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"I didn't expect that it was Elder Wright really coming! Claudia was far away and asked Elder Wright not to be angry with a little girl."

Maybe others do n’t know what this Wright did actually become the elder of the Sharak business group, but Claudia, the adopted daughter of the former business group leader, knew that if she had the help of the person in front of her, The younger brother Nesser, whose routine is assigned to the bottom of the business group, has probably died in that deadly desert of death. He has no chance to shine as much as he is now. The novel ideas led to the rapid development of the Sharak Trade Group.

And more importantly, Claudia has always liked that since childhood, she always called behind her "sister" sister "Nesser", which has lost everything since she was very young. Claudia, a blood relative, suddenly rediscovered the feeling of having a loved one, so she has always been very fond of Neather, and even in many people's opinion, she seems to have a more affection for Neather than her brother.

In addition, this Wright's identity is also quite unusual, and not to mention that he himself is a super strong with a sixth-order Zijin level strength. The two forces behind him cannot be underestimated.

Because the emotional entanglement between Wright, Neil Jelena, Anna and Ophelia has long been known by the bards of good deeds, everyone with a clear eye knows that once this Wright is in danger, Austria Philia will definitely help.

And even if the emotional issues between Zhang Yang and Ophelia are thrown out, he alone will help Ophelia make him the true head of the Silver Pegasus Legion. Anyone knows this kind of reality. The real kindness is more reliable and more stable than the elusive feeling.

So it can be said that now Wright has been **** with the Silver Pegasus Legion. Anyone who wants to do something against him will have to consider whether he has the ability to respond to the climate. The Silver Pegasus Legion retaliates against him. Besides, it is said that this Wright is an extremely comprehensive sixth-order fighter himself. It seems to be very proficient in both long-range attack and close combat. So if you really want to provoke him, you must first weigh yourself. Just fine.

It seems very magical to say. In addition to the unusual relationship with Ophelia and the Silver Pegasus Legion, this Wright has also established a force that is now not to be underestimated!

Who could have imagined that in just three years or so, a mercenary regiment that initially had only two or three hundred people and started as an orphan was developed into a tens of thousands of members with a resident area larger than its origin What about a large mercenary regiment nearly twice as large as Balxus City?

Although the mercenary regiments of the same size in the past are amazing, they are not astonishing. But now the French Empire has been divided. Such an influential force is very small and has tens of thousands of well-trained mercenaries. The warrior's organization has become hot.

Not only that, Claudia also knows that the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps not only has a large number of mercenaries that can perform tasks, they even established their own academies to facilitate the collection of orphans and train new people!

If this model is placed in the prosperity of the French Empire, you may not see anything, but at this time, civil strife and a group of heroes split, and the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps may take this opportunity to imitate the mercenary country of Ladovia. Not sure!

Therefore, since the name Wright was gradually known, Nesser, as one of the main decision makers of the Sharak business group, began to consciously or unintentionally spread the news that Wright was the elder of the Sharak business group. It has become one of the selling points of the Sharak business group, so Zhang Yang, the elder of the cheap business group, actually contributed to the Shark business group.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is public or private, Claudia's respect for Zhang Yang can be said to be from the heart. It is only because Zhang Yang knows nothing about it, so he seems a little surprised.

"Miss Claudia made a serious statement. I don't know your identity in the Salak Group?"

"Elder Wright can just call me Claudia. As for the position, it is currently the person in charge of the Emerald City branch of the Salak Group."

I was a little surprised to hear Zhang Yang here. After all, in his impressions, most of them can be in this position. They will be the kind of old people who are older, at least they are also experienced middle-aged talents. It is rare for a young woman like Ya to be in this position.

"Admirable achievement."

"Your compliments make me dare not, compared with you, my score is really nothing. So who are these?"

Although Claudia is not very young, but the people she has come into contact with in her life are really not too small, so she saw from the beginning that the father and daughter of Mobati and Locke were definitely not mysterious. The elders and elders' followers, so there is only such a question.

However, Claudia's words suddenly stood on the side, and Mobati and Locke, who had been shocked by the news of Fang Cai, shivered, and subconsciously turned their eyes to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang didn't care about it, and still said lightly:

"Because I encountered a tricky thing before that caused the skin color to turn green, so I accidentally misunderstood the guard there when I was going to enter Pompeii through the Dead Sea Gate, which only troubled the Tasa Caravan Mixed in. And this Mr. Mobati is the leader of the Tasa Caravan, the young lady beside him is Mr. Moganna, the daughter of Mr. Mobati, and the other fighter is hired by the Tasa Caravan. Locke, the deer mercenary leader. "

Seven points of truth and two points of ambiguity plus one point of falsehood, Zhang Yang ’s remarks, even if he did n’t have any obvious flaws in his own words, but even though he spoke casually, the amount of information contained in it was a bit amazing Too.

Not to mention this, Claudia, who had just met, even Mobati's father and daughter, plus Locke, did not expect that the reason why this man needs to be mixed into their caravan by means of 'pretending to be dizzy', the fundamental reason is that it is' no "Be careful" with the guards of the Dead Sea Gate!

In this way, combined with what they found inappropriate when they passed the gate of the Dead Sea a few days ago, not to mention the extremely fast-moving Morgana instantly thought of what might happen, even Mobati and immediately were shocked. Seeing Zhang Yang do not know what to say.

If they did n’t guess wrong ... Not only did this man fight with dozens of magicians who were there and hundreds of warriors with the power of one person, but from the result, it seems that this man seems to ... ... uh ... seems to have won?

To be honest, Claudia was also taken aback by Zhang Yang's words, but she also saw a lot of strong winds and waves anyway, so although surprised, she did not seem so panic.

"Such a misunderstanding happened! Elder Wright, are you not injured?"

In fact, Claudia ’s two seemingly simple answers are actually not simple. Not only did she define the conflict between the two parties as a misunderstanding in the first sentence, but the second sentence clearly spoke to Zhang Yang, which maintained The flattering meaning is really obvious.

Zhang Yang naturally could hear what she meant, so he answered with a light smile:

"It was indeed misunderstood, but I paid attention to it in the battle. Although several magicians were slightly injured due to overcasting, they did not die because of this misunderstanding. So in general I can arrive smoothly Here, I would like to thank Mr. Mobati and the Tasa Caravan for their care over the past few days. "

Zhang Yang naturally understands why Mobati had to follow along, and why he always returned the seal of the Sharak Trade Group without mentioning it before, so now he simply pointed out the words, you do n’t want to be with Sha Does the Lak Merchants Group have any relationship? So now I will create this opportunity for you. As for how much benefit you can get from Claudia in the future, Zhang Yang will not care.

Claudia is an ice-smart person, and she often handles such incidents on weekdays, so she knows what she means by Zhang Yang. So just after Zhang Yang's words fell, Claudia turned to Mobati and others for a little while, then smiled and said:

"In this way, I really want to thank the elders of our group for taking care of this group of elders. For this, we will definitely give a generous gratitude to the Sharak business group. In terms of sentiment, in the future, if the Tassa Caravan makes a deal with our Jalake City Branch of the Sharak Commercial Group, not only can they enjoy VIP treatment, but they can also try out the overseas locations of our commercial group for free. ? "

Sometimes the smart people do n’t have to talk so thoroughly, and when they know each other, it ’s almost like putting the key points on the surface. And if there is a stunned young man asking what can be the key point? In fact, it is very simple. Interest is the weight to coordinate all these things, and it is also the most tangible thing in this world except strength.

Either Mobati or Moganna are naturally smart people, so after seeing Claudia ’s position, he readily agreed that his face had to show a ‘actually, I did n’t want this kind of return before’. The expression is fake, but this is the real reality.

"Since that's the case, please invite the three of you to the VIP lounge of our business group for a short break. After I have arranged a rest for Elder Wright, can we talk a bit?"

Merchants who value profits but at the same time also know the truth of asking for degrees, so Mobati and others who have already obtained the results they want naturally have no objections.

It was just that when Zhang Yang and they said goodbye to each other, he walked to Mo Ganna, who was somewhat depressed, and said softly:

"I am very happy to meet you, I hope your caravan can develop quickly. When there is a chance to go to the French Empire, you can go to Balxus to find me. Then I promise to introduce you to Neil Jielina. How do you know? "

"Really !? You can't count without talking!"

"Natural calculation, do you want to pull the hook?"

"Humph! Don't treat me like a kid! When the time comes, I'll take a caravan of more than 1,000 people to eat you!"

"Okay, that's all right. Then I will give you a last word. Try not to go to the death desert in the future. Either take a detour, or just take the waterway or change the route directly."


"can not tell you."

"you you you……"

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