The world of reincarnation without a job.

Many underground organizations looked at the eight-fingered people on the light screen with sympathy....

They were actually targeted by such a monster...

It's going to be cold now if not cold...

However, they have already cooled down, since Rudeus was exposed...

The business of the entire underground organization has plummeted, and many powerful adventurers have attacked them....

Now they can be said to be dead and disabled....

In a hotel somewhere, a leader of an underground organization...Looking at the lost unicorn arm...Sighed deeply.

It’s been such a sad time during this time....

Suddenly, desperate screams were heard in the distance...

"Boss! That damn adventurer is catching up again!"

The boss was so frightened that he shivered....

"Damn it! Run quickly!"

I'm afraid these people have a serious disease in their brains!

They have already washed their hands of themselves for a long time, and they are still chasing him. Do they have to send him to the guillotine?

If the adventurers hear this, they will definitely find someone for him. The name of God's apostle!

He can predict the future. He must be dealt with!

The boss:"???"..........

【Screen continues】

【Soliuxiang believes that Lord Sebastian's behavior has threatened the Great Tomb of Nazarick....】

【Hereby, she contacted Ainz directly through the scroll...】

【Suoliuxiang looked serious and said seriously:"Lord Ainz...Lord Sebas may have betrayed you!"】

【"Um.....ah? Eh?!!!"】

【Lao Gu was shocked when he heard the news for the first time. How could Sebastian betray him?】

【This is absolutely impossible! But what if he also wins a world-class item?】

【For a moment, I was so panicked. Is it possible that another 500 million will be spent?...】

【But he quickly regained his composure. He knew very well the loyalty of his children....】

【Only by understanding the situation can we draw conclusions...】...........

"Hahaha! Ainz’s reaction is so cute!"

"I've always seen him look aloof, but now his reaction is so cute..."

Countless people were surprised by Momonga's reaction, which made him a little more humane...

Empty nester:"When I heard the news, I was so frightened that my jaw almost dislocated. Fortunately, it was a false alarm...."

Bubble Teapot:"Brother Momoga~ Your jaw is often dislocated, isn't it?..."

Empty Nest:"......."

Peroroncino:"Flying Squirrel...I guess he didn't expect that Sebas was actually for a human woman...."

Second Style Yan Lei:"Sebas has reached the age where it’s time to find a wife...."

Ulbert:"I didn’t expect that Tachisan would set Sebastian up to be such a flirtatious guardian...."

Taqimi:"This...I didn't set it up for him...He relies solely on his own ability..."

All the Supreme Beings:"......."

Worthy of being the steward of Taqimi’s creations..............

【Screen continues】

【When Sebastian returned to the mansion, he met the Supreme Lord Ainz....and Demiurge and Cocytus....Wickedium...】

【This made him very panicked, and beads of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. It seemed that what he had concealed from Kirya was exposed....】


【Ainz snapped his fingers, looked at Sebas with a playful expression, and threw a handkerchief towards him....Let him wipe the sweat from his forehead...】

【Sebas remained motionless. After all, it was his own mistake, which could very well lead to a crisis in the Great Tomb....】

【Immediately afterwards, Kirya was brought to everyone by Suo Liuxiang...】

【However, as a human being, she did not run away immediately when she saw such a terrifying scene....】

【Because she has Sebas by her side...】...........

"The courage of the girl is amazing!"

"No, when I saw Ainz’s face up close, I was so scared that I cried!"

"but...Isn't this Ainz a little too good to be true?!"

"That seems a bit...Maybe it was a whim...." within the kingdom

"Mr. Sebastian...He won't be executed by Ainz-dono, right?..."

Nail Clipper Brian looked at the sky nervously, he didn't have a good impression of the big tomb.

But for Sebastian, that is equivalent to his master!

Naturally, I don’t want to see anything happen to him!

"nail...Mr. Bryan...Don't worry, Mr. Sebastian will be fine!"

Brem came to him and almost spilled the beans....

At this time, the Blue Rose Adventure Group followed...............

【Screen continues】

【Ainz put one hand on his lap and bent his body, sitting like a great man....】

【He admired the girl's courage very much, and then revealed his identity...】

【Kirya was so frightened and panicked, but she still pretended to be calm for the sake of Sebas’ face....】

【"kill her...Sebas!"】

【Ainz's ruthless words fell on the ears of the two of them. Sebas's eyes widened, he was sweating, his heartbeat kept accelerating, and he was confused and didn't know what to do....】

【"sebas...You are submissive to the Supreme Being...Forty-one's loyal dog?"】

【Ainz subconsciously used a neutral tone, but luckily he rounded it off in time....】

【Sebastian took a deep breath, knowing that this was his only chance, turned around and stared at the girl with murderous intent....】

【The terrifying murderous intention blasted toward Kirya like substantial air pressure!】


【At this time, Cocytus raised his hand to block Sebastian's attack....】

【This made Sebastian stunned, wondering what he meant!】

【Ainz confirmed his loyalty and promised not to kill her, and returned to the Great Tomb with Victim...】

【However, the last teleportation gesture completely revealed that the Ainz in front of him was not himself....】

【But the second prince...Pandora!】...........

Luffy:"Hahaha, it turns out to be Pandora, I laughed to death, this guy is so funny!"

Usopp:"He is the best in the whole tomb, and he can also change into the supreme form at will!"

Nami:"I don't know. How will the empty nesters react when they see this scene?..."

Xiaotiao Youliuka:"Teleport from above! Boom! Bang! Dark Prince, I recognize your actions!"

Inside the big tomb

"actually...My pliers hurt..."

Cocytus said calmly, and raised his paws to scratch....

"Feel sorry...I'm a little hard..."

Sebastian apologized flatly and lowered his head slightly....

On the throne.

The empty-nest old man's jaw was dislocated again, and the green light in his expression kept coming out....

"Damn it! What a shame!!!"

At this moment, he can't wait to find the prince and slap him on the butt twice!

He can't talk properly!

He covered his face with a boney face....I feel so shameless to see anyone!

Although he has no shame!...........

【Screen continues】

【Sebas took Kira outside. He did not ask for the girl’s forgiveness....】

【But she didn't blame Sebas...Instead, he was willing to die for him...】

【The girl even stood up on tiptoes and kissed Sebastian on the mouth, her face full of shyness...】

【This made Sebastian blush immediately. He was still a child, and he had never seen such a battle before!】...........

"Ahhhh!!! My Sebastian!"

"This woman is so hateful! I'm so sour!"

"How can it be repaired? Let him go! Come at me if you have anything!"

For a time, countless people from all over the world wailed....

Sebas is like the dawn of life in the hearts of girls...Who doesn't like such an old man!

Ling:"I am devoted to Lord Sesshomaru!"

Sesshomaru:"Me too...And I don't look like an old man..."

Rin:"I only like Ji..."

Daji:"Do you want me to go on a day trip to the government office?"...........

【Screen continues】

【Ainz returned to the mansion, and the obedient posture he was sitting in was definitely him!】

【Regarding the arrangements for Kiria's whereabouts, Sebastian wants to take her back to Nazarick...But he was rejected by Xiao Di...】

【Might as well come to work on his happy farm...】

【The two started to quarrel about this!】

【Ainz looked at them quietly, lost in the memories of Ulbert and Tachimi....】

【They used to quarrel a lot...】

【"Hahaha! That's it!"】

【Ainz was overjoyed, but as a burst of green light appeared, his emotions were suppressed again...Forced to be unhappy...】

【Daily care for empty nesters...】

【Ainz summoned Kira again...Looking at Kirya's face, I thought of Nia in the past....】

【finally...Kirya was arranged by Ainz to join the maid corps...】

【next day...Something happened to Sebastian's family when he returned from a collection trip....】

【Kyreya was actually captured again by the Eight Fingers, and left provocative words behind...】

【At this moment, even Sebastian, who had extremely good attributes, could not contain the anger in his heart, and a cold light flashed in his eyes....】

【They will pay the price for what they have done! 】

(ps: Thanks to chuyi for the reward, and thanks to 13515!

It will be restored in a few days!)

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