That night, the whole of Chang'an trembled in the roar of the officers.

The doors of the high-gate mansions of countless high-ranking officials who were originally noble were all opened, revealing the mess inside.

The sky is finally getting brighter.

When the people opened their doors tremblingly, they found that none of their neighbors were missing.

"Who did you arrest

?" "I don't know, there were so many people running around crackling last night, I thought I had arrested a lot of people?"

"Oh my God, something big must have happened last night."

"How can a big event have anything to do with us little flat-headed people?"

"Yes, maybe there will be news in a while, right?"

"Oh my God, I was scared to death last night!"

Just when they were talking, the government of Chang'an County took to the street.

Looking at these red-clothed yachas, the people couldn't help but feel safe.

"People, don't panic

!" "Arrest the inner ghost who took refuge in Tubo last night

!" "The list of those arrested will be announced soon

!" "There is an order in Dali Temple, all relevant people have been conclusively evidenced, and they will be dealt with severely and strictly, and when the army goes out, they will be beheaded together!"

Half an hour later, the army to conquer Tibet is about to set out, if you have time, you might as well send one off our Guanzhong disciples!"

The voices of the yacha resounded throughout the streets and alleys of Chang'an.

"Catch the inner ghost?" so that's the case

!" "Okay, good catch!"

"Although the presiding judge is Dali Temple, we all know that Lord Chu has always been investigating. "

What Lord Chu came forward to do must be right. "

That's right, Lord Chu never kills a person by mistake. "

They must all be damned

people!" "Our army is about to go on an expedition, and I want to send it off, so why do I have to go to the restaurant to be on duty, but I can't

help it!"

After hearing the reason, the people all looked excited.

However, there are also many people who are a little frustrated because they can't send the army because they have to work.

"Hahaha, it's okay, our restaurant, the opening of the door is delayed today!" said

a shopkeeper laughed.

"That's right, our ready-to-wear store is also temporarily closed

today!" "Our pork shop is too, it's a big deal to let Zhang Mazi eat more today

!" "Wang Dazhuang, how can I, Zhang Mazi, be such a villain? You just close the door, when you open it, when will Lao Tzu open it!"


bosses present suddenly and generously decided that all the businesses in Chang'an would be postponed.

The employees and employees who got the news were overjoyed.

Not long after, all the people of Chang'an headed towards the barracks.

And Chu Jie himself had already taken a carriage to the inn opposite the gate of the barracks.

It was the place where Zhang Ze was captured in the first place.

He was sitting in the teahouse, and at this time, because of the delay in opening the door, Xiao Er did not either.

He made a pot of chrysanthemum tea from Princess Changle and began to pour himself a drink.

"My lord, are we really not going to show our faces at such a moment?"

Master Chen Xiu was a little helpless.

This little boss, whose IQ is almost a monster, took them to work non-stop for a month, and only then did he have the feat of hundreds of convicts being beheaded together today, and Tubo's intelligence network was wiped out.

He should be the one who should be present the most, or even stand in the middle, not Li Daozong, the secretary of Dali Temple.

I didn't expect this young master to care about these things at all.

"Hehe, follow the official to do things, how many great achievements can be made

, and this time and a half?" "What's more, if the official comes forward, wouldn't he clearly admit that he has crossed the line?"

"This is a stupid thing, the official doesn't do it!"

Chu Jie drank a cup of cooled chrysanthemum tea, and said with a smile.

"Alas, my lord is righteous!" Chen

Xiu knew that he couldn't be persuaded to do it, and it would be too late to go out at this time, so he sighed.

At this time, there was a lot of noise outside the window.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but saw a long line of prisoner carts, stretching from the Dali Temple to the barracks.

What is contained in it are all the fourth grade and some of the younger brothers below the fourth grade who will be used to worship the heavens today.

One by one, they were dressed in prison uniforms, and their eyes were terrified.

"Kill these dog thieves

!" "Go to death!" "

Datang is not short of you eating and drinking, you actually want to commit treason, I bah

!" "People go to high places, are you going to jump into the pit? Shame on people

!" "Die donkey ball, cut off your heads!"

That's right, have you ever thought that there is today?"

"Shameless people, it is not enough to cut off their heads, we should erect another monument for them, so that they will be spurned by thousands of people for generations." With

the roar of the people.

In the next second, rotten eggs and rotten cabbage smashed towards them like a flash flood.

Even those yacha next to him also fell into bad luck at the same time.

Under a cloud of rotten eggs, the prisoner cars soon arrived at the school yard inside the barracks gate.

Although the people surrounded the barracks with a fence, the fence did not obstruct the view.

So, everything that happened inside can be seen clearly.

Behind the school field, the expeditionary army was wearing Tang Dynasty fiery red leather armor, holding Mo knives and spears, majestic.

A murderous aura of the army rushed to his face.

"Spare your

life, spare your life!" "I just leaked some information, and I actually wanted to kill me!" "

I only received 10,000 taels of silver

!" "I don't dare anymore

!" "Chu Jie, you cool official, you can't die well!"

I'm no longer an official, I'm no longer an official, let me go!"

At this time, the chief criminal officer, Li Daozong, a middle-aged man with a mustache and a grim face, stepped onto the judgment platform.

"Cut ......,"

the people suddenly cheered softly.

Although the sound is not loud, the sum of more than 100,000 people is already very loud.

Li Daozong's face suddenly became a little unsightly.

"Old and young masters of Chang'an, this official knows what you want to see most this time.

"However, the official also understands that this time the official is also cooperating with Lord Chu to do things.

"It's not about snatching any credit, old and young masters!" Li

Daozong's words made the atmosphere of the scene instantly relaxed.

Those people didn't plan to make trouble, but when they saw Li Daozong knowing each other like this, they immediately nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right, this matter is the credit of our Lord Chu

!" "Hmph, their Dali Temple is just picking fruits!"

"Forget it, for the sake of Li Daozong's willingness to talk about things, let's not be embarrassed." "

That's right, it's inconvenient for Lord Chu to take care of these prisoners, they are officials!"

A voice of understanding came and went.

Li Daozong breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Jie's prestige is terrifying!

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