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If Anna laughed because Zhang Yang praised her students for being excellent, this is still understandable, but the problem is that no matter how you look at it, Zhang Yang feels that the actual situation does not seem to be the case, is he wrong?

Seeing Zhang Yang's face puzzled Anna, she suddenly laughed harder, so that at the moment, her reddish flower branch shuddered, but she showed a beauty that was completely different from the usual calmness and generosity. The energetic look made Zhang Yang feel very emotional. Even though he did n’t choose Anna, Zhang Yang still had to admit that the smiling Anna was really cute, so Zhang Yang decided in a flash that no matter what happened between him and Anna in the future, he vowed to protect her , Even just to keep this smile ...

For the subtle changes that took place in Zhang Yang ’s mindset, Anna, who was thoughtful, soon felt it, but she was only a fourth-order arcanist after all, and not a spiritual magician who could read other people ’s thoughts in legend, so although some I don't know why, but Anna stopped her smile slowly and gasped and said:

"I didn't expect you to guess wrong, Wright. In fact, although Clio is very talented in the arcane department, he is definitely not as sharp as you said. On the contrary, doing things is always a bit too dogmatic and rulesy, so it is a bit rigid. The worst thing about her is to perceive the danger around her. So you guessed wrong this time, hee hee hee ~ "

After Anna finished speaking, Zhang Yang recalled carefully that the child named Clio was indeed a little too calm in a way, so that many of the responses at that time seemed to be ‘textbooks’, which always made people feel a little stiff. But this also can't explain why she could first rush to support [Magic Shield] before Zhang Yang's shot and also warned him?

Apparently, Zhang Yang, who is entangled at the moment, did not sell Guanzi after laughing, but directly explained:

"In fact, the truth of the matter is that Corio is so poorly alert on weekdays that it is easy to be tracked. Not to mention, once the magic tower is wanted, it is easier to be seized by the intentional people. So I will use the tutor's The status requires that whenever she comes to the door of the magic tower, no matter whether there are people around or nobody, she must first instantaneously [Magic Shield] and then say the words according to the previously memorized lines, so that Unknown people will have a great chance of being bluffed by her, so they will either choose to retreat or be fooled, that's it. "

"Uh ... that's what happened ..."

After hearing Anna ’s explanation, Zhang Yang suddenly felt like crying and laughing. No wonder the girl ’s response was so calm at the time. Even when she said this, she was not only calm but also extremely fluent. It turns out that people already know this "line" well. So much that he almost gave him this "big master"!

Not only that, but Zhang Yang was also surprised that Wenwen quietly always came up with such an obvious 'pitman' idea, which is as incredible as Gaffe's gluttonous sudden change to vegetarian food. thing.

However, perhaps for those who are familiar with Zhang Yang, his mind is too good to guess. Just when he didn't know what to say, Anna already laughed:

"Don't you think? To be honest, this method has actually deceived at least five or six batches of people with bad intentions from the day it was implemented, and I do not hide from you that this idea was not made by me alone, but by me and Xiao. En and the three of them have discussed together. After all, you should also know that this kind of "bad" idea is not my strong point. On the contrary, Sean and Lanster are enthusiastic about it. "

"It turned out that really scared me ..."

Zhang Yang was relieved only after Anna thoroughly explained it. After all, he was really hard to accept the fact that the quiet Anna above was actually a 'naughty guy'. Fortunately, all this was finally figured out, this idea of ​​calculating other people's psychology is really the style of the guy in Lanster!

So Zhang Yang, finally relieved, had to admit defeat and generally spread his hand, and then said:

"Although it was a bit embarrassing, I had to admit that Lanster's method was so effective that I almost believed it. And speaking of it, the first stop after I returned to Leiyun College was to visit Let ’s take a look at Lancaster ’s alchemy laboratory. Although he was almost stunned by his “quirks” at the time, he has to admit that he has really improved a lot recently. Not only does the “hybrid granite” technology bring benefits to the construction of the resident , Even the strength of his own magic array and speculation on people's hearts have also improved a lot, which really surprised me. "

"Oh? It turns out that you first went to see Leinster, oh ... yes, if you go back to Balxus and then come over there, Leinster's laboratory is indeed the nearest ... … "

"Huh? Is there any problem?"

"No, no, it's nothing, just to say that if you go there first, someone should lead the way? If you didn't guess wrong ... Did Lord Ophelia come with you in person?"

"Ah? Can you guess this?"

Although Zhang Yang felt that Anna hadn't seemed to say anything before, she couldn't help but was guessed that she had come back with Ophelia, and Zhang Yang didn't think about it. In response, Anna smiled gently and replied:

"It's very simple. As far as your heart is concerned, Lord Ophelia is finally looking forward to how you can easily let you go, but at the same time, if you are embarrassed to leave you in Moxim, you can only come with you. Slightly ~ "

"This one……"

"It's no big deal, Master Ophelia is an outsider. Although she has now become the queen of the" Moximu Kingdom ", she has always been particularly supportive of the construction of the Thunder Cloud Academy. some more."

"It turns out there was such a thing, she didn't mention it along the way ..."

"It's normal. After all, the two of you are suffering a lot from each other. There is nothing worth boasting about helping each other? In contrast, Leinster has really grown a lot recently. Although his personality is still very impressive, he is in alchemy. However, his talents in surgery gradually showed up, and even if you saw it, he began to take apprenticeships. "

Thinking of the hot scene in the underground alchemy laboratory, Zhang Yang felt a headache, so he seemed to want to drive away the picture and waved his hand. He suddenly thought of something like this:

"By the way, I will remember to send someone to inform them about Lanster. We didn't identify when we 'visited' them. It is probably terrified now. So if you don't send someone to notify you, you might be afraid before dawn You do n’t have to dare to come out. It ’s not good to hold back when the time comes. "

Listening to Zhang Yang saying that Anna also thought of some kind of picture, so that she who chuckled and laughed out loud, actually covered her mouth and smiled and said:

"It's also a good thing to let them suffer a little bit. After all, during this time, Lanster is a bit forgetful, so it is good to give him an appropriate alarm."

Speaking of this, Anna suddenly remembered something, and then stared at Zhang Yang with beautiful eyes and asked:

"Speaking of ... what's the matter with them? Although it is your men, and a lot of effort has been made to protect the Thunder Cloud Academy, but ..." they "are not human? Even if they look like ordinary people It makes no difference, but I always feel something is wrong with them ... "

After hearing this, Zhang Yang understood that the "they" in Anna's mouth should refer to several soul guards such as Phillip and Seradan. In fact, Zhang Yang originally didn't want to expose their existence. After all, under normal circumstances, when someone realizes that they are occupying the life outside the human body, the impact is absolutely catastrophic.

However, the situation is clearly different now. Although the truth still cannot be brought to light, now that there are upheavals in the mainland and the French Empire has been divided, no one has so much leisure and energy to pay attention to the problems of a few people. Judging from the current situation in which strength is urgently needed, it is no problem to increase the number of soul guards appropriately.

So considering that Anna is not an outsider, Zhang Yang told Anna how he met the seeds of the world of Tandani and Terna. So it was Anna ’s turn to be shocked. She never expected that the few “guys” she had been in contact with before were not monsters like the “undead” or “devil possessed”, but real ones. Life outside the world!

Fortunately, Anna, who experienced many hardships and grew up during this time, not only became stronger in acceptance, but also matured her way of thinking about issues, so she not only quickly accepted the fact that the "Soul Guardian" existed, And half-sighing and half-jokingly said:

"No wonder you are busy all over the world. It turns out that you are a" real savior "! Just to be honest, is it too heavy to shoulder the responsibility of rebirth of a different world race? You haven't been before Tell us, do you think you can do it by yourself? "

"Where are you so noble, and you also know that I am not willing to run around voluntarily? Speaking of the strength of those guys, I have been allowed to develop freely for so long, and I should have been prepared. And Really speaking, you are really bold enough, after all, dare to activate them and give the name of "Lei Yin", this is not a decision that ordinary people can make. "

Hearing this, Anna suddenly seemed a little sighed, then smiled bitterly and said:

"It's a really bold decision, but unfortunately, I can't make such a decision, and I don't have the right to give them the name of" Lei Yin ". So now I will admire Neil Jielin like this, obviously I am younger than me, but not only my strength has grown quite fast, but even my character has become extremely strong and decisive ... Yes, although I also participated in the discussion, it was Niel Jieli who made this decision out of the crowd. Na, the deputy leader of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, who is now very much loved, is one of the people who most hope you can return to us as soon as possible! "

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