Walk all the way towards the castle halfway up the mountain.

Gurney finally decided on one thing.

That is, a creature like the devil is not only a powerful crown creature in reality.

Even in this blood dream world, it is still the crowning creature of Peak.

On the road, Gurney encountered a lot of blood dogs, blood cats, and even some blood wolves, blood leopards, and blood tigers with a relatively high degree of solidification of fleshy bodies.

However, after these creatures encountered the devil’s vice-soul, they were all frightened and fled.

And Gurney is naturally happy to see this scene.

About half an hour later, Gurney had already arrived at the gate of the Longshou Great Harbor Extraordinary Association branch castle halfway up the mountain.

This ancient castle of Transcendental Association is eye-catching.

It’s also dilapidated and old like outside.

However, the fragments of the nightmare corpse here are obviously much less.

At the same time, a grotesque force of hard to describe bloomed from the castle.

This force will disperse those creatures that make those blood dreams.

But for Gurney, there is not much obstacle at all.

With a move, Gurney went straight over the gate and walked towards the ruined castle.

“Who, your Excellency, why trespass into the place where my Transcendent Association is stationed?”

Just as Gurney crossed the gate.

A sharp shout exploded in the blood dream space layer like a thunderbolt.

This sound surprised Gurney, and even stopped moving forward.

“Sure enough, this transcendental association has an expert, and I was discovered as soon as I came in.”

After thinking about it, Gurney slowly opened the mouth and said: “Extraordinary Master, can you hear me?”

The extraordinary master who had never met Gurney seemed very polite when he heard Gurney’s tone. It seemed that he was not an enemy, and his tone eased.

“You can hear it.”

“I am here to meet Master Thorstein Karratha.”

Gurney straight to the point Said.

The extraordinary master faintly muttered to oneself only then responded.

“What’s the matter?”

“Very important things, you need to personally inform Thorstein Karratha Senior.” Gurney responded.

After a while, the voice came slowly.

“Well, your Excellency is here to wait for some time, now Lord Solstein Karratha is holding an emergency meeting.”

“You know, just now, Those heretics made a lot of noise in the sea port, and many people died.”

“In our investigation, many Evil God followers participated at this time.”

“Master Thorstein Karratha is dealing with this matter.”

“en!” Gurney slightly nodded.

Immediately, Gurney sat down straight here.

Although Gurney guessed that he rushed in, the extraordinary master had nothing to do with him.

But the other party has said so, and if he forcibly broke in, it was obviously a bit too rash.

“Evil God is a disciple?”

Gurney closed his eyes and pondered secretly.

“Sure enough, the person who secretly released my news is the guy Ao Ancient Mountain.”

“After all, I confuse the Ao Ancient Mountain with such a large plan. He even gave him such a big black pot, that ancient mountain probably hates me to death.”

“By the way, that ancient mountain did not come to kill me personally, but Let me release the news first, do they have another plan, or is it because there is another reason?”

“It may also be because the news about me and the angels beheading the devil was leaked, Naou Seeing that I am not weak at ancient mountain, I didn’t dare to rush it.”

“After all, once a powerhouse of his level is very quiet, he may be targeted by the extraordinary master.”

After thinking about it, Gurney gradually lost his mind.

“First, digest the soul of the sixth-order demon Knight carefully, and take a look at this guy’s in the depth of one’s soul. Some of the secrets he knows about the Dragon Head and Grand Harbour during this time .”

Immediately, Gurney began to meticulously digest the soul of the sixth-order demon Knight.

Normally, the devil swallows the souls of other people directly, instead of digesting them carefully.

Only when needed, will the spirit transformation be meticulously eliminate the memory in the soul.

For example, this mighty six-star and sixth-order demon Knight.

If this guy meets other magic spell masters, he might be able to chase that magic spell master everywhere.

When encountering those melee Transcenders, few can fight him in close combat.

After all, the flames from hell alone are enough to drive most of the melee Transcender back.

In general, the demon Knight is very powerful in melee combat.

But when I meet Gurney, he is faster than him, with super agility, a super mage with two souls in his hand, and a powerhouse with a very far casting distance.

This guy is a cumbersome Tiehan.

There is still a certain restraint relationship between the extraordinary professionals of the major sequences.

After some digestion.

Gurney opened his eyes slowly, and the color of surprise appeared slightly within both eyes.

“Time hunter? Dragon slayer? Daughter of Evil God from the Church of the Giant God?”

“This fellow George came to Longshou Grand Harbour?”

“If the identity of the time hunter is really exposed, George this guy might actually run to the sea. After all, the sea is the best place to evade enemy tracking. Many of the strongholds of the believers of Evil God are in the sea. Above yours.”

“By the way, who is this dragon slayer? Another extraordinary career in the starry sky sequence?”

“This daughter of Evil God is also not The guy who is easy to deal with, the previous son of Evil God went to Sugar Runes City and caused a night of winter extinguishment event that shocked the entire continent.”

“This time, the daughter of Evil God appeared here. This Longshou Grand Harbour.”

“Did they pass by? Or do they have a plot in this Longshou Grand Harbour?”

“Will they not come here to chase me, Is it because the ancient mountain and the daughter of the Evil God of the giant church have secret plans?”

The more I think about it, the more possible Gurney feels.

“In the memory of the sixth-order demon Knight, there is also the daughter of old Edward who also came to Longshou Great Harbor. Is this coming to kill me?”

“Old Edward, this The guy’s son was killed by me and he was defeated.”

“This old pirate king, I’m afraid I can’t wait to rip my skin and cramp.”

“He let his daughter Come here, it may be to hunt me down, or it may be to participate in the Evil God’s daughter’s project.”

“There is an unclear relationship between these big pirates and the Evil God churches, and even some I still have deep cooperation.”

“My current strength is no longer as weak as before.”

“Even if it’s an extraordinary Grandmaster Level with terrifying power like Old Edward The expert came over and shot me personally. I also have a certain resistance and escape ability.”

“During this period, I am afraid that the tide will surge in the Longshou Grand Harbour again.”


Just as Gurney was thinking about whether to find George, and then teamed up to have a big wave with these infidels in this dragon head sea port.

An old and slightly hoarse voice quietly sounded in the blood dream world.

“My dear Thorstein Karratha, what can this friend do for me?”

Gurney brows slightly raise, and then stand up.

“Very important major event.” Gurney said cautiously.

“Well, this friend just say it, I will listen.”

“This matter is very important, it cannot be easily known to others, I need to put Sol Lord Stan Karratha can only tell if he has pulled into this world within the realm.”

“Rasol Stan Karratha has a blood dream?” The voice before this time was quite sharp. Sounded.

“This friend is able to walk in the blood dream world with extraordinary means and admiration.”

“But your Excellency wants Master Rasolstein Karratha to enter the blood dream, this The mind…has to make people wonder.”

Gurney was quite surprised by the other’s words.

Is this blood dream world really so weird?

The super master dare not enter casually?

“This friend.” Thorstein, with a hoarse voice, gently opened the mouth and said.

“Entering the blood dream level world is no small matter. Heretic evil is flooding this level. Once you enter, there is the possibility of spiritual pollution.”

“Your Excellency enters it, the means make me wait Admire, but I cannot easily enter the blood dream world.”

“Mental pollution?”

Gurney startled.

Immediately Gurney looked towards the surroundings, this blood dream world is indeed full of evil powers and wandering nightmare energy.

When these things enter the body of the blood dream, they will indeed be contaminated.

But the problem is that Gurney used [Blood Source·Blood Sky Dream Curse] to pull people in.

The power of the blood source completely isolates these heretical powers.

After all, the essential power of “blood source” is the Peak existence of the highest level of blood world.

Naturally, it will not be contaminated by these ordinary floating evil forces.

“It turned out that they were afraid of this.”

Gurney understood a little bit in his heart.

The more powerhouse is, the more it is necessary to ensure the purity of the spirit, so that they can go higher and farther.

On the contrary, those Transcenders who cannot go further in the lower class will not mind the evil power to help them improve.

“Do not worry, Lord Thorstein Karratha, I will pull you into the blood dream world. It won’t let you be polluted at all.”

“This is a little bit small Means, I can still do it.”

The words of Gurney and Solstein Karratha silenced both the extraordinary master and Thorstein Karratha.

However, Gurney guessed they were discussing.

After all, being rushed into a dangerous area by others, this really requires some consideration.

Sure enough, after a dozen breaths, the two extraordinary masters have already made a decision.

“Well, this friend pulls me into the blood dream world first.” said the extraordinary master who first communicated with Gurney.

“No problem!”

Gurney said softly.

“When the pulling force surges, I hope the master will not resist.”

“I know.”

while speaking, Gurney’s body is full of blood Surging, the power of the blood formed a three-dimensional shield like a rugby ball, completely enclosing Gurney’s entire blood dream body. At the same time, the world Profound Truth blooms, forming a strong isolation framework.

In this way, even if the other party comes in, you can’t see Gurney’s true identity.

When talking just now, Gurney located the positions of these two extraordinary masters.

Their power penetrated into the blood dream world, and it was really easy for Gurney to find them.


With the blooming of blood-colored rays of light.

The eighth-order extraordinary master “Gul Tong” was pulled by Gurney toward the blood dream world.

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