Shadow did not reveal his identity to Rose and the others, but instead beat them up and threw them out.

Audiences from countless dimensions failed to understand. do this...Is there any special purpose?

But no one could think of any reasonable explanation.

And not even the Alpha closest to him knew about it.

Look at this time, he wants to solve the Chamber of Commerce issues alone.

Even the Siyue Chamber of Commerce is included.

However, everyone had no opinion on this. On the contrary, they wanted to see the battle between Delta and Shadow.

That battle between beasts!


"shadow...The disguise is so good!"

The Bone King sat on the throne in an obedient posture, and his admiration for the shadow appeared in his empty eye holes. Thinking of himself, when he first came to this world, in order to collect intelligence safely, he wanted to hide his identity.

He was fully armed, Even his profession was changed to a warrior.

But he was still recognized by Demiurge at a glance.

It seems that his disguise is still far from good!

It would be great if he could learn one of the skills of the shadows.

World of Shadows Qiying and others felt a little heavy, and they still couldn’t figure it out....Why does Shadow hide his identity?

Obviously what he wants to do is to help them get out of the credit crisis

"...why did not you tell me?"

Alfa murmured in a low voice, feeling depressed.

At this moment, she felt as if something important was about to leave.

This feeling...It made her very uneasy and aggrieved.

Unlike Alpha and the others who were silent, Gouzi, who was scolded and hid in a corner, was in high spirits and his eyes were shining.

She finally has a chance to fight the BOSS!

【Screen continues】

【In the past few days, the plans of Shadow and Snow Girl have been carried out in an orderly manner....】

【The number of people who came to investigate counterfeit banknotes gradually increased, but none of them could bring out any information....】

【Because they are all assassins sent by the Great Chamber of Commerce Alliance, there is no reason to let them go....】

【In the snowy night, Shadow sat on the column as usual...】

【At this time, there was a breath of beast approaching rapidly from a distance....】

【Shadow looked out the window. There were waves in the snow, and a black shadow was hidden in it....】

【Shadow withdrew his gaze, closed his notebook, and quietly waited for the other party to arrive....】

【Delta locked onto the aura inside the train, revealing the ecstasy of the beast, and then ejected on the spot. It was like a cannonball blasting into the train, and the violent impact deformed the train....】

【The sharp black claws tear apart the space and attack the calm shadow...】


【The steel wire blocked the incoming attack, but Delta did not retreat. He pressed down with more force, but still could not tear the steel wire. Sparks from the friction between the two burst out around him....】

【Then, Shadow took back the notebook slowly and stood up gracefully....】

【At this moment, Delta changed the attack trajectory and slashed forward in the form of a slash....】

【But this action was completely seen through by the shadow. As the fingers beat, the steel wire changed flexibly, like a tentacle reaching for a grinning dog....】

【Delta was forced to move away, but no matter how he moved, the steel wire reflecting the moonlight was still in front of him, and it had not been pulled apart even half an inch....】

【She had always had a bad temper, and couldn't stand the feeling of being suppressed, so she simply stopped hiding, spread her legs, and suddenly exerted force on her waist. With the roar of the beast, she smashed into the overwhelming steel wire....】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【In an instant! Everything around this train was blown away, and the ruins were floating in the air....】

【"Are you trying to hit me over the head?"】

【Shadow looked up, Delta was hiding on the flying train roof....】

【She has a very keen sense of combat and knows not to fight him in a small place, so she can expand the combat range....】

【But this is a meaningless act for him!】

【The ten fingers beat faster, and the steel wires scattered everywhere suddenly straightened!】

【The next second, Shadow clenched the steel wire, and the scattered ruins instantly gathered together. Delta was squeezed into a ball, as if he was pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain and unable to move....】

Asking for flowers

【While she was struggling, the shadow came over and looked at her condescendingly....】

【"Crawling on the ground is the fate of beasts"】

【But seeing her in pain, he loosened the shackles of the loose steel wire....】

【Delta glared ferociously at the shadow, but then she smelled a familiar smell...】

【She leaned closer and twitched her nose, and the murderous intent in her eyes instantly faded away, and she once again turned into a silly dog ​​clinging to her master's side....】

【"I knew you would notice this first, but you don't need to know yet..."】


【Delta spread out his arms, rushed away from the ruins, and rushed towards the shadow with an innocent look on his face....】


【The shadow under the mask was speechless...Can you recognize this?】

【He went out of his way to cleanse his body of the smell!】

"The expression of the dog is so cute!"

"The invincible Lord Shadow was discovered by his subordinates for the first time, causing the pretense to fail. Hope everyone knows"

"Shadow underestimates how sensitive we orcs are to smells!"

Just take a bath and change the perfume.

Even if the other party takes a dip in Laoba Pond, they can smell it!

【Screen continues】

【After being seen through, Shadow stopped pretending, took off his blindfold and started chatting with Delta....】

【After confirming that the boss was John, Delta also wanted to go back and inform Alpha, but was grabbed by Shadow....】

【After being coaxed and deceived by Shadow, Delta also set his sights on Gargano from the Black Tower in the lawless city....】

At this moment, Gagno, who was helpless in the city, widened his eyes, sweated on his head, and panicked.

"Hey Hey hey! Shadow, you don’t play like this!!!"

They have no grievances and no grudges!!!

Oh no!...He attacked Shadow's sister and almost killed her.

Haha, are you sure you won't die now?.

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