Just after Niang Gesangbu entered the city, Chu Jie, who had just gotten up, changed into a majestic fiery red official robe and took a carriage to Honglu Temple.

At this time, outside the Honglu Temple, countless people have gathered to watch the excitement.

"Doulu Kuandu has already fallen, why do these envoys of the Tubo dogs still dare to come

?" "Hmph, maybe they are still here to

ask for food?" "Ask for food, these bastards, they are obviously robbing!"

"Yes, these bastards, after eating the first relief grain, do they still have to ask for meat?"

Hmph, I don't know if it's an excuse made up by Dou Lukuan's bastard for corruption. "

It doesn't matter if he's real or not, anyway, the damn Tubo and Doulukuan are completely a nest of snakes and rats

!" "That's right, they're all things that kill a thousand knives

!" "Damn, there's no one to clean them up!"


the people were talking with resentment on their faces, some of them noticed the variables.

"Lord Chu's carriage, Lord Chu is here!" With

the exclamation of a few people, everyone found the carriage of the county government.

Inside the carriage, of course, was Chu Jie himself.

"Okay, Lord Chu is here!" "

He can clean up that damn Dou Lu Kuan, and he will definitely be able to clean up these damn Tubo dogs."

"That's right, these Tibetan dogs are in trouble now. The

people immediately cheered.

They are clear about Chu Jie's combat effectiveness.

Soon, the carriage of the county government stopped at the gate of Honglu Temple.

What came out of it was indeed Chu Jie, who the people were looking forward to the most.

His child's figure, under the protection of Zhanzhao, quickly disappeared from the sight of the crowd and entered the hall of Honglu Temple.

At this time, the officials of Honglu Temple had already arranged the venue.

Niang Gesangbu, who was sitting in the south direction, sneered after seeing Chu Jie.

"Hahaha, don't you have anyone in Datang?Ask a child to be in charge of negotiations with foreign countries?"

"Heh, what kind of master do you Tubo have? Aren't you calling an imposter in Honglu Temple Li Dai Taozhuang?"

Chu Jie said expressionlessly.


Niang Gesangbu, suddenly her expression changed greatly.

"What do you know, thief?" he

roared, and stood to his feet.

The one in Honglu Temple is a fake, which is the reason for his trouble.

But he didn't expect to be broken by Chu Jie in advance.

"You know what? You Tibetans are too inflated. "

Think we have a few more dogs in our house that use each other with you, so you think you've got the Tang

Dynasty?" "Just because you Tubo can start to make your own weapons now?"

Chu Jie asked with a sneer.

"Hmph, about the fact that Lord Lu Dongzan in Honglu Temple is fake, you'd better give us an explanation. "

We in Tubo can not only make our own weapons, but also have 500,000 soldiers wearing armor

!" "As long as our army moves, we will definitely be able to hit your Chang'an City, don't think that a dilapidated jade gate pass can stop our brave and invincible Tubo soldiers!"

"And then?"

Chu Jie asked with a sneer.

"And then?"

Niang Gesangbu suddenly got a little stuck.

He thought that Chu Jie would defend himself, and then he would put forward conditions.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jie directly played his cards out of common sense and asked him what about then.

It's ......

At this time, the members of the envoy group behind Niang Gesangbu were also a little confused.

"What's the matter, this Han dog doesn't seem to be afraid at all?"

"Yes, their country is now suffering from internal and external troubles, and it is impossible to resist us at all." "

Maybe you're calling us?"

the members of the

legation whispered in Tibetan.

"Then, if you don't compensate one million taels of silver, a princess and a princess, plus all the land in the right county within the Yumen Pass, we will start a war with your Tang Dynasty!"

"Little ghost, Lao Tzu advises you to consider surrendering as soon as possible, once the fight starts, you can't hold on to the right at all." "

Even, you will lose more, and we will even be beaten to your Chang'an City!" Niang

Gesangbu roared angrily, and soon lost her voice.

Because he saw the smile on Chu Jie's face, he became more and more mocking.

"If we want to go to war, it's a coincidence, it just so happens that our Datang is also going to war.

"Your plot to kidnap Princess Changle has been exposed.

"In addition, the official has found a way to provide disaster relief, and Datang has restored order, and you saw it yourself when you entered the city just now.

"Songzhou was defeated by us once in February this year, 50,000 against 3,000, you lost a low-key and had more weapons, you thought you had won, it's ridiculous.

Chu Jie said, took out a document and threw it on the ground in front of Niang Gesangbu's seat.

"Little ghost, what is this?" asked

Niang Gesangbu as she glanced at the things on the ground and frowned.

"War book.

Chu Jie sneered and said a word, two words, which made Niang Gesangbu tremble for no reason.

"This ...... This is going to start?"

Now, it's the turn of Niang Gesangbu to be confused.

"Sign it, don't talk nonsense, the official is still very busy.

Chu Jie said directly.

This is a war letter, and once signed, it is a war.

As for his mother's task of Gesangbu, what silver and what princess, all hell.

"Wait, aren't you afraid of the army we've already armed?"

asked Niang Gesangbu, glaring at the bull's eye.

"Hehe, I've disappointed you, your so-called 500,000 army is not enough to deal with the Zhangzhung Kingdom behind you. "

By the way, we also used the secret passage of your Prime Minister Lu Dongzan to communicate with the traitors of the Zhangxiong Kingdom, and transported enough sophisticated Tang swords and spears to equip an army of 100,000.

"Those rusty inventory things, let the people of the Zhangzhung Kingdom take them and cut you, it's enough.

"I'd like to see if you're quick at crafting weapons, or if they're quick at cutting you with ready-made weapons."

Chu Jie sneered and stood up: "Send off the guest, Hugh wants him to waste food here, get out of where he wants!"

After speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

"You little ghost!" Niang

Gesangbu, whose expression changed drastically, was shocked, stunned and frightened at this time.

The Zhangzhung Kingdom, located in the southwest of Tibet, originally had a national strength similar to that of Tibet.

Once Datang's 100,000 stockpiled weapons are transported, then Tubo will be really in trouble now!

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