Two quarters of an hour later, he returned to Chu Jie, where his office was, and after a lot of hard work, the documents under the writing were sent by Chen Xiu to the Dali Temple, which specializes in managing high-ranking officials.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an official letter sent by Chang'an Ling Chujie, please take a look!"

A young secretary of Dali Temple took the official letter sent by the Chang'an County Ya and called all the officials on duty.

"Lord Chu's official letter

?" "Could it be that Lord Chu wants to file a lawsuit with other officials

?" "My God, he can handle this matter directly with His Majesty, why do you want to go to our side?"

"It's over, someone wants to finish it again." "

Yes, as soon as Lord Chu makes a move, Shangshu can't stop

it!" "Let's see which unlucky guy it is!"


officials of Dali Temple opened the official document while discussing.

The first sentence at the beginning explains what happened today.

When he saw that more than 200 people planned to kill Chu Jie together......


A gasp sounded from the crowd of these officials.

"It's over, it's over, it's big this time!"

"Chen Chip, the magistrate of Lantian County, is crazy? In order to destroy the evidence, he actually wants to kill

Chu Jie?"

"Originally, the crime of dereliction of duty was big or small, but now that he touched Chu Jie, it would be difficult not to die now." "

The officials talked a lot, and they all knew that whether Chen Chip was directly involved or not, this time it must be a dead end.

Then he continued to look down.

saw all the evidence of the case before Chu Jie asked to summon Chen Chip immediately, including the bones, files, and witnesses, and even Chen Chip himself had to come over.

"What do you think of this ......?"

the young secretary asked.

"I've heard about this, His Majesty has left the palace just now

!" "I'm going to visit Lord Chu in person!"


a well-informed palmist.

"Shhh...... The matter has become so serious!?"

"We can't control this matter, and we have alarmed Your Majesty."

"Yes, no matter who is behind this Chen Chip, it is now ready to fly. "

I suggest not to participate, just go through it, let them fight in the ring by themselves, and the gods can cross the sea." "

That's right, that's how

it should be done!" "

It's over

!" "Okay!"

These officials of Dali Temple on duty quickly and unanimously decided to pass it, and it should be fast!

Not long after, all the officials of Dali Temple gave the green light and directly passed Chu Jie's summons request.

An eight-hundred-mile urgent summons document from Dali Temple was immediately handed over to the cavalry escorting the official document.

After the three horsemen received the paperwork, they went out on the road and left in the dust.

changed horses all the way without changing people, and went straight to the Yongzhou Provincial Supervision Mansion.

And at this time, Lantian County is within the county office.

The county magistrate of Lantian County, who had a mouse face and a mole on his nose, was in a hurry.

"That damn Zhang Ze, the official saw that he was from the Taixue Academy, and handled him according to the official of Zhishi, so he was biased towards him. "

I didn't expect him to get more and more complicated, and he said that he would send someone to hunt down and kill the damn Miss Zhao family. "

I don't know what it has become, where did he get so many killers, could it really be a mole?"

Chen Chip's face was full of anxiety.

Seeing this, the staff and masters next to them could only persuade each other with good words.

"My lord, it's not good to spread the word now.

"Just make the mistake and let him do it!" "

Yes, if something goes wrong, then it will be pushed to him, and the big deal is that the adults will also get it, and this is just the worst result!"

"That's right, the adults were forced to resign for the sake of the officials of Zhishi, and they will definitely be taken care of when they return to the township." "

Yes, they don't take care of the adults, who will come forward, who will protect the aftermath of the officials of Zhishi in the future?"

said the staff members.

In ancient times, the unspoken rule was that parents and officials everywhere should give preferential treatment to those who were in charge, after all, everyone could be sent back to their hometowns for reasons such as failure in the struggle.

If all the officials of Zhishi are miserable, then who will not die of sorrow?

If they are forced to resign for this reason, then in the eyes of the literati, they will be treated as national heroes.

"Oh no, my lord!" suddenly

came a panicked scream from outside the door.

"What's the matter?" Chen

Chip's face suddenly sank.

At this time, someone shouted that it was not good, and that the eight achievements were in trouble.

"My lord, just now the people from the procuratorate received the documents from Chang'an, and the little one has established a good relationship with the people in the supervision mansion according to your instructions. "

They told the villain that someone from Dali Temple was going to summon the adult, as well as all the evidence, bones, and witnesses in the Zhao family's case!" the

yacha said breathlessly.

"It's not good, hurry up and ...... that corpse"

Chen Chip's voice did not fall.


The door of the county government was kicked open.

Dozens of Yacha from Yongzhou Road rushed in.

The first person is the festival of Yongzhou Road, Du He.

"Lord Chen, Chang'an has come to order, and we will assist you in sealing all the evidence and sending it to Chang'an. "

Please come with us now!" said

Du Ruhui's eldest son, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"This ......"

Chen Chip let out a sigh of relief, and instantly felt cold all over his body.

He knew that this matter seemed to have been played a little bigger.

That damn Zhang Ze is very likely to be a spy.

Otherwise, it is impossible for this little thing to alarm Dali Temple.

Of course, he never imagined that the matter he was involved in this time was far greater than he imagined!

At the same time, Chang'an County Ya Nei.

A messenger walked into the study where Chu Jie usually worked.

"Lord Chu, those killers have been recruited, they are all Qiang people from the border between Tuyuhun and the Tang Dynasty, and they themselves don't know who the employer is.

"I only know that a person from Taixue named Zhang Ze is their receiver. Yacha


"Hehe, it looks intricate and intricate, but if you grasp the line of Taixuefu, the Tubo people can't turn the sky. "

Let's just wait for those people to be sent to the door!" Chu

Jie smiled coldly.

From the beginning of this case involving the remnants of the Taixue Academy, Chu Jie knew that there must be a big melon in it.

"By the way, Lord Chu, we have learned that Du He, the supervisor of Yongzhou Dao, has already controlled Chen Chip and the people of the entire county government in Lantian County. "

Lord Duhe said that he promised not to let go of a single witness, and not to make a mistake in a single piece of evidence!"

said the Yacha report.

"Asked the head catcher Chen Ming to personally take people to Lantian County to find out which pregnant woman has disappeared recently. "

It can be used to pretend to think that the corpse of the second lady of the Zhao family, the pregnant woman will definitely not be the one who went to the field to farm.

"It must be the daughter of a rich and noble family, and if you inquire, you will definitely find flaws." "

This official never believed that anything in this world could be seamless!" Chu

Jie snorted coldly.

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