Facts have proved that even the devil lord is such a powerful creature.

Under the extreme bombardment of High Rank’s high-level spells, he couldn’t hold it either.

Gurney follows the world Profound Truth and can feel that the “trajectory” of the Demon Lord rushing towards him is somewhat abnormal.

This demon lord who was bombarded all the way by himself seems to have a tendency to “crash”.

“It is the effect of soul paralysis under the intensive burst of Lightning Curse.”

Gurney is very aware of the effect of the soul paralysis of Lightning Curse.

Under the transmission of this permeable thunder and lightning destruction power, the fleshy body can be completely rigid and out of control, and it can also make the soul of Transcender in a state of paralysis and uncontrollable.

This state of paralysis of the soul passed away in a flash.

But the problem is that when it is connected thirty times a second, it is not a flash, but a continuous existence.

If you have a complete “underground cloth” and “spiritual body” to form a defense.

Gurney’s Lightning Curse may not have this effect.

However, Ben Gurney’s Arcane bullet directly penetrated his spiritual body.

At this time, this penetrating little lightning curse directly penetrated into its spiritual body, straight into the depth of one’s soul. This will directly cause the devil who rushes to be in a straight line impact state, and it is impossible to dodge.

Seeing the “half soul” body of this huge demon leader hit down.

“Blood Escape”.

Gurney’s body instantly turned into a bloody streamer and emerged from the reef pit.

Although blood escape is not a powerful spell, it is one of the few evasion spells that Gurney routinely masters.

Moreover, after Gurney’s speed surged.

The flash distance of this blood escape technique is also as the tide rises, the boat floats.

A blood escape technique, Gurney can move blood light for more than 40 meters, and the effect is already quite powerful.

“Peng!” with a dull sound.

The devil lord Erulans fiercely slammed into the rock pit where Gurney had been before, and the ground trembled.

As a soul creature, the devil can also enter the “half soul state”. In order to be able to catch Gurney, the devil lord is in a half soul state at this time.

Instead, the huge body hit the reef pit.

At the same time as the body flashed, Gurney’s spell simply never stopped.

Tzzzzzzz s…

The densely packed Lightning Curse is crazy electrotherapy for the Devil Lord who plunged into the reef pit.

At the same time, Karona, whose look of shock is still on her face, is not slow.

A powerful light system attack on the demon lord who fell into the giant pit, madly smashed it down.

She will not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Elulans, the demon lord who was a bit smoking, was unable to roar at this time.

Even he can see the bright Profound Truth wave of the angel blooming on him.

He knows very well that this kind of Light Element attack will explode on him and he will be very painful.

But at this time, he felt no pain at all.

His soul is completely in a state of electric spark burst at this moment, and his soul is numb.

Don’t say you feel pain.

He wanted to move, but couldn’t.

“This damn mage, how can he cast spells so fast?” Erulans roared in fear and grotesquely.

If it could, Erulans would never rush over so recklessly.

But it’s no use regretting at this time.

“I shouldn’t…I’m just like this…”


Elulans wanted to struggle frantically.

If you want to get rid of this state of being cursed and electrotherapy, otherwise he will only die here today.

Trying to manipulate his soul, Erulans wants to enter a perfect soul state. Otherwise, he will not be restrained by the entity.

At least you can get rid of this damn rock pit.

Even if you dive underground, you can break free from the attacks of these spells.


Erulans, who tried his best to manipulate his soul, was horrified to find that his soul was rapidly weakening.

Previously, it was only in a state of soul paralysis, but at this time, Erulans suddenly discovered that his soul was declining rapidly.

“Damn, this guy’s spell, the permeating and annihilating power is eroding my soul.”

An inexplicable panic rise in the mind.

It seems that Erulans, whose soul is rapidly weakened, wants to put himself into a state of soul.

And death seems to be approaching.

The next second, the amount of horrible suppression pressure enveloped him.


Erulans roared in his heart. He was completely panicked at this time, and the uncontrollable feeling of fear came from in the depth of one’s soul. Blooming in memory.

The feeling of seal suppression is too familiar to him, never seen the dull and boring blockade of the daylight, the weakness and aging day after day.

He once swore that once he broke the seal, he would rather die than be sealed again.


The roaring Erulans wanted to manipulate the soul to annihilate itself.

However, at this time, he could not commit suicide.

After all, the terrifying seal power came down.

The weak soul is still jumping and shining in the soul with the annihilating purple thunder arc, leaving him no chance to resist.

The repressive seal that frightened him was finally enveloped.


The roar from in the depth of one’s soul, with the suppression of the secret pattern seal scroll, finally disappeared.

The fifth-tier Peak Demon Lord “Elulans” was sealed again.

Small reef islands.

The scene of holy light and lightning intertwined slowly ends.

Carona, the angel with the seal scroll in her hand, looked at the seal scroll in her hand, and then at Gurney.

She never thought that the devil leader of the fifth-order Peak would be sealed again by them with ease.

She even felt a bit unreal, shouldn’t there be a hearty battle? This guy ended after a burst of electrotherapy?

“Huh…” Karona breathed out lightly.

But the seal of the devil lord, this is already true.

When I looked towards Gurney again, Carolina’s expressions all were a bit weird.

“Is this guy still a human? Almost 30 spells overlap in a single second, and it lasts for so long, there will be more than ten seconds! Even the devil lord can not stand it. “


Giving the seal scroll to Gurney, Carona spoke slowly.

“You alone are enough to kill this devil.”

Gurney, who took the scroll, was in a good mood.

The leader of the devil, the crown creature of the soul body, as his own sub-soul, already has the conditions, which makes Gurney not excited.

Once such a secondary soul is possessed, Gurney’s strength will once again usher in First Transformation.

Moreover, the way of fighting in the future will be more diverse.

Perhaps before this, Gurney will usher in a step up, after all, Gurney is about to awaken in the second stage of the blood curse master.

“You also said it, but maybe.”

“In fact, if I really come here alone, there is a high probability that I will be chased by this demon lord and run everywhere.”

“I can’t fight this devil lord head-on.”

“After you attract this devil lord, I will have a chance to hurt him by a sneak attack and then go crazy. Give him electrotherapy.”

“I didn’t expect that after punching his body, the effect of this spell could directly paralyze this guy’s soul without moving.”

“Furthermore, the damage caused to this guy by your Light Element attack just now is very high. I can clearly feel that this guy is attacked by your light penetration power, and his soul is greatly weakened.”

Speaking of this, Gurney also laughed.

Anyway, Angel Karona’s frontal attraction and her light attack accounted for a large part of the credit.

Otherwise, Gurney would have to consume a lot of means.

“But soon, I can deal with these fifth and even sixth-order demon lords alone.” Gurney said.

“That’s true.” Karona had no doubts about this.

“The devil lord has already got his hands.”

“Then, I will also fulfill my promise. The Mantra Talker is yours.”

This Gurney took out a teleporting scroll, another place of this teleporting scroll was positioned on the sea monster ship by Gurney.

To activate the scroll, the transmitted rays of light bloomed and enveloped Gurney’s body. When the rays of light disappeared, Gurney’s silhouette disappeared.

“Mandarin!” Thinking of that mandarin, Carolina couldn’t help but feel excited.

“Becoming the Angel of Mantra, I will have a stronger potential to become a more powerful existence. When I am promoted to the super master class and return to Divine Kingdom, I will be eligible to participate in the’Star Domain Battlefield’. Kill those alien fallen creatures that pollute the light.”

“father, mother, I will avenge you.”

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