Chapter 4 Congratulations to the host for getting the newbie gift package

At this time, in the hall of the Chang'an County Ya.

Chu Jie laughed for a long time, and then put away his smile under everyone's inexplicable gaze.

"Zhou Wanpeng!" In

the next second, Chu Jie shouted Zhou Wanpeng's

name with a cold face.

"The student is here!" Zhou

Wanpeng was frightened by Chu Jie's voice, and hurriedly answered.

"As a jinshi, you usually like to compose poems,

right?" Chu Jie suddenly asked.

"This ...... Hehe, it's not that the student brags, the student, as a jinshi, can be regarded as a rich learner, and he has a lot of talent.

Zhou Wanpeng said.

When the people next to him saw Zhou Wanpeng's eloquence, they were suddenly uncontrollable in surprise.

"I don't want to admit it, but this guy has a lot of talent!"

"Yes, it's all four words......

"If you don't understand ...... half-understand, you can admit it, you just don't understand, just like Lao Tzu!"

At this time, Chu Jie spoke again.

"Hehe, as a jinshi, you have eloquence and talent, the official is very pleased, and what is even more gratifying is that even your subordinates are literate.

Chu Jie's eyes became more and more mocking.

Zhou Jinshi's pupils contracted instantly, and his expression changed greatly.

"Come on, come on, Zhang Dazhu, you come and tell the official, what is the quarrel, what is the heartfelt words, and what is the heaven and the earth can be learned.

Chu Jie looked relaxed and happy, pointed at Zhang Dazhu, who had a frightened face, and asked with a smile as if he wanted to take the academic test.

"This ......"

Zhang Dazhu's legs weakened, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

Zhou Wanpeng himself even had a look of begging for mercy flashing in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Chu Jie.

"Zhou Jinshi, if you speak, this official will cut off your tongue.

Chu Jie said with a witty look, and a monstrous coercion pressed down towards Zhou Wanpeng like Mount Tai!

"Grass people...... ......"

At this time, Zhang Dazhu was already in a cold sweat, his eyes lost focus, and he looked like he was about to faint.

"There are clouds in the Analects, and what is known is known, and what is not known is not known. "

Zhang Dazhu, why do you want to die? It's not good to be tortured once in vain, after all, you still don't know about the punishment, don't

you?" "Let's Guan Zhongye, if you are wrong, you are wrong, and knowing your mistakes can improve the great way, where will this official embarrass you?"

Chu Jie took out the words of the criminal investigation of the later generations and did not give any specific promises, but his words made Zhang Dazhu relaxed.

"Your Excellency...... The adults are right, the grass people really don't know, all this is done by Zhou Jinshi to teach the villain. "

The villain is just a long-term worker, unable to compete with Zhou Jinshi, please forgive me!" Zhang

Dazhu's words caused an uproar at the scene.

"Damn Zhou Jinshi!" "

This remnant of the former dynasty is really uneasy and kind!" "

I almost thought it was really this guy who was seduced by the Zhao family, I really ...... Stupid

!" "Such wicked people, if you don't kill them, are you still waiting to harm others?"

In the next second, the voices of nearly a thousand people present converged into one sentence.

"Ask Zhou Wanpeng!" "

Ask Zhou Wanpeng!" "Ask Zhou Wanpeng!" "Ask Zhou Wanpeng!" "Ask Zhou




voices of the people swept through the sky, shocking people's hearts, and the sound shook the roof tiles.

Zhou Wanpeng was in a cold sweat at this time, and he felt weak all over.

Chu Jie, who was on the trial seat, was shocked, and Zhou Wanpeng's neck shrank in fright.

"Zhou Wanpeng, what else do you have to say?" Chu

Jie asked coldly.

"Your Excellency...... Adults ...... ""

The student is willing to compensate Zhang Gong, Zhang Ergou and Zhao's mother's family, and make an exception to compensate. "

Please spare your life!" Zhou

Wanpeng finally couldn't hold the pressure anymore, knelt down and cried and begged for mercy.

The whole scene fell silent in an instant.

Everyone had an expectant expression on their faces to see how Chu Jie dealt with it.

"No need for compensation, after the government confiscates your property, it will naturally compensate you on your behalf.

"As for you, you don't have to worry about it.

Chu Jie said with a sneer.

"You, you still want to confiscate my property!?"

Zhou Wanpeng's pupils instantly turned bloody.

He has maintained the land that he has only obtained through painstaking management for two dynasties, where is it allowed for someone to say that he wants to divide it?

It is even more uncomfortable than asking for his life

!" "Hmph, how much of your Zhou Wanpeng's land was earned by your own efforts?"

"It's all flattering and bullying, and it's all clever and robbing!"

Shameless dog, do you still think you can be arrogant to death?"

"If the sky doesn't accept you, I, Chu Jie, will accept you today

!" "Come on, press down the prison, ask and behead after the autumn, all the land will be re-measured, and look for the bitter master!"

Chu Jie's voice, with the power of justice, echoed back and forth in the hall.

"Obey, my lord!" the

two yacha stepped forward and pulled up Zhou Wanpeng's fat body.

"Don't, don't arrest me!

!" "Chu Jie, I'm a scholar, if you want my life to move my land, the world's scholars won't let you go!"

Zhou Wanpeng struggled and was dragged out.

Chu Jie sneered in return.

If it was after the Song Dynasty, it was indeed not so easy to move scholars to seize the farmland that had been plundered.

But this is the Tang Dynasty, and it is the early Tang Dynasty.

The power of the family has been weakened by the alien race for hundreds of years, and now it is only a nascent era.

If this can't move Zhou Wanpeng, he will go back and sell sweet potatoes as soon as possible.

"This ...... Zhou Wanpeng's end!?"

"Yes, it's like in a dream

!" "This damn Zhou Wanpeng is finally subdued

!" "Okay, this adult is good!"


That's right, don't look at him as only nine years old, but that ability, the previous adults can't compare to him." "

Not to mention that it can't be compared to a horse, it's just a heaven and an underground, okay?"

"Yes, the previous county order, with a bully like Zhou Wanpeng, and the face asked us to give Wanmin an umbrella when he stepped down." "

If this Lord Chu wants to step down in the future, there is no need for him to say, we will definitely get an umbrella for the people!"

"Are you dizzy, aren't you? Lord Chu is only nine years old, and when he steps down, you don't know how many years he has been dead......!"

However, yes, Master Chu is only nine years old, and maybe he will be able to serve as our parent official forever in the future

!" "That's really great!"


people expressed their surprise and admiration.

Chu Jie saw it in his eyes and smiled slightly.

The system prompts, congratulations to the host for successfully punishing Zhou Wanpeng, a veteran bully in Chang'an and a former Jinshi of the dynasty. The

system prompts that the newbie gift package has been sent to the account under the host's name. The

system prompts that the host has successfully been recognized by the people of Chang'an County, with 100% satisfaction, and the case rewards 10,000 GPA points, and the current host GPA balance is 10,000 points!]

The system prompted.

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