"Discovery...... Those corpses have all been burned to charcoal, but everyone is missing a piece, some are missing leg bones

, some are missing arms, some are missing heads......" "At that time, it was rumored throughout Taiyuan that Li Yuanba was killing prisoners indiscriminately and was killed by lightning, and then set the house on fire......"

"He...... Manifested!!"

The more Li Daozong thought about it, the more frightened he became.

"Okay, you go out first, this official will deal with here!" Chu

Jie saw that it was useless for this guy to stay here, but instead scared his own people enough, so he simply drove him away.

Immediately, at the bloody crime scene, Chu Jie began to race against time to collect evidence.

In this era, there is no technology to preserve corpses, and if he doesn't move quickly, I'm afraid it will be too late.

The corpses must all be dragged away within two days.

He was crouching next to the corpse, holding a scale pole with his hand.

Li Shentong's height is painted on the pole, one meter eighty-one.

Then he chose the approximate position of Li Shentong's height nose and tied a rope.

Zhanzhao, on the other hand, pulled a rope and extended it to the pit smashed by the hammer in the wall.

Suddenly, a ferocious ray that passed through Li Shentong's face and then hit the wall was pulled out.

Chu Jie's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Although the hammer has not been weighed, it is definitely not a light thing, at least thirty kilograms.

However, this ray, after passing through Li Shentong's skull, hit the wall behind it with a large piece of skull, and at a distance of nine meters, the marks on the wall only drooped less than thirty centimeters ......

This means that the strength of this hammer is comparable to that of a cannonball.

If you change to a 30-kilogram shot put, you can throw nine meters away, and you will definitely be a national-level athlete in the future.

At this scene, the hammer not only smashed through a person's head, but also flew almost straight nine meters away, and the parabola drooped no more than 30 centimeters ......

When it was over, it bounced back and landed at the feet of the corpse.

"What kind of muzzle velocity does this need to make such a trace?" Chu

Jie scolded secretly with a look of disbelief on his face, and glanced at Li Shentong's shattered head again.

His face became more and more solemn.

The human skull support is not just the skull, but also the muscles and skin.

In later life, he had seen people who were crushed to death by falling air conditioners, and their heads were open and exploded, but their faces and muscles were just cracked like peeling oranges, and they definitely didn't even explode their facial muscles and skin together.

At most, the bones were shattered, and the face collapsed into a lump.

And Li Shentong's head exploded entirely.

This blunt weapon, which has to be very powerful, touches the skull at once, and completely exerts a considerable part of the force on the entire skull, so as to cause the effect of exploding like a watermelon.

"It can't be manpower, if it's caused by manpower, what guns do humans need?"

Chu Jie roared inwardly


"My lord?"

Zhan Zhao, who was in charge of pulling the rope, of course he didn't know that Chu Jie had so much analysis in his heart, he only saw Chu Jie in a daze, so he tentatively wanted to ask.

"It's okay, the official just wants to see how this hammer smashed out of the traces.

Chu Jie said, squatted down, and used a piece of charcoal to draw the last position where Li Shentong stood on the ground.

"My lord, General Li was holding a machete before his death, he must have made a defensive or offensive posture, and it is impossible to stand upright!"

Zhan Zhao's words made Chu Jie's pupils shrink suddenly.

"Come here!" Chu

Jie suddenly grabbed the sleeve of Chang'an County's shirt who was walking by, and pulled him to the position where Li Shentong was standing before his death.

The vicious eyes made him suddenly realize that the height of this puppet was almost one meter eighty-one



This unlucky puppet was suddenly pulled, and suddenly exclaimed.

In Zhao Yan's case before, when the autopsy was performed, Chu Jie had already jumped up and looked like he was going to beat him, scaring him to see his reaction.

This time, here again, he was unlucky enough to be the subject of Chu Jie's natural reaction.

He was pulled defenselessly, his muscles were tense, and his posture subconsciously changed to a posture of squatting and stepping.

"Don't move, just keep this position!" Chu

Jie shouted again.

"Uh...... It's ......"

This pretended to be full of frightened and stunned looks, and maintained a sinking center of gravity and stood in the position where Li Shentong stood before his death.

Chu Jie grabbed the rope on the pole next to him, aimed it at his face, and then looked at Zhanzhao with sharp eyes.

Zhan Zhao also subconsciously straightened the rope at this time and aimed it at the marks on the wall.


The two of them, under the bewildered eyes, gasped at the same time.

Because, counting the height of the defensive posture drop, the flight trajectory of this hammer has not fallen at all, and has even risen a little!

This means that this is only the beginning of the ascent phase of the parabola, and it has not even fallen yet.

"Is this a cannonball?" Chu

Jie's voice involuntarily took on expletives.

"Cannon...... Cannonballs?"

Zhanzhao didn't understand, his adults could always come up with some strange words.

"My lord, this can't be thrown by manpower, even if it is smashed against General Li's face, it can't have such a huge force.

"The rammed earth wall was almost smashed through.

Zhan Zhao also said.

"That...... My lord......"

interjected weakly.

"Say!" Chu

Jie said with a somewhat ugly face.

"When the other corpses were examined, no signs of a struggle were found, and all of them were stoned to death with a hammer before they could resist. "

There are a few traces of dodging, the smash marks are not too positive, and everyone's Heavenly Spirit Cover is all shattered. "

There are so many ...... that can be found at the moment,"

said the man weakly.

Since the last time Chu Jie emphasized paying attention to avoiding traces, this guy has begun to pay attention to this aspect of things.

"Wait, the Heavenly Spirit Cover is shattered

?" "The rest of their heads are mostly intact?"

Chu Jie suddenly heard a sound outside the strings.

He suddenly thought of something, and after squatting down to take a look at Li Shentong's completely shattered head, he stood up and walked to the corpse in the courtyard.

The closest to him was the corpse of a guard.

The guard's Heavenly Spirit Cover was completely shattered, the cheek bones were deformed, and the brain flower spread out, floating in the water, a piece of white flower, but it was not completely separated from the cranial cavity.

Looking at the skin of the face, the whole is still intact, and even the frontal bone is not deformed.

The human head is not so fragile and can be broken at every turn.

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