You are playing with fire, in case you can't do it, someone will rebel immediately!"

Li Shimin said with a frown.

"Your Majesty, we will only wage expansion wars to the outside and plunder the population because of the lack of workers, and we will definitely not be too many people to cope with.

"Wechen also plans to build a large number of farms, raising chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and 100 acres of land can feed more than a dozen families according to the current rules, but the farms can be multiplied several times.

"At that time, Wechen will also come up with new production tools and technologies, change the price of all the expensive things now, including cloth, and further improve the things that money can buy, so that money is more valuable, and naturally use money to buy the family's food smoothly."

"No one will have trouble with money, Your Majesty.

Chu Jie did not deny it, but explained.

Pushing peasants from the fields to the factories by various means is the pain that every agricultural country must go through in the process of transformation.

For example, the sheep cannibalism movement in England has made it impossible for farmers to hold on to their land for thousands of years.

Another example is the American Civil War, which made it impossible for landlords to use cheap slaves to run their agricultural estates, but instead freed up the population to fill the production positions in the factories.

Giving freedom to slaves who had been bought by the lords of the manors was originally sucking the blood of the agricultural landlords to cultivate industry.

Now Chu Jie is just taking advantage of the greed of those families to drive the peasants out of the land.

"When they lose their land, and then they are taken in by your workshop, they will be grateful to you like these fools.

"Chu Jie, Chu Jie, you are the most ruthless character in Datang, 10,000 times worse than Doulu Kuanxue and those two guys.

Li Shimin's expression was complicated.

"Your Majesty, Wechen has to correct you a little, not to Wechen to be grateful to Dade, but to Your Majesty, your Royal Chamber of Commerce.

"In the final analysis, all this can be done by relying on Your Majesty, your imperial power, they are grateful to Dade, and you are completely deserved.

Chu Jie shrugged his shoulders, and there was one sentence he didn't say: "But if it weren't for me and my descendants to help you watch these caravan members, a revolution of the capitalist class would break out sooner or later."

"Is it so difficult to maintain the simple life of men and women weaving?" "Can't the common people live and work in peace and contentment

?" "Do you have to get them out of the land?"

Li Shimin asked with some patience.

He was the emperor, but the entire ancient Chinese thought, including him, was to have land, daughters-in-law, male cultivators, weavers, wives and children, hot kang heads.

Kicking everyone out at once, he himself was a little difficult to accept.

After all, he was not born a prince, and he also rose from the end of the early years.

"Your Majesty, it is good that you have compassion and benevolence, if there is no family to arbitrarily annex the land, men and women weave, it is indeed a simple life that is pleasing to see.

"But in this way, our national fortunes will depend entirely on the land, and with the merger of the families, each dynasty will go downhill, except for a little stability at the beginning.

"Therefore, if we in Datang want long-term peace and stability, the people must stand up, leave the fields, and let the cause of arable land not occupy all the manpower and cause everyone to have enough to eat."

"Those families have more land, and they are naturally willing to invest in more production tools and infrastructure, after all, what they get is theirs.

"And of course they have to pay more taxes, and we're going to make them accept more taxes and get more land through tax adjustments in the process."

"How to guide this, I believe that the ministers in the court will be willing to give advice to Your Majesty, here we will not say much, there is no technical content in the first place."

Chu Jie said with a serious face.

"In this way, can we really have long-term peace and stability in Datang?" asked

Li Shimin with some doubts.

"It's not enough, but at least we can get out of the curse of reincarnation for three hundred years.

"As long as the state does not rely on the income from the land as the whole income, no annexation of the family can destroy the foundation of the state."

"As for the important economic resources, they are in the hands of the royal family, and of course there will be no problem, at least not money and silver.

Chu Jie said, thinking of the fall of the Ming Dynasty, and he was also embarrassed.

The Ming Dynasty already had a way to go to sea and could obtain diversified economic resources, but the Zhu family was finally confined to the land by officials who colluded with capital, burned ship materials, and banned the sea.

even turned officials and literati into landlords, whether it was land or commerce, the Ming Dynasty could not collect money, and they were forced to die.

Of course, such a tragedy cannot happen to the Han people again.

Since the family was able to collude with the capitalists in the Ming Dynasty to collude with the capitalists and the capital, then why couldn't Chu Jie engage in a collusion between the emperor and the capitalists hundreds of years in advance?

At this time, he could still control all the capitalists in his hands.

Why not?"

I understand your vision, and I agree that you can support everyone with your inheritance.

"At that time, it will even increase the value of the family's land to grow crops, so that they can also make money."

"But have you thought about it, if those families look at the interests of the Chamber of Commerce, they also have to get a piece of the pie, and then the army may not all be on our side."

Li Shimin said with a solemn face.

"Why should the whole army be on our side?

"We can't afford to build another industrialized army, Your Majesty, and those armies that are built on the output of the land will be ridiculously vulnerable to the armies of the industrialized world.

"This team will be in the hands of His Majesty in the form of caravan guards, and everything that is old, whether it is the army, the bureaucrats or the landowners of the family who want to fight back, will be shattered.

Chu Jie raised his head and said.

Foreign devils can do this thing with muskets, but why can't Datang engage in it?

Cold weapon warfare is because there is no choice.

Some bastards are willing to carry knives and guns to cut each other.

There will definitely be people who think that victory is not martial, but when the Inglisians carried muskets to fight Africans in later generations, they were not ashamed at all.

Then why does Datang have to ask for face, and he wants to fight with a knife

and a shot? Wouldn't it be better to shoot all the enemies in a salvo and go to hell to feed the earthworms

? "You want military power?

This can be considered.

Li Shimin's eyes narrowed.

"Your Majesty, if you don't believe in Weichen, you can also dispatch ......"

Chu Jie's words were interrupted by Li Shimin before he finished speaking.

"You just have to toss and tell how many people there are when the time comes.

"In addition, I will not give you the right to recruit soldiers, if you are exposed, I will inevitably clean you up and make it clear to you first.

Li Shimin said in a deep voice.

"That's all for this, Wechen is definitely going to do it, but Wechen can't understand, why do you trust Wechen so much, Your Majesty?"

Chu Jie asked in disbelief.

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