Good blessings to the world.

In the Adventurer's Guild in Novice Town, everyone is still reveling in the fact that Kazuma is on the list!

Especially the dragon knight Dastra and Shin were discussing whether to go to the succubus shop again at night.

"No, no, no...Megumin stares at me every day now..."

Kazuma kept looking around, whistling from time to time, as if he was discussing the philosophy of life with him....

Before Dust could reply, Aqua, who looked drunk, pulled Kazuma and joined the crowd....

After a while...

The drunk Kazuma was using his skills crazily, while Chris was crying and shouting that he must make this guy suffer in the future!

For example, don’t talk to him for a day!

At this moment, the changes in the light curtain attracted them

"Thief! ?"

"Are you talking about Chris?...Is it possible that she is not from this world?"

Chris was excited when he heard this. His identity must not be exposed....

"Haruhiro? I’ve never heard of this name. Is it from this world?"

Chris is a thief himself, so he is naturally more sensitive to this....

I hope this person is not a real thief but a professional name.............

Naruto world

"Thief? Could it be that this traveler is a bad guy?"

Naruto, who was eating ramen, stared blankly at these words.

If they were evil people, he could use words to influence them!

Those evil people like bandits and thieves were extremely excited when they saw this name appear!

Finally! They are no longer partners of justice!

This makes them feel that their career as thieves has a bright future!.............

The world of Grimgar in gray and fantasy.

In a desolate cemetery...

Haruhiro, Rande, Moguso, Meng'er, and Xihoru stood in front of a tombstone, looking lonely, with unspeakable sadness on their faces....

"Why...Manado will die!"

Lande clenched his fists furiously. He still can't believe that Manado will die....

What should they do next...

Just as Rand was about to turn around and leave, he heard Meng'er's exclamation, and he looked towards the sky.

The thief Haruhiro?

Isn't this the guy's name?

Why is he up there! ?

Haruhiro was even more confused. What the hell is this? Why is his name on it?

"We are from another world! ?"

He reacted immediately, but why didn't he have any memory of his previous life?!

Just when his mind was full of doubts, the light curtain began to show the picture...............

【Screen starts】

【In the dim room, the young man slowly opened his eyes and looked around blankly....】

【He stood up slowly, dressed in modern clothes, and made a sound...】

【"Is anyone around?"】

【As his words fell, there were sounds one after another around him. It was certain that there were many people in this room!】

【The young man walked towards the outside world. The stone door slowly rose into the sky, and the bright light shone on his face, which was actually a bit dazzling....】

【When he came outside, there was a group of people dressed the same as him...】

【Although they have common sense, their previous memories are not at all, as if they have been erased!】...........

"Sure enough, we are from Becoming World!"

"But why are our memories erased?"

"What kind of world is this! ?"

After traveling here, everyone realized that they were not the original residents here.

How did they come to this time? Could it be that they died in their previous life?

But no one can answer these questions for them...

Ordinary professional world

"He actually came to a different world together like us!"

Nanyun Shi's pupils shrank sharply. It was the first time he saw a group of people appearing together in another world.

But compared to them, he was much better!

At least they had the memories of their previous lives, and they had not been erased.!

Otherwise, he would not have the ability to create firearms. Without memory, his strength would be the same as most of the world!

Mobile Man World

"I didn’t expect that life would be very difficult without God’s blessing!"

The mobile phone man can imagine that he suddenly arrived in another world, there is no help, and even the memory has been erased!

This is almost no different from a newborn baby.

I just hope they can live well!

"Thank you Lord God for giving me all the attributes. I will definitely work hard to soak it up....alive..."

Mochizuki Dongye clasped his hands together and worshiped in the air. It was great to be able to take his mobile phone to another world!..........

【in the screen】

【The girls were in panic, fear struck their hearts, and they kept asking where this place was....】

【However, the arrogant young man pointed at the uncles wearing armor beside him....】

【The uncles took them to the Volunteer Corps Office...】

【Brittony, the director here, told them that this is a place called 'Grimgar'...】

【He told everyone the rules of survival here and gave each of them ten silver coins as the starting capital for coming here....】

【From now on, they will have to rely on their own efforts to survive....】

【The brown-haired boy subconsciously looked for his phone, but after a moment, his face was blank....】

【What is a mobile phone? Why is he looking for it?...】..........

Most people living in modern times are not used to it on their first day in a different world. After all, there is no mobile phone to kill time....

Kazuma:"Sure enough, this is a memory engraved in the bones of modern people!"

Mobile Phone Man:"My mobile phone is very powerful, and I can access the Internet in other worlds!"

Grandson of the Sage:"It's a pity that I don't have this knowledge, otherwise I can make a cell phone!"

Grimmul World.

Haruhiro's face was as red as blush, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Renji behaved perfectly as soon as he entered this world, confident and powerful, impeccable in every aspect!

However, he actually came up to look for his cell phone.

Now he deeply doubts that he was wrongly chosen by the light curtain and should not be on the list!

He is so weak, it takes all his strength to fight a goblin!

When he thought of Goblins, his face turned darker...............

【in the screen】

【Brittoni gave everyone advice, never give up...】

【Once you give up, you will definitely die!】

【"Congratulations...Starting today, you will be trainee volunteers...."】

【After a long time...】

【The boy teamed up with several people to fight against various inhuman races and monsters...】

【After this period of accumulation, they joined the guild and each learned the corresponding skills....】

【This is a fully professional team, no matter what it lacks!】..........

OverLord world

"Hahaha, this team is called a team, it’s so good!"

The empty-nest man felt joy from the bottom of his heart when he saw their team profession. He hadn't seen such a complete team for a long time.

This reminded him again of the past, when everyone worked together to form a team to guide and create until Nasari was defeated. It was built in Kedai Tomb!

I was really happy at that time...very happy...

But as time went by, each of them became busy with their careers, and some were even assassinated!

It would be great if they could get together again.............

【in the screen】

【In order to survive, they came to the wild to fight against monsters!】

【I saw goblins making a fire in the forest...】

【As a result, the opponent had a large number of people, including four goblins. Everyone chose to retreat. This level of difficulty was not something they could deal with now! 】

Goblins from the killing world:"This is the majesty of our goblins!"

Goblins from the underground world:"It always feels like we are the worst...."

Goblin:"Why do you always have to attack Goblins? They are so cute!"

Goblin:"Yeah! Our figures are not inferior to humans at all!"

Goblins in all worlds are worried, and some are worried. joy.

After all, it’s not like every goblin in the world is a mortal being like the one in the Brother Killing World!..........

【One day, a goblin became alone...】

【The six of them seized this opportunity and launched a siege together!】

【Rand wielded his long sword and attacked him violently, but after only a few moves, he was crawled by Goblin Gan....】

【"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"】

【Haruhiro ran very fast from behind, his eyes were like shooting stars, and he stabbed out with a dagger, but the goblin nimbly dodged it....】

【The two engage in a fierce battle!】

【Within a minute, Haruhiro was defeated and even bumped into Rand, causing the two to somersault!】

【Haruhiro regained consciousness and covered his head. Before he could fight back, he felt a burst of wind pass through his ears....】

【thump thump thump——】

【Meng'er's bow and arrow missed the goblin and almost sent her teammates away....】

【Damn it!】

【Why is this goblin so powerful and his ability to evade is beyond imagination!】

【Moguso's sword hit the Goblin hard, but it hit the tree and couldn't be pulled out....】

【"Jie Jie Jie——"】

【The goblin danced with laughter, looked at Sihoru behind him, and ran towards her as fast as he could!】

【Sihoru was unable to cast magic due to fear, but fortunately she was saved by Manado...】

【A drop of sweat dripped from Haruhiro's brow, and he held the dagger tightly....】

【"This goblin seems to be stronger than us...."】

【In the end, the six people fought a bloody battle and finally killed the goblin....】

Goblin:"Brother, I am...At that time, I was surrounded by a group of people. They went through a lot of effort to eat me to death...."

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