JOJO world.

Dio and Jotaro Kujo, who were having the final battle, were stunned when they heard this.

She just said Dio, right?

"Hahaha! Did you hear that? Jotaro!"

At this moment, Dio is simply too high!

That's right!

He is the ultimate creature that surpasses everyone else and the Substitute! He is truly the strongest in the world!

"Jotaro, this battle is over!!!"

The horn of victory has already sounded for him!

Jotaro...Platinum Star, that’s it for now!

"Smash Varudo!!!"

In the next nine seconds, he will use all his firepower!

Naruto World.

Akatsuki Organization.

Seeing Aurora's ultimate move come to an abrupt end, Deidara also froze, and his smile disappeared instantly.


There is no picture of the artistic explosion. Appeared?

He was waiting for that moment!

But nothing happened.

Shadow World.

Seeing this scene, Claire bit her lip and was very upset!

She couldn't bear Aurora's magic power, and her body Collapse first.

It was clear that with that move, the Blood Queen's crisis could be easily solved.

But she was holding back at the critical moment?

She is still as useless as ever.

I thought that after practicing so far, I could help Sid.

To In the end, she is still the useless sister who only waits for others to save her.

But she will not give up!

Sooner or later, she will be able to practice enough to keep up with the Seven Shadows!

Holy Land

"Oh, I almost broke his sister's body, sorry, sorry."

Aurora stuck out her tongue playfully.

It seems that she can't use such force next time.~

【Screen continues】

【Beta hurriedly stepped forward to check Aurora's condition. Fortunately, only her hand was broken, and there were obvious injuries everywhere on her body....】

【Seeing this miserable situation, Beta was furious. What if Claire did something wrong?...】

【She went to see Lord Shadow without saying anything...】

【"I'm talking about you!"】

【"Oops, a minor injury like this can be cured right away"】

【Aurora disagrees...】

【In her mind, as long as it's not a fatal blow, it's just a minor injury....】

【"You should be able to do it too, right?"】


【Beta was stunned. He had never tried it before....】

【As she spoke, the Queen of Blood, whose body had been torn apart by Aurora before, took the opportunity to return to her original state....】

【The sky is once again covered with blood clots...】

【Aurora didn't have much time left, but she showed a reassuring smile....】

【"Don't worry, that's enough"】

【A cloud of blood mist surrounded Aurora, returning to Claire's appearance...】

【her job is over...】

【Because he's coming...】

【The intricate green and purple tracks cut through the blood-red sky, and a dark figure fell from the sky!】

【As quiet and beautiful as the night sky, the slime windbreaker hung down, creating an unparalleled impact that swept the entire audience....】

【When the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone saw a shadow shimmering with golden light, and an invisible aura filled the air....】

【That is the glory of gold coins...】

The world of chuunibyou

"Wow! So cool!!!"

Seeing this handsome appearance, Rikka's eyes lit up, and he excitedly stirred up the cloak behind him.

Then he half-hided his face and began to chant a mantra.

Tou Shou scattered plastic gold coins behind him

"You guys...!"

Dan Shenggu covered his face, wanting to complain but not knowing where to start.

And she was a little confused, why did Shadow bring so many gold coins?

Could it be that he ransacked the vampire vault?

No, no, no, that’s definitely not the case!

How could Shadow do such a thing as sneaking into the treasury while his subordinates were fighting a bloody battle? shadow:......

You are such an accurate judge of people!

【Screen continues] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Beta was overjoyed to see Lord Shadow, and the love, admiration and trust in his eyes were revealed unabashedly....】

【The uneasiness in my heart disappeared in an instant, and the whole person relaxed...】

【It seems that as long as he is around, all problems are no problem...】

【The mere Blood Queen is no match for him!】

【Beta is so sure!】

【At this moment, the Queen of Blood also felt how unfathomable the dark man appeared in front of her. Her eyes that had been squinting suddenly opened, releasing a pressure that was far greater than before....】

【Her eyes flashed with scarlet blood, and the thick magic power spread...】

【The next moment! Countless blood arrows hit the shadows, both in speed and power, at a level that no one else could catch....】

【However, what appeared in those dark eyes was a hint of indifference....】

【Then the swaying jet black robe shot out countless tentacles, easily crushing the opponent's attack, and even stabbed the back of the Blood Queen's head with strange trajectories....】

【But it was eaten away by the blood mist that I had been prepared for....】

【Later, more swift and violent blood-red tentacles penetrated down like spears....】


【Accompanied by violent collisions, the pitch-black robe was split, and countless gold coins were shattered into gold nuggets....】

【It looks extremely dazzling in this dark night...】[]

【Shadow frowned slightly and expanded his offensive....】

【In an instant, bright red and pitch black formed two worlds with a singular point of violent collision....】

【This battle beyond common sense has already fascinated several people in the rear....】

【Mary couldn't believe it, there was someone who could rival Lady Elizabeth in the world....】

Unable to city

"`.I'm really a frog in the well."

Mary smiled bitterly.

How could Lady Elizabeth compete with the strongest in the world?

【Rose looked shocked, Shadow was indeed stronger than the Calamity Witch...】

【But Beta's attitude was completely different. His blue eyes were full of confusion....】

【Why does Lord Shadow just keep fighting with each other?】

【At such a short distance, Shadow is enough to kill the opponent in an instant...】

【And the next second, there was a shock above the head. Beta heard the sound and looked around, and saw that the bright red was shattered by the darkness....】

【Then look at the companions around you...】

【Now I realize that they are all being protected by Lord Shadow...】

【Protect them who cannot move...】

【"No matter how heavy it is, I can't lose any of it!"】

【These firm words impacted Beta’s mind....】

【The love in her heart completely overflowed, her legs trembled, and she looked at that generous back with a rosy face....】

【Your kind heart shines brighter than gold...】

【"Big Shadow (Li Haozhao)......come on! come on!!!"】

【Tears welled up in my eyes...】

【The girl's heart-rending screams broke through the sky...】

【They don't deserve to pay so much for Lord Shadow...】

【We can no longer continue to be a burden and hinder the footsteps of the shadows....】

At this time, Beta in Shadow Garden was already crying.

He kept murmuring Shadow's name.

At the same time, I blame myself very much and regret why I am so powerless.

If she were stronger, there would be no need for Lord Shadow to clone herself to protect herself.

"What you've done is good enough."

Alfa patted her shoulder softly.

The Blood Queen was more powerful than they imagined.

If it were in its heyday, Beta would have already fallen.

"Lord Alpha...I want to become stronger!"

Beta wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, her eyes unwavering.

Next, she will practice harder than before!

Not only her, but others too. Just so that she no longer holds the shadow back.

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