation and supply sources.

With a large supply of energy and more than fifty syllables, the pronunciation is completed.

“hong long long…”

The entire place of the Dragon Tomb in the huge underground dragon’s nest trembled slightly.

At the same time, a terrifying force of imprisonment bloomed across the entire Dragon Tomb.


“hong long long ……”

With the sound of hong long long and slight earthquakes, debris and rubble Sui falls.

In the huge passage, the daughter of Evil God waits for five people.

Several people immediately looked around with nervous expressions.

In case of an earthquake, it is not cracking a joke.

Fortunately, this slight vibration comes and goes quickly.

Ten seconds is over.

However, when the shaking ended, the faces of several people became even more ugly.

Because they felt that a particularly terrifying restraining force was completely enveloped in the entire underground Dragon Tomb.

The entire place of the huge Dragon Tomb seems…to be completely sealed.


When the vibration stops.

The dragon slayer who was with George looked at the surrounding space with a solemn expression.

“George, we seem to be in big trouble.”


Feeling the terrifying restraining power gathered by grandiose, Dragon Slayer Zigerud looked very ugly.

“The entire Dragon Tomb seems to be imprisoned, my ability to walk through…can’t get out.”


Feel the horror When the restraining powers of the world were born.

No one is happiest than Gurney.

The prohibition switch here can completely seal and confine the entire Dragon Tomb.

Not only was the entrance blocked, but the dragon slayer’s ability to travel, and the teleportation of the space scroll connected to the outside world, could not get out.

At this moment, the place of Dragon Tomb has become a sealed-up——Danger Land!

And Gurney is the only one who knows the switch.

“This time, you don’t die, no one wants to go out, the daughter of Evil God, you will starve to death here even if you are hungry.” Gurney lightly said with a smile.

Immediately, Gurney examined his head and looked towards the Restriction Seal on the side.

The dragon tooth staff sealed there.

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