In the night, in the courtyard of the restaurant where Chu Jie was, there were many figures.

A large group of people in black surrounded this place on three sides.

Among them, more than fifty sturdy black-clothed men drew their daggers at the same time, and bent down towards the main entrance.

Woo Woo Woo ......

Suddenly, the sound of arrows whistling overhead came from overhead.

The eyes of these men in black shrank suddenly.

Poof...... Poof...... Poof......


"Retreat!" a

leader of the men in black realized that among the countless windows, powerful crossbows were falling towards them.

In one photo, more than fifty people in black were suddenly overturned.

The rest of the people, brave the flying arrows, were chased all the way and fled in embarrassment.

"Chu Jie, this king knows that you can't be so easily fooled.

"You're too confident, though.

"As long as this king burns this building, you will die without a place to be buried!"

In the darkness, there was a somewhat angry voice from Yuangai Suwen.

"Hehe, you better save it. "

The official is here, you came specifically to kill the official, and now you are hiding in the dark. "

Are you doing it?" Chu

Jie smiled coldly.

"Chu Jie, this king will give you one last chance, come to our

Goguryeo!" "As long as you are not the emperor, what official position you want, what official position this king will give you!"

"You can choose, the whole of Goguryeo, whatever you want." "

As long as you make it clear, even if it's this king, you can listen to your dispatch

!" "What do you think?"

"A character like you, in Datang, is just a magistrate, Qipin

!" "They are so violent and cruel, but this king appreciates you!"

"What you want, what this king gives you!".

Yuangai Suwen seemed to be very reluctant to kill Chu Jie, and actually began to persuade him to surrender.

"Hehe, Qipin

?" "Who dares to be the official is the seventh grade?"

"The official is accompanied by him, but the Sanpin Dali Siqing." "

Which one of the people who usually commands is not a high-ranking

official or noble?" "Will this official leave his own home and not build it, and go to your cold and bitter place to mediate with you?"

"Do you think this official looks like a person who is well fed and supported?"

Chu Jie replied with a sneer.

"Do you really want to die?" said

Yuan Gai Suwen's voice, which already carried a hint of coldness.

"Hahaha, no one has died since ancient times, and the official is not afraid of death, but he will not die here. "

You said the throne, you can ask for anything, but the official is interested in one thing, I don't know if the king can cut his love?"

Chu Jie laughed, and suddenly changed his words and said.

"Whatever you want, give it to you!"

"Don't sell it there, just let this king think that you are insincere."

Yuangai Suwen said proudly.

"Hehe, what this official is asking for is the head of your neck, the king. "

You can give whatever you say, why don't you cut it off and say what you say?"

Chu Jie said suddenly.

He's stalling for time.

"Hmph, Chu Jie, Chu Jie. "

Do you really think that this king cares about you stalling here

?" "Are you waiting for Zhang Peng's thousand reinforcements from Huayin Zhixian County

?" "If this king can't even clean up that idiot, how can he have the courage to come to your Datang territory?" "

At this time, I'm afraid he has already fallen to the ground, don't you see that the king's elite are here?"

"Hahaha, thanks to you for reminding him to come to support when he saw the fire, this king only then thought that this place is so suitable for fire attack.

Yuangai Suwen shouted laughing in the dark.

"Hahaha, Yuangai Suwen, you have underestimated this official after all.

"How did this official not know that he was a

fool?" "If this official is the kind of person who gives his life to a fool, how can it be worth it for you to come to Datang Territory?"

Chu Jie's voice was full of banter.


Yuan Gai Suwen's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Hahahaha, this official is indeed delaying time, but he is not waiting for Zhang Peng. "

It's great that your elite is gathered here, and it saves the officials from going into the city to disturb the people. "

Your time of death is almost here!" Chu

Jie said with a smile.

"You!" Yuan

Gai Suwen suddenly felt bad.

"How is it good, my lord?" asked

a strong man in black.


"Burn this guy, no one will be able to threaten the king's country after the Tang Dynasty!" Yuan

Gai Suwen ordered loudly.


Suddenly, shouts of killing rang out.

Countless black-clothed people, holding oil and firewood, threw desperately towards the open space in the middle of the restaurant.

"Shoot these bastards!" "Shoot these bastards!"


the arrows!"

The horsemen upstairs armed with crossbows kept firing arrows

at the roar of the officers.

From time to time, a man in black was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

But many more succeeded in throwing the wood, hay and oil in their hands to the intended place.

Not long after, under the busyness of a large group of people, the three directions of the restaurant were already filled with combustibles poured with fire oil.

"My lord, get ready!"

In the room on the second floor, Zhan Zhao tied a rope that had been thrown to the cliff behind the restaurant to a solid pillar, and after pulling it hard, he reported to Chu Jie.

"Master Chu, you go first

!" "No matter what, you can't have an accident!"


Daozong also stood by the window at this time, urging loudly.

"Hmph, don't be busy yet.

"Even if it was lit, it wouldn't have burned here so quickly. "

Bearded guest, aren't you here yet?" Chu

Jie asked coldly.

"My lord, what if these timbers are pine?" Zhan

Zhao suddenly remembered what he had encountered when he followed Chu Jie to Taiyuan, so he asked.

"No, that guy Yuangai Suwen, even if he never dreamed, the battlefield would move under his nose.

"Even if he had a superior IQ, he would never have thought of doing anything in this building. "

Tell the riders not to panic, stick to their positions, the official still has a backhand!" Chu

Jie commanded coldly.


In the next second, earth-shattering shouts and screams sounded from behind the black-clothed people outside the door.

"Yuangai Suwen, where to run?" the

bearded guest's voice was impressively in it.

"Okay, no need to climb the rope.

Chu Jie smiled and waved his hand.

"So you're waiting for him!" Of

course, Li Daozong knew that the bearded guest was helping Chu Jie train special work.

Hearing that the bearded guest had been killed, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Jie leaned over to the window in front of him and glanced outside.

Figures were fighting each other everywhere outside, but the people trained by the bearded guest took advantage of the darkness.

The battle will soon be over.

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