The coffee has been brewed.

While enjoying the mellow taste of coffee, Gurney is also digesting all this information in his mind.

“It’s really a good taste, with a unique fragrance in the bitterness and bitterness, which is endless aftertaste.”

Carona, who was tasting the coffee, exclaimed gently.

“A cup of coffee in our free time can really make us enjoy the pleasant time in the afternoon.”

After thinking it over, Angel Carona continued.

“The Kasper Sea Dragon.” If it’s just a mantra, that’s all. “

“But this guy is extremely cruel and extremely bloodthirsty. Although he looks very kind and sunny, if you see his heart, you will find that it is a personality that is extremely distorted and dark. . “

“Fraud, deception to seize the wealth of others, in his opinion, these are all things as it should be by rights. “

“Even killing others is just a pleasure for him. “

“Although this is related to his evil heart, this person is not a good person himself. “

“In the Transcender of the many evil characteristics I have encountered. “

“This guy’s evil characteristics are almost ranked in the top ten, so I will hunt him down. “Carona said so.

“I found out his entire sea monster ship team. I almost killed his evil men and smashed his sea monster ship. But he escaped alone. “

“I just didn’t expect this guy to fall into the hands of Super Mage Captain Jack. “

“Before, I didn’t quite believe in the rumors about the’super mage’. Now it seems that those rumors may not be able to show your strength. “

Complimentary words always make people happy.

Listening to Carona’s words, Gurney gently nodded.

“This Cass Bo Hailong is indeed an evil-minded guy, and this guy is bold. “

“Carona Young Lady, please rest assured, I will kill this evil fellow. “Gurney said confidently.

After hearing Gurney’s words, Carolina was paused.

After a moment of indulgence, she continued.

“Today I Coming here, in fact, is not to let His Excellency Captain Jack kill him. “

“The purpose of my coming here is because I need the person “Kasper Sea Dragon”, and more precisely, I need his extraordinary profession as the “Mandarin”. “

“Is it true?” “

Gurney, holding the coffee cup, secretly thought.

In the past, Gurney guessed that the angel had a purpose for the fraudster.

When the other party said that this guy is a “mantra”, a powerful and extraordinary profession that can say that there is light and light, Gurney is even more convinced.

Gurney deliberately said to kill this by himself The fraudster, really easily forced out the true purpose of this Karona.

“Carona Young Lady, are you the’mantra speaker’ who wants to strip this guy? “Gurney said lightly.

“Yes! “Carona not at all conceal anything.

Because she feels that she may still have a chance to tell the truth, but if she wants to conceal it, it might be useless.

“1 million gold pounds. “

Gurney made a straightforward offer.

Gurney’s words made Carolina startled, you are too simple!

“No problem . “Carona reacted quickly, and immediately responded that she was afraid that Gurney would go back.

“Don’t worry, I have other conditions. “Gurney said with a smile.

Carona is a little steady in her mind.

Although she is a little rash, it is mainly because this “mantra speaker” is too helpful to her.

Her body in the bloodline itself is a powerful existence of the “lord level”.

Through layered competitions, she finally reincarnated as an angel in the “angel altar”.

Angels themselves are the existence of “semi-superior professions”.

It is also possible to use treasure to bless another extraordinary profession.

But this extraordinary profession must be strong again. Angels would be willing to do this.

And this “mantra” itself belongs to the light system, which perfectly fits the angel’s Profound Truth of light.

For her, once she has “Mandarin” starry sequence career.

The powerful semi-professional “angel” merges with the starry sky sequence “Mandarin”.

She will become a unique and unmatched “mantra Angel”.

Once she returns to the Angel Divine Kingdom, she will become the absolute core and be cultivated.

Even she will have a self-independent altar and enjoy endless strength of Faith.

Gurney slowly opened the mouth and said.

“I need you to find a Tier 3 or Tier 4 Demon Lord, if possible, Tier 5 and Tier 6 The Devil Lord of is also possible, if you can confirm that the two of us can win together. “

“Then you cooperate with me to kill the devil to obtain the devil’s soul fragments, preferably suppress, so that I can obtain the perfect ghost spirit. “

“I can accept no matter what kind of result, but it must be a lord-level devil. “

“The soul of the devil lord? “Carona looked towards Gurney.

“Yes. “

“Do you want to condense the soul?” “Carona is smarter than Gurney thought, so I guessed it straight away.

“I want to try it a little bit. At least it doesn’t need the wind to blow. “Gurney half-cracking a joke.

Gurney’s words left Carona in a daze.

Are you serious about flying the devil as a kite?

“Condense the devil’s vice-soul is it possible that someone has done this? “After drinking the coffee in the cup, Gurney poured himself another cup.

There was a beautiful lady sitting opposite and she was still an angel beauty. This coffee will drink faster than before.

“Of course some people tried, but most of them were backlashed by the devil’s soul. “

“The devil’s soul is very peculiar, a natural crowned creature, the soul is extremely grotesque in nature, and full of evil auras. “

“It can be said that they are the strongest in terms of soul essence. “

“This also leads to any Soul Body system that wants to focus on its own soul and supplemented by the ghost spirit will eventually be said by the evil nature of the stronger ghost spirit spirit. Polluted, and then swallowed by the devil’s soul. In turn, the devil will resurrect itself. “

“This approach is stupid. Being above the stars has long been one of the undesirable paths. “

“There is no way. “Gurney spreads out.

“But I still want to capture the soul of a devil to study and study. After all, the dream still needs to be there, if it comes true! “

“I can help you kill the devil and help you get the devil’s soul fragments. “Carona is nodded.

For her, hunting and killing the devil to purify the other party’s evil can itself improve her strength.

This time is even more related to this super mage. Together, you can also get the “Mantra Talker”.

For her, it is profitable and harmless.

“What other conditions are there? “Carona continued to ask.

“Nothing, but you have to prepare the 1 million gold pounds as soon as possible. You have to know that it is not a small amount. “

“During this period, I also hunted a lot of pirates and gained a lot of resources from them. Even the sea monster ship. “

“You can see if these resources are sufficient. “Speaking, Carolina opened a small hidden compartment in her armor, and then took out a twenty-thirty extraordinary ring and an extraordinary storage bracelet. These things made Gurney’s eyes shine.

“Sure enough, there are a lot of good things on this angel, and the sea monster ship is very valuable. With wings flying in the sky, this hunting efficiency is really amazing. “Gurney secretly thought.

After a rough look, Gurney was slightly nodded.

“For the sake of fairness, I will ask my chief mate to come and measure the content of these extraordinary rings. Many wealth. “

“Yes. “Carona slightly nodded.

Soon Yasen Howell came to the door of the captain’s room.

“Captain, are you looking for something with me?” “

“Well, come in! “

Ason Howell, who just came in, saw the seraph with shiny wings, and also saw a lot of extraordinary storage equipment on the table.

“From these extraordinary storage equipment, we have selected a wealth of about 1 million gold. “

“No problem. “

Counting money has always been something Yasen Howell likes to do. And Yasen also knows that his captain is always very atmospheric. If he allows himself to work, the captain will always find ways to give himself A little bit of sweetness, even a little bit of sweetness is very rich.

Yasen immediately sat down at the table and began to make detailed price positioning for the things in these extraordinary rings.

Liquidating the items in the extraordinary ring is obviously a very tedious task. Fortunately, the value of about 1 million gold pounds does not need to be so detailed.

About one and a half hours later.

Assen Howell, who stacked twenty-seven rings and bracelets on top of each other, stood up.

“Captain, I’ve finished tapping, these twenty-seven rings and hands In the ring, the total value is about 1 million gold pounds. “

“Very good. “

While nodded, Gurney took out two bundles of ten-dollar gold bills from one of the remaining seven extraordinary storage equipment, accumulated two thousand gold bills, and placed them in Yasen Howell In front of you.

“As a notary, it is reasonable to get a small profit, right? “Gurney looked towards Angel Karona.

“No problem. “Carona is nodded.

She scavenge all these wealth, especially these banknotes, which are of little use to her.

“If you can, I hope to exchange these banknotes for equipment, materials, potions and the like. “

Carona is very clear that these banknotes are far less valuable to her than other things such as extraordinary equipment, materials, potions, etc.

Once she leaves In this World, the equipment still has the value of equipment, but the paper money becomes waste paper.

“No problem. “Gurney smiled lightly.

“Carona Young Lady will probably not leave for a while. The past few days, Carolina Young Lady can use these banknotes to meet mine. The crew exchanged the extraordinary equipment materials in their hands and so on. “

“Thank you very much, then. “Carona is naturally very happy to be able to exchange banknotes for equipment and materials.

For many crew members, they will definitely be very happy. After all, these equipment materials and the like As long as they are not stupid, the price will definitely be higher.

But in general, this will be a win-win transaction.

And the guy who suffers , Maybe those pirates who have died.

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