Sit down and pour yourself a cup of coffee while sitting down.

Gurney looked towards tall and sturdy man on the side.

“This should be the dragon slayer, right!”

“Dragon slayer, Ziegrud.” Siegrud’s concise self-introduced.

“Gurney · Lawrence, of course I’m just an ordinary blood curse master, but I don’t have the powerful career of your dazzling starry sky sequence.”

“Dragon Slayer, time Hunter, it sounds shocking enough.”

Take a sip, feeling the rich taste of coffee, Gurney said.

“Your Excellency is too modest, the identity of’super mage’ is more shocking than us who are powerful with extraordinary professions.”

“Sixth-tier six-star fleshy demon Knight, it’s easy to be killed in the hands of your Excellency. I can’t wait.”

“Okay, don’t brag about it.”

George on the side interrupted The business blows between the two.

Then George looked towards Gurney and gently opened the mouth and said.

“This time, I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

“I just guessed that the super mage’Captain Jack’ might be you, so I left a little The trail, the result is really true.”

As George said, Gurney is also slightly nodded.

“You can guess that it is me, so those who want to assassinate me should also be able to guess that Captain Jack may be Gurney · Lawrence.”

“Fortunately, Today, I am not too worried about the assassination of the powerhouse of the extraordinary master.”

For Gurney, strength enhancement is one aspect of not being afraid of the extraordinary master.

On the other hand, the Longshou Grand Seaport is extremely far away from the inland mainland of the Oasia continent. Even those extraordinary masters who want to assassinate Gurney can take a month or two to come.

Even if he comes, he may not be able to find Gurney in the Longshou Great Harbor.

Besides, who knows where Gurney will go in a month or two.

After a little chat, George poured a cup of coffee for Gurney, his face showed a grave expression, he said cautiously.

“I am looking for you this time, mainly because there are very important plans that require your participation.”

“Plans?” Gurney’s brows moved slightly.

“What plan?”

“About the daughter of Evil God.” George lowered his voice.

“Daughter of Evil God?” Gurney couldn’t help but rub his fingers slightly, listening quietly.

“Of course, part is about the daughter of Evil God, and part is about the conspiracy plans of those Evil Gods on the ocean until now, and the powerhouses from the starry sky sequence above the stars Land——Elemental Forbidden Land.”

“Elemental Forbidden Land?”

Gurney moved slightly in his heart.

“Until now, I also noticed what those Evil Gods have been plotting in the ocean. It turns out that they are plotting this elemental forbidden land.”

“What is this elemental forbidden land? Place, and why are they plotting this elemental forbidden land?”

Gurney looked towards George and asked in a deep voice.

“I don’t know much about these things. Siegrud knows a lot about this. Let him tell you!”

Talking about George’s gaze It fell on the burly dragon slayer Zigerud.

Gurney is also holding a coffee cup, looking towards Zigrud.

Before coming, Siegrud had an in-depth exchange with George, and knew that this guy named Gurney · Lawrence was a trustworthy existence.

Moreover, the opponent’s strength is indeed an extremely powerful helper.

Sigrud brewed a little, and spoke slowly with a very strong voice.

“I used to be a member of the Evil God sect of the Faun Church, and one of the very important core members, the kind that was cultivated by the core.”

Ziglu With De’s words, Gurney’s brows moved slightly, and the slightest surprise in his heart was to wait steadily for the other party’s text.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m inconvenient to tell because of my special status. You just need to know that I am a member of Evil God deliberately, and the purpose is to discover their many secrets.”

“In the Church of the Faun, because of the dragon slayer, I am not inferior to the daughter of the Evil God of the giant church. At the same time, it is also because of the powerful starry sky sequence of the dragon slayer. I know a lot of secrets. “

“One of the secrets is a very large and important secret plan between Evil God sect and the Southern Church.”

“Once this plan succeeds, it will not only be our northern Three Great Empire will be in danger of being destroyed. I am afraid that the entire Aoya continent will be shrouded in the dark and bloody rule of Evil God.”

“As a wizard, you come from In the transcendent world traveler’s handbook above the stars, should you know the fate of the world ruled by Evil God?”

“en!” Gurney nodded.

“A world under the rule of Evil God?”

Gurney slightly narrows the eyes, and the expression in his eyes grows gloomy.

“For the whole world, it will be the beginning of death and fall.”

There are many Transcendent Worlds among the stars.

Some Transcendent World was finally won by those powerhouses with righteous hearts and yearning for light.

These powerhouses construct the altar of faith, and finally use the strength of Faith to ignite the divine fire and achieve the Spiritual God of the powerful Light Element.

In fact, the first group of powerful Spiritual Gods of humans on the Aoya continent did just that.

It is the shelter of this batch of Spiritual Gods that human beings can survive in the darkest age, and even in the later ages, continue to expand their territory, multiply and thrive, and become the present Oya The mainland has a population of tens of billions, and the existence of an absolute Overlord level.

Unfortunately, due to some special reasons, those powerful Spiritual Gods left this Transcendent World.

And the development of those churches eventually turned into iron bloodline governance machines under the pretext of faith.

In the area ruled by the church today, all those who do not believe in the Spiritual God of the church are heretics and will be hung on the stake and burned to death. This is already similar to the rule of Evil God.

Some worlds are occupied by evil powerhouses who admire darkness and love killing.

In such a world, these powerhouses will also build dark beliefs, ignite sacred fires, and become the “dark gods” of darkness, killing, and blood.

This kind of world that believes in killing is easy to give birth to a powerhouse, but there will be more deaths.

Sometimes even because of gu and internal friction is too serious, this will weaken the power of this World’s Transcender.

Some powerhouses of Transcendent World are powerful but have no desires. After building an altar and achieving Spiritual God, their attitude towards the development of this world is that you can develop as you wish. Spiritual God also has a part.

Some powerhouses of the world, after establishing a unified belief, are keen on war, opened the door of Transcendent World, and continue to fight one world after another.

It is said that the source of some of Transcendent World’s power promotion comes from this.

But no matter how it develops.

These powerhouses will take their own world as their core, and will not destroy their own Transcendent World.

And those “Evil God” who wander through the major Transcendent Worlds and are even more terrifying than blood sucking moths, this is totally different from thinking.

Their idea is just to kill chickens and get eggs, and to fish out.

Every time they arrive in a world.

It will establish absolute rule of faith, and at the same time build a flesh and blood altar.

Then began to slaughter all the intelligent creatures in the whole world like a locust.

Evil God is not necessary for the power of faith, what they need is the power of flesh and soul to nourish them.

When the intelligent creatures slaughtering the entire world are almost the same, they will build the “transcendental source altar” to extract the source energy of the entire Transcendent World.

Extracting the original power of the entire world is the real purpose of those Evil Gods.

Transcendent World will suppress those Evil God coming from outside.

And these Evil God coming from outside, all they have to do is kill this Transcendent World.

Within hundreds of years, it has been extracted with the extraordinary Strength of Source.

The power of Evil God will become stronger and stronger.

And the entire Transcendent World will gradually become weaker.

The world that was originally a “middle demons” level will move toward a “low demons”.

As we continue to extract the transcendent source, we finally become the weak Small World of the “micro-magic”.

At that time, the source force receded and Life Strength dried up.

The number of Transcenders has dropped sharply, the extraordinary loss of control has increased day by day, evil forces have multiplied, and resources have been extremely scarce.

The entire world will fall into a long period of time-Dark Era yuan.

If we don’t draw any more, the world will fall into the Dark Era yuan that has grown over hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of dark creatures.

Will slowly recover and usher in the era of recovery that belongs to him.

And this is also the best ending of a world after the Evil God invasion.

And most of the ending is-Evil God will completely squeeze all the power of this World.

At this time, the framework of Transcendent World will collapse. The entire Transcendent World will be transformed into an “extraordinary comet” with a long tail in the stars.

Every time Transcendent World turns into a comet and blooms with its own brilliance, it will be the last silent sigh of this World.

In just a few hundred years, killed countless lives and destroyed a Transcendent World!

This is the horror of Evil God.

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