The giant sea turtle was swimming around a star. It was watching a black spot in the star. That long black spot was Fang Yun. He had been sleeping for more than fifty years, but he had not yet. Wake up and turn around.

As usual, after looking at Fang Yun twice, the turtle was about to leave here and go for food alone.

After it grows in size, it needs to take in more food, which is different from Fang Yun. When Fang Yun usually does not eat, there is no problem. He can go hungry for a long time.

Regular eating is just because you want to advance quickly, but the big turtle has to eat because of its own physiological conditions.

If it doesn't eat enough food, it can't keep its body in full bloom.

Now that Fang Yun is in the process of evolution and is particularly weak, it thinks that Fang Yun was protecting him in the past, and now that Fang Yun is weak, it is time for him to protect Fang Yun.

After revolving around the star, the sea turtle did not perceive any danger, and was about to leave here. Unexpectedly, at this moment, its head was suddenly raised.

And in a very distant space opposite it, two fleets are galloping fast.

These are the two fleets of the Fifth Heaven Domain and the Sixth Heaven Domain.

The two fleets have always stayed in the seventh sky and did not leave. They have been looking for news about Fang Yun and the big turtle.

Some of Fang Yun's body tissues have been sent back to their respective Heavenly Domains. It is said that those body tissues have provided some help to the biological mecha technology of the two Heavenly Domains.

The two big heavens later gave Bain and Hua Rong a special order, asking them to find the giant python and the big turtle, and then bring the corpses or living bodies of the two creatures back.

But they have been searching for more than 50 years, but unfortunately they have not found anything.

Where did that giant python go?

In the control center of the command ship, Hua Rong rubbed his forehead, and from the high-level side, inquiries were constantly sent over, asking them about the progress of their mission.

The constant inquiries of those officers put a lot of pressure on him, especially among the people who inquired, there were also people from their Hua family, so Hua Rong was very tired.


For more than 50 years, even the shadow has not been discovered. This is really strange, and it does not match the behavior of this creature at all.

Hua Rong pondered this in his heart.

A giant creature like a giant python definitely needs to eat, and from the previous findings, his food is those planets.

And when he eats, he will send out some energy signals.

In addition, he must be constantly wandering in space when he eats. Unfortunately, they have not found anything similar since fifty years ago.

The giant python and the big turtle seemed to have disappeared in this side of the sky.

Commander Hua Rong, did you find anything there?

There was another news from Byrne. This was asking Hua Rong about the situation. After Hua Rong replied, he said: Byrne, it seems that there will be no trace of that giant python here. We are still Change your position.

They have been galloping in this direction for a long time, but they have never found any trace of the python. After all, if the python is in this direction, when he is eating, the energy signal from the devouring planet will definitely be destroyed. they received.

it is good.

There was no objection on Byrne's side. He also felt that Hua Rong was right. Hua Rong nodded. Just when he wanted to turn the fleet around, his expression suddenly changed.

what happened?

hum, hum, hum.

I saw that at this time, from the control center of the ship, a harsh siren suddenly sounded, and then, a soldier ran towards Hua Rong and said to him: Commander, we have found a creature that is Come at us.

What creature? Hua Rong frowned.

A big turtle. The soldier said to him immediately after hesitating.

A big turtle? Hua Rong looked particularly surprised, and then hesitantly asked, Is that the big turtle next to the giant python?

It's very similar, but we can't be sure yet. The soldier nodded hesitantly.

Okay, continue to observe, and prepare for battle at the same time.

After Hua Rong gave an order, he quickly said to Byrne: Commander Byrne, we suspect that we have found the big turtle next to the python.

Now I need you to rush over to support immediately.

Found a big turtle? Byrne was also very excited and suspicious, but then he said, Okay, I'll lead the fleet over immediately.

The two fleets quickly merged together, and then they watched the big turtle rushing towards them together.

That sea turtle was huge. Of course, compared to the giant python they had seen before, the sea turtle looked weaker. But the visual impact to them is not weak.

What is this big turtle trying to do now?

Hua Rong frowned, he really couldn't guess what the big turtle wanted to do.

And now, everyone is sure that the big turtle that is charging towards them is the one beside the giant python.

Now, the big turtle was charging towards them for some reason, only to say that there was no giant python beside him, but Hua Rong and the others guessed that the giant python must be on one side.

These two guys might be planning to attack them.

What should I do, Commander Hua Rong? At this time, in the control center of the command ship in the Sixth Heaven Domain, Byrne asked Hua Rong.

Hua Rong also didn't make up his mind, and immediately said: First, use a small group of troops to conduct a tentative attack on the big turtle and see its plan.

The rest of us are guarding against the sudden attack of that giant python.

These two creatures have high IQs, which is what Hua Rong thinks.

But in fact, Fang Yun is the only one with a high IQ. The sea turtle is very large and has a particularly high level of strength.

But unfortunately, its IQ has always grown slowly, and now, it can only have some simple exchanges with Fang Yun, and cannot accurately express its inner thoughts or something.

This time, the big turtle suddenly rushed here, also because its IQ was not enough, and because it was too worried about Fang Yun.

Originally, the two fleets were ready to leave when they arrived here. Unfortunately, the turtles thought that the two fleets had determined their coordinates, so they hurried over to intercept the two fleets.

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