Just when Cheng bit Jin's violent godson, Chu Jie and Princess Changle were already sitting in the living room of the county government.

The maid sent the best osmanthus tea, and the room suddenly smoked lightly.

Princess Changle, who gave up her unruly mask and revealed her true nature, was quiet and cute.

Chu Jie also had a hint of appreciation in his heart.

After all, Changle is the most elite existence among women in this era.

has knowledge, vision, temperament, appearance, and insight that women in this era absolutely do not have.

If you say that the one who is most likely to talk to the traverser is probably such a top-level woman.

However, the reason why they are sitting together now is a little awkward.

He had come to ask her for details about the matter.

"Tell me, Your Highness Princess, why you got into that carriage and why you followed them out of the city.

Chu Jie asked in a deep voice.

"They kidnapped the nurse of the palace, saying that if they don't go out with them, they will ......"

Princess Changle's voice was interrupted by Chu Jie.

"Your Royal Highness Princess, if you are only bent on taking yourself out now, this official will give you a suggestion, and you simply don't say a word and say that you were frightened and don't remember anything.

"But the official wants to help you, you don't have to tell lies.

Chu Jie's words made Princess Changle's eyes light up.

"It is worthy of being a young champion, Lord Chu's plan is very good......"

Princess Changle suddenly nodded happily.

"But this ploy is simply to get you out, and it will not help the person you want to save at all.

"Because if your father does not get a satisfactory explanation, he will inevitably put you under house arrest, and you will not be able to go anywhere."

Chu Jie's next words made Princess Changle's joy fade instantly.

"I ......

" Princess Changle was entangled for a moment, and then asked with an unconvinced face: "How do you know that the nurse must be fake?"


Because the nurse is a palace maid, you have every right to arrange her whereabouts, and the official is also forced to break you, because the official has no interest in catching and hiding with an old palace maid."

Chu Jie shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said.

"It's this palace that has caused you trouble, Lord Chu. "

But these things ......"

Princess Changle sighed faintly, still a little afraid to speak.

Obviously, it's still tangling.

"Since you don't say it, princess, the official himself said it.

"The nurse is definitely not in the palace, but it must have been arranged by Her Royal Highness the princess.

"Then what you want to save will not be a palace maid, no princess will personally risk for a palace maid, this is not great, this is stupid.

"This person's identity must be higher than that of the palace maid, and he has a good relationship with you, and he must have something to do with the Tubo people, and even Dou Lukuan and even Xue Shu, who were cleaned up by the official before." "

And you came to the county government before you got into the carriage, obviously you wanted to find the official, of course you won't come to report the case, let alone ask the official to find a palace maid, so you planned to ask for help at the beginning, right

?" "The official's guess is correct, Your Royal Highness the Princess?"

Chu Jie took a sip of tea and asked calmly.

But with the surprise on Princess Changle's handsome face that couldn't be concealed, Chu Jie didn't have to continue to ask if he had guessed wrong.

"Your status, status, and feelings are similar to you, the princess, and you must be similar in age, and you can have a relationship with Tubo, and it is impossible to bypass the previous Ministry of Rites.

"As for the things that can be related to the Ministry of Rites and the palace, there is only one, that is, when the Tibetan people came to ask for food for the second time at the beginning of the year, they made peace with the Ministry of Rites.

"The princess who is kind to her has also been given the title of Princess Wencheng, of course she will not be the imperial daughter, but if she can be in the palace, she can only be a female dependant on the side of the emperor, and she can live in the palace

, right?"

"Then you planned to ask the official for help at first, of course, not because you have been friends with the official for a long time or think that the official is handsome, but simply because it was the official who moved down Dou Lukuan, right?"

Chu Jie analyzed in detail, and Princess Changle's face was first surprised, and then turned into shock.

In the end, it is directly a worship and an unspeakable brilliance.

directly incarnated as a little fan girl.

"Are you a prodigy from the sky?" Princess

Changle couldn't help but ask.

"The princess is overrated, and the official is just stringing all the clues together. "

So, the Tubo people secretly contacted you, just to lure you out of the city to negotiate with the condition of relieving Princess Wencheng's affiliation?"

Chu Jie asked expressionlessly.

"En, it's true, when I first left the palace, I was going to ask your lord for your opinion, but I didn't meet you. "

It turned out that you were intercepted at the city gate, it was indeed a coincidence!" Princess

Changle suddenly nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Nonsense, how can such a national event be controlled by a little woman of yours?"

Chu Jie couldn't help but laugh and scold.

Princess Changle was stupid.

Because when Chu Jie laughed, those eyes were like a bonfire in a cold winter night.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Chu Jie saw her in a daze, and spoke before she reacted.

"I don't want to pay attention to national affairs, I just want to solve this matter.

Princess Changle said with a wry smile.

"If you go like this, you can't solve it, and it will affect the Cheng family and a large group of innocent soldiers.

Chu Jie said coldly.

"What do they dare to do about this palace? If so, Datang will turn his face, and their relatives will be to hell. "

When the time comes, they deserve to starve to death!"

"The powerful Tang Dynasty is the biggest reliance on the safety of this palace.

When Princess Changle said these words, her temperament suddenly changed, giving Chu Jie a feeling of Li Shimin's face.

Is this the domineering of the royal family?"

"You think too much, and it may not be a problem for others to go, but obviously your eldest princess is more valuable than that princess." "

Take you, the request for land cutting can't be raised, three or five million taels of silver, hundreds of thousands of stones, grain and grass, do you guess they can't open their mouths

?" "Do you think these barbarians will reason with you?"

"Now is different from the past, Your Royal Highness the Princess, they now have iron weapons, and the combat effectiveness of the army is not much different from our Datang,

but it is not a good character."

Chu Jie said coldly.

"That'...... Are you

going to help?" "Hurry up and give me an accurate word, what is this doing all the time?"

Princess Changle was deflated in front of Chu Jie three or four times, and her teeth suddenly itched.

Bengong also has a temper, right?"


Chu Jie replied happily this time.


Princess Changle suddenly felt a punch hit the cotton.

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